
Weaponization Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Pretty much any tool can be made into a weapon."
"We need to make sure that we are getting to the bottom of the weaponization of the federal government."
"My first experience of this, my first knowledge of existing, was as a weapon to humiliate and degrade women."
"Ignorance could be weaponized as much as any form of knowledge."
"Social media is not a weapon on its face; it's a powerful force that can be weaponized."
"I am tired of communities of faith being weaponized and being mischaracterized because the only time religious freedom is invoked is in the name of bigotry and discrimination."
"If that's not the weaponization of government, I don't know what is."
"It's a quirk of military history that whenever humanity enters a new domain or develops a new transforming technology, there's usually at least a small window before it is weaponised."
"It's the weaponization of the justice system."
"They're being weaponized against the American people..."
"Russia is weaponizing migrants against NATO... shoving them across the border into Finland."
"Bad guys can weaponize anything they can weaponize the simplest law or a complex law."
"The idea that our own bodies or the bodies of those around us could be weaponized in some way is a deep instinctual fear."
"Hip hop is a culture, but it's been weaponized against us."
"I see the weaponization of AI as inevitable."
"The most threatening weapon of all is behavior."
"The company will take the alien to Earth to make weapons."
"In environments where critique is highly valuable, it's crucial to know if it's genuine or weaponized."
"They turned him into a weapon until they just turned him into nothing but that."
"No, we didn't do anything wrong, it's that the right people, the people on the right, they keep weaponizing this thing, they keep pouncing."
"Humanitarian supplies being used as a weapon of war cannot be justified."
"The most weaponized political prosecutorial system."
"When you weaponize government and now you're weaponizing networks, that is wrong."
"Ninetales can serve as a powerful weapon, capable of burning out a small island nation in the Pacific Ocean."
"I think pretty much everyone I've met here sees it as like the weaponization of human rights."
"Weather wars... the greatest weapon ever created."
"If you had some sort of weapon that would threaten the entire planet... you could basically rule the planet."
"A shameful case of weaponization of a government agency for political purposes and suppression of the truth."
"The destruction of somebody's digital identity... the weaponization of that."
"Using science as their most powerful weapon."
"The greatest weapon you have is to provide love to them."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's what made everybody be like, 'We can't weaponize that one.'"
"A tool that's abused is no longer a tool; it's a weapon." - Eric Adams
"Pornography is actually used as a weapon of war."
"As crazy as it sounds, it appears the Japanese have weaponized the bubonic plague. The Black Death, the very name conjures up images of pain and suffering."
"What would you do? Make a weapon, a sword?" - The Batman Who Laughs
"It's sophisticated, it's weaponized, it's worth a fortune."
"You see, you can break it and that's supposed to be able to kill things in Subnautica."
"Every technological breakthrough has been weaponized."
"If you start using it to weaponize and oppress other people, I take issue with it."
"Anything can be turned into a weapon in the wrong hands."
"Portable Eternal Darkness like that can definitely be weaponized."
"It's just a matter of time before they become soldiers and are weaponized, you know. In fact, look where we are. It's all in the name. What's another name for male honeybees like the ones in the book? Right, you got it, drones."
"It blew my mind that Wade was captured and used as a weapon."
"It's like a dick that can kill people. Okay, that's kind of cool."
"We must be careful never to adopt these tactics... they did, swallowed them whole, weaponized them."
"Anything can be used as a weapon."
"...religion is becoming a big thing that's tied into politics with it often being weaponized."
"These weapons are only good in killing people. They should not be an instrument of power. They should not be an instrument of status because they are not and they are generally not useful in any way."
"What do you think happens when you turn our transparency into a weapon?"
"Yeah, that word is is a weaponized, it's just so many terms that the left uses, they just weaponize one, I wear this [__] with a badge of honor, I'm a toxic man, I'm not a feminine, progressive voting dude."
"He’s such a proficient killer that there was once a project aimed at weaponizing Able, but this turned out to be a disastrous failure for the Foundation."
"this feels like it should have been another franchise entirely where you're weaponizing dinosaurs"
"Cyber is a weapon, and you can do some pretty nasty things with it."
"It's been weaponized... it's genuinely toxic and has made a big difference."
"The fact that there is an accumulation of uranium enriched at very very high levels does not automatically mean that you have a nuclear weapon."
"A person's inner power to be materialized into a weapon."
"You will encounter some form of neurocognitive science that has been weaponized not only in your military career but in your personal and professional lives."
"They're using our music against us as a weapon."
"Starvation is being used as a weapon against children in Yemen on purpose."
"...they're sometimes weaponized to destroy people who have made mistakes but who really don't deserve to be destroyed."
"The abomination is a monster, a terror against society, but now it is a weapon."
"Extreme tolerance became a weapon."
"They are weaponizing stupidity, and people have sunk to such a level that they can't handle satire."
"Can we stop using homosexuality as a weapon against men, black men in particular?"
"The weaponization at the highest level of the government institutions."