
Relationship Communication Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Quality time is how he feels love. It's different than like, 'Oh, that's fun. I like getting gifts.' But do you feel fulfilled and loved?"
"We have a DTR (Define The Relationship) where we ask, 'How have I made you feel loved this week?' and 'What can I do better?'"
"It perfectly captures the tone and feeling of two people who care about each other just having a failure of communication."
"Your job as a partner is to communicate with your significant other and make them feel comfortable enough to trust you."
"Have an open, honest conversation about what each of you considers cheating."
"Communication is just so freaking important."
"Intimacy is when I feel safe enough with my partner to tell her everything that I am thinking and or feeling without her having to ask for it."
"Be open, honest, and transparent. Lay it all out on the table with no expectations."
"Really starting to your point about kind of small promises starting with setting the intentions."
"Words matter: 'I love you' never goes out of fashion."
"You end up pushing your partner away with certain statements."
"Your person wants to say, 'How can we get things back on the level? Is everything okay between us?'"
"Assuming the other person comes forward from a place of emotions, not strategy, not plan, authenticity."
"In connections and relationships, that's why I always say it's important to just say it how it is from the get-go, you know."
"Every girl I date obviously, you know, I make sure that they're aware of that, that I'm a high-value male."
"When you like somebody, I believe it's important to tell them right up from the get-go."
"It's such a powerful place to even just have a conversation with a partner in when you're dating and to take the love language test to see does this person do I like giving love in the way this person likes receiving love?"
"They've been cooking up emotions on how they're going to express something to you."
"I just want to let him down easy and not have him flip out, be honest with him, because you're about to do things that are going to make things better."
"I would just appreciate it if you didn't do that, like that makes me a little bit uncomfortable."
"Texting with you is a casual way to do it they don't risk a lot and it could very well mean that they are interested in getting back together."
"You might be sharing some really good news with your person."
"They realize that in order to have this with you, they are going to have to finally open up."
"There's love coming in, and I feel like whoever this is, they put a lot of thought into this message."
"I'm ready for the results, and I'm hoping during that process, whatever it is, respect the fact that she needs and deserves to know."
"I didn't want to text this. I love you, and I can never talk to you."
"Red flags are just conversations that need to be had."
"Communication is essential with your partner."
"Direct communication is so important in relationships. If you want or need something from your partner, ask for it."
"If you can't have those conversations with your lady or your guy anyhow, like, maybe you're right, don't get married."
"I just want us to connect like we used to, can't we just open up and find reasons to celebrate each other?"
"You can choose to react however you want when you engage in the emotional tornado that is your girl."
"Learning to get down to the deeper issues is absolutely key cuz it completely stops if you're that guy that engages at the surface level argument."
"Radical honesty: the only chance two people have to be radically honest with one another."
"Clearing up the air is super super important."
"If you are going into a relationship with a Pisces, you better be ready to ask a lot of questions. They're not going to tell you everything that's on their mind."
"There's a difference between saying 'I feel like I'm not getting any love from you' and 'I don't love you, you've never shown me love.'"
"Honestly, when you both just communicate how you feel about each other."
"Text your girl good morning, because the first and last thing are the most important."
"Trust your girlfriend enough to share your emotions with her. If she's the most important thing in your life, you should be able to go to her with your emotions."
"I've been really, really focusing on work lately, but part of that is spurring me to want to come sailing towards you and communicate with you."
"I think one major thing, like communication, talking to your partner, anything that bothers you."
"If you're in a relationship and you're not 100 satisfied in the bedroom and you've been keeping it to yourself you need to have this conversation with with your person."
"This is a great time to look into ways to communicate with your partner to feel closer to them."
"Marriage is hard and we have that stress removed so I've been able to speak with her and have it be comfortable."
"Learning and being willing to communicate at your partner's level."
"Communication about sex is often neglected in relationships."
"Communication is key... Communicate, utilize airplane mode instead of the block button..."
"You may have to be the one that starts the conversation off and says where do we stand on this because I'm fully invested. I want to know if you're fully invested too."
"I think you could be wifey. But when you're not listening with intentional ears, it will sound to you like a marriage proposal."
"You don't want to stay apart from one another, Ace of Swords coming through. So, here's that communication, lots of communication going on, growing attraction for sure."
"Spend the week before sending flirty messages, flirty texts, like really kind of get into the rhythm of being away from each other but being connected."
"One of the last things they wanted to tell you is that they have been holding back on purpose."
"If you want to be my man, just talk to me nice."
"They've been holding back, but now want to express their feelings."
"Your woman should never have to ask you what are your plans during a crisis."
"Nothing better than just having proper communication and clarity in your relationship."
"They want a fresh start with you. They want to let you know that they are aware that they took too long."
"Value you for who you are and they've obviously talked about this...this is good."
"Your person really wants you to know that they're trying their best."
"This conversation before you get married is going to be a lot easier than after you got married."
"I know for a fact communication I'm gonna be like 10. she's gonna be like no [ __ ] you don't listen to it."
"She feels the most loved when you keep your word."
"They want you to open up a little bit more because they can't tell how you feel. They can't read you emotionally."
"I actually value rather being honest with me as opposed to either lying to me or just saying yes for the sake of it."
"Assume your partner's perspective and take a guess at how they might experience the statement you're planning to make."
"Surely they want to have difficult, shitty talks. But if you're in a good relationship, there is nothing to dread."
"All I have to do is be honest with him about how I feel."
"Understanding these things as individual parts, we are then able to recondition what's not serving, learn what the needs are, and then communicate them to partners or loved ones in a healthier way."
"Emotional intelligence allows a man to understand and empathize with his partner's feelings, fostering emotional connection and communication in the relationship."
"Communication is the key in relationships."
"These are important conversations that we should have when we are still dating."
"Don't just let it go like this between us. Let's talk about it well. Don't cry."
"It talks about the way people receive and give love."
"It all starts and ends with you both of you being willing to be open and compassionate, and quiet with one another."
"Something really important in your relationships is being able to talk to each other without getting mad at the other person for having the audacity to be hurt."
"If a man tells you he's not looking for anything serious, you must believe him the first time he says it."
"Discussing what you are okay with and not okay with in your relationship is so important."
"Physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, gift giving, and acts of service."
"It's important to know that and then they should know how you feel loved the most."
"If we are ever uncomfortable with anything, we tell each other and we make changes, and we always put our love and our marriage first."
"Consistent communication... when he's willing to embrace your desired level of communication and be consistent, that’s a very good sign he wants a serious relationship."
"He's willing to express to you how he feels about you."
"Imagine how many marriages would have been saved if both partners were actually honest about how they felt in their relationships."