
Relationship Impact Quotes

There are 265 quotes

"We believe that pornography is not good. It negatively impacts your brain and negatively impacts your relationship."
"I feel like the second we got together is when I fully started to get my life back on track."
"Thank you. They really thank you because they grew so much from this relationship."
"If you're not happy in your intimate relationship, you're not happy."
"Give birth to your dreams... this relationship is going to trigger you to give birth to your dreams."
"She went from being depressed to very happy, dancing, singing something I hadn't seen in forever."
"Pornography addiction absolutely is affecting intimacy."
"When you feel love for yourself, for life, or for the moment, every single person that you have a relationship with will begin to affect their autonomic nervous system."
"If I take your time pretending to be someone I'm not, you're going to hate me for it. But if I'm honest up front, you might not like it, but you can respect it."
"That is a burden I don't want to put on you."
"They think that you're just like the most amazing thing on the planet."
"If sleeping in the same bed is resulting in one or both parts not getting enough sleep, which means you have less empathy, less sense of humor, less tolerance to a whole host of different things."
"You can win the argument and totally lose the soul you're after."
"People who are the more desirous partner often experience low self-esteem, lower self-worth, lower sense of joy, completion, lower sense of satisfaction in their marriage."
"Understanding the true nature and character of God will make a difference in your relationship with Him."
"This person is awakening you from your shell to help you feel protected even without it."
"You destroy all the stagnant energy in their lives, complete transformation."
"Stress is the thing that causes the most pain physically for us mentally emotionally, and it causes relationships to die."
"I love it when God takes a couple and uses their journey to touch the lives of millions."
"They remember you as someone that made them mature, like they went from being a boy to a man or a girl to a woman through you."
"They deeply wish to be authentic with you - turning over a new leaf, completely transformed by your presence."
"There's nobody else in this world that is ever going to teach you and grow you like this person."
"Love like ours can change the world, the differences you have will create a ripple of change."
"Your connection makes them so happy because they've always kind of felt like an outsider."
"They feel like this emptiness, this space, your absence, this is representing the absence of you."
"As a man, I can't say I'm struggling, because then that makes me unmanly, right? Marriages are breaking by the way."
"How do I live? How do I breathe? When you're not here I'm suffocating."
"Don't make your kids pay for what happened with you in your relationship."
"My boyfriend stopped smoking weed like 2/3 months ago, and I am noticing that his behavior is different."
"They still feel very emotional about it when they think about you, even still."
"A nightmare that was about to play out in real life."
"In the beginning, you feel like you're never going to be okay and you're always going to want this person back. And as the time goes by slowly day by day, parts of you start to forget about what it was like being so in love with them."
"They do want you to feel happy, and they feel like their happiness is being affected by the lack of you in their life."
"That special moment can never be redone, and it's going to hold a lot of resentment in the future if you ruin it for her."
"Their relationship helps him grow to see a bigger picture."
"They admire your generosity, stability, and devotion."
"He knew what would happen, he knew what it would do to her, and he did it anyway."
"Your person's just bummed out, they're bummed out."
"I've lost them so much as a woman and as an individual since I've met him and for that I'll forever be grateful with or without him in my future."
"She just filled a lot of me that was lacking."
"Avengers director Joss Whedon is developing an HBO series called the Nevers about a gang of Victorian women with unusual abilities."
"Emotionally, things start to click for you and you're probably going to be very thankful to a partner at the time."
"He's the best version of himself for her, not for the world."
"Bromances coupled with casual sex threaten long-term relationships with women" - All roads lead to misogyny.
"Judge all things against the impact on our relationship."
"I hope you understand this was the right thing for me to do. I don't want you to feel left behind in my endeavors. Don't look down on me for what's to come." - Mysterious Pink Box Sender
"Wasn't that a master class on marriage, absolutely powerful, I love it."
"I am who I am today because you really changed."
"Every connection surprises you and changes you."
"Forgive yourself for the times that you were depressed after a heartbreak and forgive yourself for maybe not being the best version of yourself in that relationship."
"He's everything that I'm not. He makes me so much better. I feel like life didn't even start until I met him."
"It's going to be a very life-changing experience for you with this person."
"She has been a medicine, a balm that makes all of this possible."
"They see you as an incredibly special person."
"Your love has completely wrapped this person around into a new way of living."
"Your love of your life will put everything into perspective for you."
"Your person feels that you were that luck that just came into their life."
"You've helped this person grow even if you haven't known them very long."
"Looking back, what are the experiences that you had during your relationship journey that led you to becoming the best version of yourself?"
"You made my life happier than I thought possible."
"Unhealthy expressions of anger ultimately block off opportunities for love and connection."
"You are like a beacon of light in this person's life."
"They feel much more alive, happy, uplifted when they think of you."
"You were just like pure joy for this person here."
"You're gonna make him feel so good about himself that he's going to say, 'This woman right here is what I've been missing all my life.'"
"Relationship satisfaction at age 50 is the single greatest predictor of Health at age 80."
"We were a family, a team before Sarah came along."
"This connection is gonna make you more wise."
"Every day of her life is beautiful because of him."
"A good woman can inspire you to go even further."
"Sometimes you don't realize yeah what shutting up can really do because you think like how can i hurt anybody if i'm not talking yeah you know yeah and you're hurting them the most by not talking."
"Memories survived; you're already making memories."
"They realize now that no other person could ever replace you."
"Here you come and you really change the game for them."
"They feel a sense of security, self-worth, and importance with you."
"The image of their picture-perfect marriage was shattered by gunfire."
"Favoritism isn't cool. It can ruin relationships."
"You have evolved, love is a fire you set their heart on fire and the soul."
"It feels like this is completely temporary... it's not supposed to be out here ruining relationships..."
"Your shift in energy divine feminine has actually catalyzed this person into a spiritual awakening."
"This is like a love of a lifetime, it's a love that's so deeply moving like it's completely changed their perspective, their worlds, how they see everything."
"You have brought this person incredible amounts of peace."
"One little bit of contact with them can start the whole destructive cycle over again."
"The ultimate life hack guys is finding the right partner in life."
"True spiritual consequence of living with a narcissist is that you are no longer looking for pleasure, you are no longer seeking love, you're just trying to survive."
"Porn doesn't make you free. It actually enslaves you, warps your brain, and messes up your relationships."
"The worst that happens in an MLM is you walk away losing money, losing so much time, having damaged relationships, and feeling like a complete failure."
"People you meet throughout your lifetime might help you way more than people you've known for your whole life."
"Real love requires that the person have a better life as a result of being intersected with you."
"Your inner circle speaks to who you will be."
"I wanted to be vaccine buddies with you. I wanted to share the same substance coursing through our veins but you won't, so I can't see you."
"If she is not okay, your children are not okay."
"Does this act bring us closer or will it actually pull us further away?"
"If you are hooking up with a man who is not your husband, you are numbing your body from pleasure as well."
"All the girls are in a circle and my ex-girlfriend, she's crying, she's like 'Quickie I just miss you so much, I just want to be with you ever since you broke up all I could think about is you.'"
"He realizes that he had been the one haunting Alice, he can't just blame everything on Scratch."
"We have to take personal responsibility for all the relationships we engage in because they have a huge impact on our lives."
"Securely attached people make your nervous system feel calmer."
"I'm very thankful that I got the ten thousand dollar date."
"What I'm seeing is like your person just feeling very powerful when it comes to you, their thoughts, their feelings about you is just like very powerful."
"When you see your significant other living their dream... it makes you want that for yourself too."
"In each moment, you are either creating or destroying relationship security."
"With you, without you in my life, things just aren't the same."
"Twin flame connections: more than a love story, a powerful catalyst for change."
"I just wanted to really say thank you for that, for making... I don't think he's gonna quit."
"The person that you are married to can cause you to age faster."
"Two people fell in love and created something much bigger than either of them would have created alone."
"You make them feel safe, and they're different in your presence."
"Assumption is the motherfucker of all things."
"Just being able to talk to him and see him with a clear mind... it showed me where I needed to be."
"This person does make you step outside your comfort zone... but you're willing to try for them."
"The worst thing that I've ever done is hurt you."
"You are wasting your life, you are destroying great relationships and destroying families with this foolishness you carrying on."
"Lies destroy trust, create doubts, and can undermine our life-saving determination."
"You think you're going to just forget this person and move on like they're nothing? Well, what about all of these insane unexplainable experiences you had with them, ego?"
"You are their happiness, you are their successful outcome."
"Men will tell you, if your wife ain't happy, everything will start going downhill."
"I definitely feel like I let... my relationship kind of take over my brand."
"They should be blessed that I'm into them because I don't, yeah, I lived a crazy life."
"The few women I have loved haven't changed my values. You have to be real to yourself to be able to accept others. Thanks for being you."
"Someone's love will make you glow up just by the way they love you."
"If you're completely secure with who you are then it changes your relationships with everyone and rich is not at all insecure he's not at all cocky or overly confident but he's secure with who he is and that's I think his best quality."
"This person regrets every single day the way they treated you."
"Changing yourself gets reflected back to you."
"The absence of self-control may lead to financial instability, marital discord, and ultimately divorce."
"Love wins, and that's really what at the essence of all of this, beyond all the fluffiness of it. That is the separation."
"Your person sees you as someone who really changed the way that they view romantic partners."
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know what I was causing you."
"Healthy connections can shape your way of being in the world."
"I lost a lot of male friends when I got with him because I couldn't really go out with them anymore."
"Be aware that this relationship is indeed fated and you are meant to evolve into a better version of yourself as a result of it."
"Reputation is the most valuable thing a man can build... The partner they choose to be with should increase his status."
"She brought so much love, joy, and understanding into my life."
"I didn't even know I was missing something until I met you."
"When I am with you, you bring out the best part of me."
"The deepest love will change you into a better person."
"They know they brought a lot of chaos into your life."
"Even the past relationships can be used to save you for a brighter future."
"I really messed up something great. I truly am sorry. I was wrong."
"My life won't be as good as it is without her."
"Relationships extend beyond mere social connections or casual interactions. They are more than that; they hold profound influence."
"When that fire leaves the fireplace, stuff starts to burn down, doesn't it? Our own lives, our own guilt, our own relationships."
"The Twin Flame journey is a catalyst for change."
"If I did something that deteriorated the way you felt about me, that's that."
"I didn't know your absence would hurt so bad."
"The right person will make you confront the parts of you that need to be confronted."
"That guilt of losing a good woman... that guilt will eat you alive."
"You move accordingly when you have things to lose. The right person can either make or mess up everything you've built."
"I can't stop staring at her and she just makes me so happy."
"The best gift parents can give a kid is for them to have a happy relationship."
"You're the love of my life, you make me want to be a better person."
"Parental abuse and neglect can prime you to be a secondary partner to somebody you love."
"Marriage itself is the most reliable happiness indicator."
"Something has come to light in this connection which has really shifted the dynamic."
"I think it's damaging men actually because I met men now that are so terrified of being seen as you know a rapist like I know guys literally they've been single for years."
"My husband didn't know when I began doing this, but he felt so much more appreciated and valued."
"Realize that one negative comment might mean the absence of two or three years of romance."
"You came into their life like a dream come true, shining and lighting up their whole world."
"Relationships affect everything - health, happiness, depression, anxiety."
"This connection may be giving you a different perspective on your life."
"You might want to tell your girl she might sleep alone tonight."
"Your relationship is going to be the reason why people believe in karma."
"Your person feels like you put them onto spirituality. You inspire them to connect more with Spirit."
"Cake love is great, it's the best thing to happen to my love life."
"You've made some serious transformation, and I feel like they've always found you very enchanting, but I feel like even more so now with the changes you've made. It's like really incredible to them."
"You were the one that got away for this person."
"Are you becoming someone a slightly better version of yourself than you used to be because of them?"
"If you're not happy with yourself you cannot make anybody else happy."
"Your person has grown exponentially from this love of your connection."
"He tells her he lied about being a video game programmer."
"I'm really trying hard so that one day I can be there for you emotionally. And even if we never meet again, I want you to know that I will never love anyone like I love you."
"The biggest mistake that I made was pushing you into the place that you were in right now."
"It's big, dude. I've never lived with a girlfriend so can I ask you how it feels now that your life is over? Do you not feel like it's just beginning?"
"A lot of the pain you're experiencing has to do with attachment trauma from early childhood. It's not just about the breakup; it's about past wounds surfacing."
"Toxic productivity can lead us to burnout in our work, our lives, our relationships, even our finances."
"We need to stop just looking at lists of food and hearing tidbits of information and getting more and more confused."
"MLMs ruin relationships, even ones that aren't very close."
"For me, this is going to make her so much happier."
"Love is such an incredible feeling... knowing that everything's better when they're around in your life."
"I don't feel lonely anymore, wow, this is how your person's life is completely changed and yours as well."
"You stand out above all others, making them feel whole and happy."
"I thought having a boyfriend would make it hard for me to get my self-confidence back because it would just solely be relying on his opinion of me. But he made me feel so special, so beautiful, and really helped me get my self-confidence back."
"Bad theology is more toxic than anything in a relationship."
"Words really are powerful man... you love me, you were really consistent."
"If somebody cheats on you, they broke that trust that you can never get back at the end of the day."
"Social media has [__] up the whole relationship game."
"I feel very positive and good. Don't get me don't get it twisted because it was really serious to me, you know, it was a big part of my for never world, my world was that relationship and a lot of the different things involved."
"This person really just changes your life, almost makes you feel as though they brought you to life."
"There's something about this connection where, as a result of having these experiences or just meeting each other, even if it was brief, you were no longer the same person."
"Make sure you're asking yourself the most important question: Are the people in my life making me happy?"
"That love brought us our family, our children, and our grandchildren. If that's not magic, I don't know what is."
"You helped me. I wouldn't be this more wise, more advanced, more evolved version of me without you putting me through that [ __ ]."
"There's something about your interaction with this person that is inevitable."
"It took some time, but I do see clearly now the chaos that this creates in my life and in your life perhaps is really scary."
"Ludwig and QT Cinderella's relationship has positively impacted the broader streaming community."
"From our private experience, when we find a partner, it changes the meaning that we assign to our existence."
"Once you've lied like that... it's hard to believe you."
"Esther comes out in the open and reveals who she really is to her husband."
"The future of some of the people you love might be at stake."
"Your scars are on their hearts, not their faces."