
Typing Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"There's something very magical about typing it out because it starts the learning process in your mind."
"Typing... is actually the skill that I use every single day."
"I don't necessarily see like a difference in my finger fatigue at the end of the day or anything like that, but it is just like more comfortable to type on."
"With Typewise, you make four times fewer typos thanks to the larger keys, all important punctuation marks are in one place."
"Once you start typing on this thing you would definitely not enjoy typing on any other thing ever."
"Types with one finger makes six figures, that's facts."
"The physical QWERTY keyboard feels very accurate, ensuring precise typing."
"Type comfortably with one hand using the one-handed keyboard option."
"This gives your typing experience a nice and flexible feel."
"With the typed word very much here to stay then our keyboards have quietly become some of the most important tools we interact with on a daily basis."
"Alice is missing is a great place to try this hobby because you don't have to do any acting you only have to type."
"I love the keyboard - when you type, you sound like a boss."
"The typing experience is by far the best I've ever experienced."
"Careful, these hands are insured for up to 112 words per minute."
"The trade-off is worth it for the better typing experience."
"I make less mistakes when typing; the tactile feedback is just nothing to compare to."
"Each key feels really sturdy and responsive... I can actually type really fast on this laptop because there's less key travel."
"but it doesn't bother everyone else but what does bother me is people think it's some kind of moral stance it's not it's Happ stance really had to do with typing"
"That is so satisfying to type on."
"Pointer variables are strongly typed."
"Normal and ghost is a scarily good typing."
"Water and steel is objectively a great combination."
"Both are amazing to type on and game on."
"Hell no, I didn't pass. Like, let me learn this stuff. No, I still don't know how to do that sh-- I could type fast now with both one finger each."
"The keys have been much more responsive compared to the previous butterfly keys they travel much better and typing overall is just more fluid."
"...use the tab key to auto-complete what you're typing."
"As someone who has never learned the standard touch-typing system, I usually still manage to blindly type around 60 to 80 words per minute on a regular notebook or laptop keyboard."
"Hopefully I'll get things with short names like the UK and the USA, 'cause I'm not very good at typing."
"A truly fantastic typing experience."
"The keyboard is very satisfying to type on."
"I'm typing this with nails which makes it way harder, like my words permitted is cut in half right now."
"...it definitely feels really really really good to type on."
"...this is a really cool accessory for those who do a lot of typing while you're gaming."
"The small bumps on the F and J keys serve as tactile markers for your two index fingers, allowing you to type without looking."
"Technology is amazing, right? I type faster than I write."
"This allows you to type anything that you want, you can type it out, you can write it out."
"The keyboard actually gives it an enjoyable laptop typing experience."
"Oh, are you gonna type it out because I prefer to write instead of typing it out."
"The people at open AI made like video chat gbt so you really type in like a sentence."
"Take a look at your laptop keyboard. There are bumps on the F and J keys but nowhere else. The bumps have been added so that you can correctly position your hands for typing without looking at your keyboard."
"Starmix is a probabilistic genome typing software."
"...I can type at the speed of thought."
"I actually like the actual act of writing and like clicky clacking. I have a really loud keyboard because of it."
"Love at first type. Love at first time."
"She's like a writer and she was hunting and pecking."
"Alaska is the only U.S. state whose name you can type out using just one row on a standard QWERTY keyboard."
"I type too fast for these inline predictions to try to predict what I'm going to say and messes me up more than it helps me."
"Schools need to go back to teaching typing."
"Achieving our mission of getting the whole world to type at the speed of thought."
"When you're typing on the laptop it feels fantastic."
"You can type faster on physical keyboards. That's just true."
"You have helped us take one step closer to achieving our mission of getting the whole world to type at the speed of thought."
"It will essentially type your text as though it's like a USB keyboard or something plugged into the device."
"Dictation is brilliant for anybody who's maybe visually impaired or maybe somebody who has problems with their wrists making it hard for them to type."
"...so abstract base classes predate typing by a very long time we also have signature objects available in Python now they didn't exist at the time as well..."
"Would it like type it out or something?"
"I'm just like, using my fingers like I'm using a typewriter when it's just... it's... boom, boom, bam, send."
"Static typing can help catch errors early in the development process."
"And this is actually pretty close to that, but really typing on this full time, if you had to go to this from a modern keyboard, you'd be pretty quick to adapt to it."
"This laptop has the best typing experience of any I've used to date."
"Typing accuracy on this is legendary."
"If people can type like 10 key strokes a second, well just to be able to do that, you've got to be able to notice lots of little sensations."
"I can type 60 words a minute with two fingers. That's not bad."
"Lenses are strongly typed in any optics library you use."
"I really like how you type. Now that's a very specific compliment."
"Typing is not necessarily about speed, it's about being able to do this for the rest of your career."
"Isn't it crazy that you have 10 fingers and you largely only use eight for typing? Like, isn't that just wild?"
"Mistakes happen, that's why keyboards have backspace."
"You start saving an hour a day just doing stupid typing."
"His only orders are the ones that dad this Dennis typed on his typewriter."
"Good typists are always in demand."
"We really look at so many factors to help people assess type and more accurately type themselves and others."
"It's not helpful to tell people what type you think they are."
"Typing on it this generation is much much better."
"This application is fully typed which is going to allow us to scale very easily."
"It's a great typing experience on these Surface Pros."
"Swift is strongly typed; every single thing, every variable has to have an actual strong type."
"The keys in a QWERTY keyboard are arranged the way they are to make it more difficult to type."
"I don't think it's about the speed at which you're typing... but what it does give you is efficiency and being precise and very effective."
"The keys themselves are amazing... it gives you a very satisfying feel when you compose sentences."
"This keyboard is fantastic... both of these have the most incredible typing experience of any laptop I've ever used."
"Stewardesses is the longest word that is typed using only the left hand."
"Saving the world one clack at a time."
"The most valuable class I've ever taken in my life was my fourth grade typing class."
"The buckling springs feel amazing to type on since their tactility is perfectly weighted and balanced."
"The Zeo Clickies are now my favorite MX compatible clicky switch simply because of how precise and tight they feel and type."
"I exclusively use the right shift for typing and exclusively use the left shift for gaming."
"This is pretty nice, the typing experience is way better."
"The typing experience was really good."
"Golang is a strong and statically typed compiled language."
"The typing experience on the M2 MacBook Air, it feels almost the same as the M1 Pro."
"There's just something more firm and stable about the typing experience on the air 96."
"The concavity in the keyboard itself is incredibly helpful for typing."
"It feels really nice and natural to type on."
"The overall typing experience, at least for me, is just so much better."
"Erasable bond typing paper is going to be one of the better looking results when you have to make corrections on your typed page."
"I love it, it types good enough, it's very satisfying."
"This is the best thing that's happened to typing since electricity."
"This is a no-nonsense typing machine."
"The keyboard on this machine is an absolute joy to type on."
"My fingers know exactly where every key is and that's why I don't want to switch."
"I preferred typing on the Blade as well. The keys on the GS66 felt a little shallower to press."
"You can type from home and have the satisfaction of getting paid through PayPal."
"It's a very soft sounding typing experience."
"It's an absolute beautiful typing experience."
"It's so funny to think that there was a time where like the idea of typing on a keyboard was so foreign."
"As you start typing in the text, the options are narrowed down, creating a filtered autocomplete experience."
"Stewardesses is the longest word that is typed with only the left side of the keyboard."
"It's been an absolute pleasure to type on."
"The keyboard is comfortable to type on, there's a good amount of key travel at one point 7 millimeters which makes for a very satisfying feel."
"JavaScript does have typing and inference and it can figure out what type object you have."
"Nim gives you much greater performance, true parallelism, and static typing which does not get in your way."
"All variables in Nim have a type, but the compiler is very good at inferring them in most cases."
"They feel very affirmative and I'm making almost no typing mistakes on these because they don't give in too easily to accidental key presses."
"This is a very comfortable keyboard to type on, especially for long typing sessions."
"It's a really lovely keyboard to type with."
"The board is perfectly flat when you're not using those feet, so if you like a flat typing experience, this is a good board for you."
"Handwriting is kind of a dying art... but I can tell you that when I type up a story, I tell a different kind of story than if I'm handwriting."
"It's a nice ThinkPad keyboard; you've got those big keys, a lot of travel to them, it's very nice to type on."
"I have never mastered the art of typing by not looking at the keyboard."
"The quick brown fox does jump over the lazy dog."
"I don't know what it is about this keyboard, but it was very enjoyable to type on."
"You will not be disappointed by the typing sound or feel on this keyboard."
"Typing better—that's something I think we can all get behind."
"It feels great to type on; it feels very, very solid."
"A really important trick is to make sure that you're holding your arm weight over the keyboard so your wrist and your fingers can dangle down and relax."
"The typing experience is very pleasant."
"That is the keyboard that I type the most on; I just absolutely love it."
"It conveys a feeling of satisfaction when you're typing."
"The typing experience on those kale box and brown switches is pretty good."
"The older you are, the more likely you are to know how to touch type."
"It's been a positive experience, this board is as solid as it looks and it's very pleasant to type on."
"Once you get used to the big screen, typing is so nice and so awesome."
"You'll learn over time that typing less on the screen is probably going to save you some time."
"This keyboard is an absolute joy to type on."
"Both of these would be very pleasant for typists once you get used to the shallower travel of a very skinny Ultrabook."
"The typing experience is really good on this particular keyboard."
"It's faster to type than click, and the ability to compose text streams comes from the Unix era."
"This is a typist's dream, this keyboard."
"I always type like a wizard on them, so it's actually a good keyboard to type on."
"The keyboard happens to be really, really nice, really comfortable to type on."
"You should be able to type more comfortably."
"When they start typing, you get recommendations as fast as you type."
"It's actually a very enjoyable and accurate typing experience."
"It's much more like playing the piano than playing a typewriter."
"I can type, you know, at around 200 words per minute for eight hours without a break, and I don't feel any pain at all."
"I am a very fast typist because I've been a piano player since I was very young."
"They even swapped out the aforementioned faulty keyboard with an improved third generation keyboard for quieter typing."