
Community Relations Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"I'm here to have an open conversation and to actually figure out how we as black people and the police officers can kind of mend this broken relationship."
"Counseling, and training, and communication with the community is what we need."
"The argument makes sense for Muslims to be Republican, but Republicans are doing a terrible job winning their vote."
"We see the confusion, the frustration, and the distrust of us across the community and honestly, it breaks our hearts."
"The work of our generation is to put unaccountable law enforcement behind us. It's time to transform the relationship between community and the people who are sworn to protect them."
"You have a lot of police officers here, but things could be handled differently."
"I've never heard of a pesticide plant trying to actively do right by their community."
"We got treated well and in turn you treated the people well it was that absolutely it was a two-way street."
"If Blizzard continues to burn goodwill with the Overwatch community faster than it builds up goodwill, it results in an overall decrease in the amount of positivity people have towards the game."
"One of the biggest things was the strategy... you have to secure the populace."
"Look, if Manchester United Football Club really gave a damn about the fans, they'd speak to the united stand."
"The mafia has a habit of doing good things for legitimate people as well."
"If you want us to save you from all these [__] out here, you're gonna have to refund us." - Villanueva, Los Angeles Sheriff's Department
"Time for a real, smart policy discussion and a new model of policing."
"The tension between the Minneapolis Police Department and many of their communities is pretty well-known."
"I feel very hated by a lot of people and I feel scared to live in certain areas as does he."
"I'm trying to bridge this gap between citizens and cops."
"You guys need to get back to community policing and understand that unless you have Reasonable Suspicion of an actual crime you don't have authority over the citizens at all."
"What was damaged was Nintendo's reputation and their goodwill with not just Nintendo fans but the entire gaming community."
"It feels like Roblox has put up a giant wall in between them and the rest of the community."
"There's a foundational mistrust right before the case even starts just between law enforcement and the black community."
"Hopefully the relationship between F1 and the local population can improve in future years."
"He must have a good reputation with those outside of the church."
"When the people believe that the police are on their side, they're way less likely to be violent."
"Luckily, trust and relations seem to be high at the minute. It's not an issue for the time being."
"Respect is earned, so what have black men done to earn the respect of black women?"
"It feels like the public's relationship with police is beyond saving."
"EA basically [ __ ] on the community... and they deserve sometimes to get some backlash... well this time they did that."
"Institutions must build relationships with black communities to gain trust in clinical trials."
"We're not here to give you guys a hard time, we're here for public accountability."
"I have hope. I mean the police are doing their job and that's what you can ask about."
"There is especially among the black community a horrible history of mistreatment that has created distrust in doctors in medicine."
"You don't have to choose between communities of color and officers."
"First impressions mean everything in this community."
"My other fear is that the neighbors in the local area will blame me for this."
"There's a huge divide in this country right now between law enforcement and the citizenry."
"Oil released a lengthy statement... addressing the current state of affairs and issued a direct apology to the community."
"If Starbucks made an effort to work with the communities they're entering, then this may not be such a point of contention."
"Anti-Semitism coming from members of the black community is not being ignored."
"White people who live in areas with more policing tend to be more distrustful of criminal justice."
"LAPD has historically been our first contact for people experiencing homelessness."
"Closing that gap has to be the top priority for every Police Department."
"Closing that gap is the only hope we have to once again re-establish a positive relationship between communities and law enforcement."
"The important message to the world is that these elephants are important to this area, and the people who live here coexist with the elephants."
"Get ready to be thankful for the neighbors you have."
"It's a game of cat and mouse EA is playing with their community and it's disturbing."
"Take-Two and Rockstar have a piss-poor history of listening to their community."
"The relationship with the community as a whole just better in general."
"This is a tale of an Electronic Arts own developer capital games allegedly blackmailing threatening ignoring lying banning and attacking star wars fans and youtubers."
"Boxing was my way of being integrated with the opposing Community."
"An officer like this, who is semi-open and transparent, will be more respected by members of the public."
"I honestly think CA is the best developer we can actually ask for."
"If Republicans could just stop being so racist, they would actually have so many allies in like the Islamic communities and in the black communities."
"I hope that we can all move forward together from this. Um, it's gonna be difficult to regain the trust, rebuild the trust."
"I thought Zootopia was this perfect place where everyone got along."
"If you want to put things right with the entire Manchester United community."
"There just shouldn't be a reason to fear people whose job description is to protect and serve."
"This is where this gets real because he, him and Micah, are hated by their community, they are hated by the world in general."
"That's what black people have to kind of be aware of, and just understand that these people ain't your friends."
"When Hagia Sophia is returned to that Orthodox Christian world, they will then become closest in love and affection for this Ummah."
"Your inability to humanize us and the way you humanize your own community is why these situations will continue to happen."
"We have to examine how we relate to each other in our queer community."
"It's sad that the police have gone from helping people."
"My hope is to be able to bridge that gap and help law enforcement trust."
"You cannot lead a city that you hate. You cannot be a leader to people that you hate."
"The real war is with the people on the fence, our neighbors."
"It's the way I see it: Walmart saying 'go F yourselves' to Portland."
"The police are not our friends and all you police who are good police and you're trying to do your job guess what, try harder friends."
"In the end, no matter how much I disagree with this concept and this community and these people, they aren't hurting anybody."
"We must have accountability when Law Enforcement Officers violate their oaths, and we need to build lasting trust between law enforcement and the communities they are sworn to serve and to protect." - Kareem Jean-Pierre, White House spokesperson
"Other antique dealers aren't your competition, they're your business partners... it's good to be friends with people in your community, they're doing the same type of business."
"This is why these websites are slowly dying one by one because they have this sense of elitism and they have the sense of whatever the case may be and they just feel like belittling the gaming community which may actually keep them afloat."
"Let's be very cautious in rejecting or silencing a brother or a sister because we don't agree with them on a certain topic or issue."
"Imagine if the black community and the Jewish Community actually had a flourishing relationship built on shared values."
"We need proper community policing, without over-policing minority communities."
"It's not right that people don't know what happens on the police department."
"We need more police to love their job and take a stand with the people."
"My overall goal was to help bridge the gap between police officers and the communities."
"There is nothing that I can say today that will undo the wrongs of the past, but I can tell you the justice department is committed to working with Minneapolis on a path forward to constitutional policing and stronger police Community Trust."
"We have had some positive feedback from interfaith groups."
"We worked a lot to be nice parents and nice neighbors."
"Firstly, I want to apologize profusely to my community and my friends for letting them down with my initial response to Brax's document."
"Let's actually rethink the way in which policing interacts with the people."
"Instances like this can forge a wedge, separating law enforcement and the community."
"There's every chance. But I can't remember, in the last few years, anyway, that I've drank here that any Ranger fans or loyalists have come down here and achieved that."
"Prince Philip's death is also difficult, villagers believed him to be a god and he maintained a relationship with them for decades."
"Treating people like that is what's creating the divide in this country between the citizens and law enforcement. It's a shame."
"We can all find that middle ground and get along with each other."
"I didn't know everybody in the Sims community hates me, but I got love for everybody."
"She was a hard-working cop, man. She's kind-hearted and maybe a bit too popular in the streets as well."
"You want to make good inroads with the neighbors, you know like... I'd love to know like hey dude like I got your back on little little neighborly [__] like you got mine."
"If you want to stop racism, you don't stop black people from coming to a neighborhood."
"A life lesson resilience... we don't have to hate on each other as much."
"Moral of the story: don't mess around with trees, they have countless lawsuits and HOA strings attached to them, and don't be a jerk to your neighbors."
"We should be looking for ways to work with the police."
"...if I'm in the hood I get pulled over they like oh that's vzo they just let me go like it's it's a whole another vibe now it's different we got a new Chief everything just different you know what I'm saying"
"As far as the neighbors go, he was one of the good ones."
"We managed what many fail in establishing a very harmonious connection with the villagers."
"He must have a good reputation with those outside the church, so that he will not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil."
"You just try to get along with your neighbors, man."
"Build relationships with your code enforcement officers."
"It's an ongoing everyday effort to make sure you're working on that relationship with the community."
"We have been building a bridge with the community since the 78ers were mishandled by police."
"I think they're moving away from the head-knocking, brutal, physical approach and trying to be more public relations oriented, more community relations unit, and hopefully more sensitive."
"The cops themselves got to start being more human and more compassionate."
"Establishing a positive rapport with the locals is crucial to the task force mission."
"It shows that cops like me or correction officers love the minority neighborhood that we put in."
"The police officers are respected, they highly regard it, they have conversations with the people, they don't have no issues or anything like that."
"Policing is dangerous, difficult work, and it's much harder and more dangerous when police don't have the trust and respect of the communities they police."