
Lasting Quotes

There are 253 quotes

"The deep and lasting sense of fulfillment is the happiness that lasts."
"It's been about two months and I can still smell this fragrance on that jacket."
"I definitely feel like his impact will be a lasting one as he hit the stage."
"Years after, some would say, they could still smell the salt mist."
"I made some memories that will last a lifetime."
"Love will last if you meet somebody new under this influence."
"It's something that sticks with you forever."
"It just needs to be an experience that you'll remember."
"The first impressions last a lifetime."
"The originals stand out the most and they stay with us long after they're gone."
"Dude, my man. Lasting is the hard part, my man."
"What you have together is something that will stand the tests of time."
"This is really like an unbreakable type of connection."
"This love you have shall last throughout eternity."
"I'll remember this for quite some time."
"If somebody likes the middos, the nature of the other person, that love for the other person's personality will last forever."
"Only what's done for Christ will last."
"...it's like music man it's stuck with you forever."
"Transformation that is lasting wealth that does not fail."
"Their relationship will be remembered for a long time."
"Either way, it was enough to scare me and my friends for a very long time."
"His performance simply stays with you the longest."
"If you want love that lasts, you gotta find Jesus."
"This is one of those bites that's going to remain on your mind for a long, long time."
"Everyone takes away a little bit that they'll probably hold in their minds and hearts forever about this event."
"The memories made will last a lifetime."
"They fall in love with your soul first, before anything else and that's why it lasts."
"Compatibility is like a match lighting a candle, it lasts and gives scent forever."
"It's iconic, one of those matches and moments that will Outlast all of us."
"When you make an impact on children, you know, it lasts forever."
"It left such a lasting impact on me."
"I need my jewelry to keep up. I need to be really good quality made well last the test of time."
"That's the music that is truly lasting for generations and generations."
"Your happiness will last a lifetime."
"...the fact that we have this app and the community... so now I feel like I've got friends for life."
"The only thing that will last is love, true love."
"Memories...stick with you forever."
"Five years of friendship still going strong."
"It clings on and it lasts and lasts and lasts."
"Guardians of the Galaxy has more of an iconic, more of a longer-lasting kind of feel to it."
"...a good foundation for a lasting marriage."
"They want a connection with you that's going to last a test of time, they're not letting you go."
"It just lasts and lasts, massive performance."
"Everything that will last will take time."
"Books that are going to stick with me for a really long time."
"...that's definitely going to stay."
"These are the memories that never go away."
"This experience is something I'm gonna have for the rest of my life."
"Goals should be aligned with your core values like family or creativity, things that will last forever and not end when the goal is reached."
"The scoreboard in life will always change, but kindness lasts."
"Look, the cuteness will last longer than like a handsome boy."
"...once you start this self-love lifestyle, it will stick with you for life."
"The biggest thing that I'll take away from the whole experience is definitely just the family for life."
"Great birthday present. I will cherish this for my entire life because these really last forever."
"You win a man with who you are as a human person. These relationships are far more likely to last."
"The friendship said I've made there will last a lifetime."
"I feel like our friendship will always last."
"You're not going to experience temporary Joy anymore; it's going to be lasting."
"If you want changes that last, they have to be based on Eternal truths."
"Their lasting companionship was more important than anything else."
"People will still be listening between, it's timeless."
"I want to create something lasting."
"Two people still being best friends, that's very rare to see."
"This is one of those movies that sticks with you for a very long time."
"It's very heartwarming, it's very big, and their friendship is gonna last between Vanellope and Ralph."
"What drives me is not something material... It's more really just building something and something that really lasts."
"Thank you for your time," the video concluded, leaving a lasting impact on its viewers.
"It's the gift that keeps on giving and they're going to remember it."
"Most people will tell you that this is the last of the great ones."
"Those memories you carry forever."
"The best thing that lasts for free, that's so true now."
"That line will stick with me forever now."
"I still hear the way they sounded in my head and it's been six years."
"It brings back so many memories. This right here is long-lasting."
"The memory of that encounter still lingers with me to this day."
"I can never get that image out of my head, even after all these years later."
"That's a memory that I'm going to remember forever."
"'I love you.' 'Where did you come from?' 'Love already last.'"
"The most lasting thing is the friendships."
"You will however make family memories to last a lifetime."
"You'll be thinking about this one. It'll stick in your head for a while."
"It's like a fine dessert after a good meal; you want it to last."
"Once you see it, it's in you forever."
"One of the golden guys got that go together and the relationship built there will last a lifetime."
"It's a memory for the kids that's going to last a lifetime."
"We've been buddies ever since, and every time we get together, it's always like we've been hanging out the whole time."
"It will live in your heart forever."
"That camaraderie does last forever."
"With good chocolate, it stays in your mouth for a longer time."
"There are certain bonds that last for eternity."
"Do you want to leave a lasting impression with your fragrance? These fragrances will do just that."
"I think in that way we can create memories that will last forever."
"Building friendships and bonds that'll last forever."
"Melts into your skin, the scent lasts and lingers and lingers and lingers forever on your skin."
"It's a photo that will last a lifetime."
"The finish is just hanging on and on and on, which I really love."
"I cherish those moments that will last with me forever."
"You're absolutely right, these memories last forever."
"Let us make memories that stay forever; it's Christmas today."
"Talk about the memory that'll last a lifetime."
"Genuine friendship which lasts to this day."
"Let's make memories that will last forever."
"Those memories are going to last a lifetime."
"Despite the show's ending, the bond between the cast members remained strong."
"Moments like these last with you forever."
"It will stay with you long after you finish reading it."
"It's just memories that you know are going to live with us forever."
"These are memories that are going to last a lifetime."
"That's a memory of last a lifetime."
"There's a different spiritual fulfillment that you get in Jesus only that lasts."
"We'll make memories that will last a lifetime."
"It just lasts forever, bathing you in this delicious golden light."
"It's always been like that, you know, you got this tight bond with this cat, and you don't have to see him for a year or two, but you're always going to be linked to him."
"Making friendships that last a lifetime."
"The memory has stuck with her for all of these years, and she expects it'll never be forgotten."
"First impression is the last impression."
"I never forgot that sound, not in all these years."
"You're gonna make memories and friends that last."
"That's the memories that are gonna last."
"Memories are gonna last a lifetime, and I'm never going to forget them."
"Those friendships last forever in Luffy's mind, those are actually part of Luffy's treasure."
"It's the memories that last a lifetime."
"This will make these memories last for a lifetime."
"And to this day, I am affected by it every day."
"It's like, do you have any memories from when you were young, like six or seven or whatever, where you imprint it and then years later, it's like, well, I still haven't forgotten that."
"Making memories that last forever."
"The most delicious thing you can make is a friendship that lasts forever."
"It's not about making a splash, it's about creating ripples that last."
"A wonderful memory that will never leave me."
"The anticipation and the meal are the things that last the longest."
"What's God good at performing? He performs something that lasts."
"You're unforgettable; your memory is etched in my mind forever."
"This is a memory that we'll remember forever, right?"
"The only love I found that lasts is the one that you go make happen, the one that you go earn."
"It leaves a fantastic trail... people are going to be smelling this one in the air for a long time."
"This is memorable; you remember this forever."
"This is going to stay here permanently, forever."
"Those memories will be with me, I swear, until the day I die."
"I will comfort you once more, not with fleeting solace, but with a peace that is lasting and true."
"It's packed with flavor, the nose is incredible, the finish lasts all night."
"The butteriness lingers with tobacco, that spice, and those dark fruit notes carrying through."
"It's memories that we're both gonna have forever."
"I've made friendships that will last a lifetime, I guess."
"When other friendships are soon forgot, ours will still be hot."
"That bond that we created among ourselves was so great, it's never going away."
"I'm so grateful for that week, those are memories I will have forever."
"Those are the moments and memories that are imprinted in your mind forever."
"A smile happens in a flash, but its memory can last a lifetime."
"I've made friends that have lasted a lifetime."
"Thanks to you, I've made friendships that will last a lifetime."
"Experience, experience I will never... I will carry that with me forever and ever and ever."
"It was something that stayed with us, haunting our dreams for a long time."
"I managed to make it back and get to sleep, but that experience has always stuck with me."
"Join us in creating memories that will last a lifetime."
"Kids are only young once; you have to make memories that last a lifetime."
"You made me smile from the outside in, forever."
"Friendships last long after summer ends."
"I couldn't stop smiling. I couldn't stop for days afterwards."
"These memories will stay with me forever."
"These are memories that will last forever."
"Meet once, became memory for whole life."
"I'll remember that day for the rest of my life; the memory has never left me and it never will."
"Memories are eternal; they last forever."
"It's a beautiful fragrance and it lasts forever."
"That's gonna be in the memory banks for quite a while."
"We're making memories, memories that will last a lifetime."
"A friendship that would last a lifetime."
"Memories together, they can last forever; we won't let this break us."
"I got a lot of compliments because they actually stay on you, they don't fade away so fast."
"Those are the memories that will hold forever."
"The scent of this is very strong and it lasts all day in your hair."
"A holiday lasts for a week, but prizes last forever."
"These relationships, these memories, these bonds that we've built are going to last for years to come and be forever."
"First impressions are lasting impressions."
"Let's make memories that last forever."
"Creating memories that last a lifetime."
"One experience can last a lifetime."
"The woods stay with you for a lifetime; the memories are never fleeting."
"The gift of friendship... stays here in my heart."
"We literally made memories that will last a lifetime."
"It's gonna last forever, carry on the wind, and have this really nice kind of mysterious vibe to it."
"I want to remember that one; I want that to last in my memory."
"Ultimately, really what we're after is to create those magical memories that last a lifetime."
"It smells so good, the smell lingers."
"Memories together and making lasts forever."
"Love has to be shared and given once, even if it's genuine, is from your heart, it will leave its magic for life."
"Hangovers only last a day, memories last forever."
"The key to a lasting scent is to make sure it has vanilla in it."
"You will remember them to the day you die."
"These memories will last a lifetime."
"The bonds forged by two weeks of hard work will last a lifetime."
"The importance of making good memories is something that will last forever."
"Made a memory that will last a lifetime."
"I'll remember it until I breathe my last."
"Create a moment that lasts forever."
"And thanks to you, I've made friendships that will last a lifetime."
"A relationship that will last a lifetime."
"Maybe some things last forever after all."
"I'm gonna have that trip in my mind forever."
"I met some girls who I know will be in my life for a long time."