
Information Sources Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"It's like getting your news from the news is like getting financial advice from broke people."
"We should probably tell people to get their information from a multitude of sources."
"We have given that person, the American, the permission now to think that it's okay to get your news from Facebook. It's not okay to get your news from just one source of anything."
"Polarization is as high as it's ever been and it's rising in large part because different Americans are getting their information from very different places."
"Stop depending on social media for your news feed and how you get information."
"If you've got something about the historical Jesus that's written 500 years after he died, you have to figure out where'd that person get their information from."
"Basing your opinion on what a YouTuber tells you is really kind of a bad way to live your life."
"Never rely on one source for all your information, including The Young Turks."
"I think that we have the ability to extrapolate useful information from a whole variety of sources for a good three years my primary religious text was lord of the rings."
"You can affect your beliefs by who you talk to, what books you read, what kind of evidence you gather, what communities you immerse yourself in."
"You are not a victim to having to get information only from the news or being told what to believe."
"You know you see who are the trusted sources of information and it's guys like you me and fox news."
"For every person that tells you Wikipedia is a worthless starting point for research..."
"Understanding the biases, political leanings, and funding sources of the news that you consume is crucial."
"My gift one of my gifts has always been this is who you should listen to that's who you should listen to that's who you should listen to It's about pointing people in the direction where they can get real substantive information."
"Don't discount information from unlikely sources."
"Find your news from a reputable source." - Dr. Pierce
"Break the echo-chamber... check out other channels and see what they have to say."
"Stop listening to the mainstream news media."
"The information comes from the people that I work with."
"People are desperate for non-politically charged sources."
"You've got to watch outlets like right side broadcasting."
"Putin might be learning more about what's happened in the war from Western media than from his own people."
"Getting information from multiple places really helps you get multiple perspectives on the issue."
"Two separate data sources from two separate entities."
"Don't recall this channel or any other good outlet out there telling you to go and do something."
"The next time that you're forming an opinion on anything, ask yourself: am I basing this on what I can know and can confirm, or what I've seen and what I've heard about this topic?"
"More and more of them don't bother listening to the mainstream media anymore they go on the internet and they find other sources of information because they've figured out that they're being lied to."
"Don't believe everything you read... unless it is direct from the horse's mouth."
"Don't take all your advice from a single source... look for corroborated info across multiple platforms."
"Drop all mainstream news as fast as you can."
"And so if you want to find the most knowledgeable people, they’re going to be on Twitter."
"It's never going to be as easy as you turn on Rumble or you turn on YouTube and somebody is telling you the answer."
"Be very, very, very careful where you get your movie news from."
"Wise man once said you can go anywhere to get the lies but you came here to get the truth."
"Be on your guard. Don't swallow everything your head. Go multiple sources."
"There's no point in people getting invested in your product when you do this regularly."
"It's never a bad idea to question your sources of information, particularly if you come from a culture with a history of dictatorship."
"Get off your ass and learn more about it. But don't always just trust one source of information."
"How about you just not go by Twitter? It's not the real world. It's just one of many places to get information from."
"The Legacy Media is not the answer, increasingly people are supplementing their mainstream media consumption with alternative media."
"News is found from outlets other than social media."
"This is an example of why it's so important to get information from multiple sources, not just one source."
"The quickie is like Wikipedia, it's a Christian encyclopedia."
"You have to work to find alternative sources of information."
"One invaluable source of information for a project is any available data on previous projects that were similar to the current one."
"Are there alternative sort of sources of information and other role models that you can turn to?"
"Instead of praying, fasting, and asking the Holy Spirit, they'll go to Google, you know? And then when you go to Google, the answers be different. So that's how you know, like, that's cap. Like, that's just made up stuff, you know?"
"Try to stick to one source of information. There's never a specific way; find what works for you."
"Ground News gathers related articles from news sources around the world and gives you context about the sources of that information."
"The balkanization of the media means that we just don't have a common place where we get common facts and a common worldview the way we did 20, 30 years ago."
"When you have more sources, you get a more complete picture."
"It pays to question what you hear, wherever your information comes from."
"We'll come back in a few minutes and see how we can combine data from different sources."
"Take everything you're hearing with a grain of salt and try getting information from multiple sources."
"Major organizations' position statements are probably your best bet as far as getting credible information."
"Be mindful of the source and the type of information that you're being exposed to."
"...how do we figure out what sources to trust for those of us who can't possibly become experts on everything?"