
Economic Policies Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"I think Obama was great for the economy. I think that his policies were probably what we needed at the time."
"The global push for cbdc's comes as physical cash use Falls and authorities look to fend off the threat to their money printing powers."
"...if either the that's weed or Trump wins again you get policies spend more money because you came and the Fed more or less monetizing that and you move towards that and pushing those extremes..."
"You keep printing money, you need a higher price."
"An attack on third world countries... to keep the value of the money of First World countries."
"China is a major player in this. Don't dismiss the impact of credit easing by China, more liquidity by China, and economic demand boost."
"The President's economic plans are really working and we still have more work to do." - Treasury Secretary
"Neoliberalism is liberalism for the rich and fuck everybody else."
"Dollarization is equal to de-radicalization and de-communism."
"So what would happen is Russia would say, 'We are going to sell our oil for gold.'"
"The wealth went towards improving the average person's life."
"Reducing inflation will come at a great cost, naive to think raising interest rates will make things good."
"Trump's appeal to patriotism and his calls for America first food policy were going to cause problems on the world market. Predictions were shuttering exports would cost Trump the farm vote."
"They want inflation... just want 2% inflation."
"Opening up your markets to other people's subsidized goods."
"President Trump's economic policies nobody's talking about a recession."
"Now China's doing great. We're very happy. But we have to do something with that. We have to take care of our people."
"If you keep peeking at your account doesn't it Judy well I I think that the activities of the Fed now risk looking quite illogical."
"It's inflate or die period either inflate or default period."
"Why did the Soviet Union fall? Command economies don't work; hard authoritarianism breeds stagnation."
"Sanctions work very slowly when it comes to affecting people in charge but they usually affect the average Citizens First"
"I think Trump's economic policies have been good for this country, and I fear Bernie Sanders' economic policies."
"Short-term profit maximization should not be advocated for by our government."
"Focus on their priorities: halving inflation, growing the economy, reducing debt, cutting waiting lists, and stopping the boats."
"Neoliberal policies aren't too hard to understand and are pretty reasonable if you agree with the underlying logic behind them."
"The people who predicted the inflation said that it was Biden's policies that were going to get us there."
"I think Trump was really ahead of the curve on that aspect."
"Since the election, seven million brand-new beautiful jobs have been added."
"In a world where we have a borderless economy, some countries are saying, our people can't do that. Is that not control to the max?"
"Your precious little white businesses are going to be fine when people act like slavery ended... but don't take the time to learn about the long-lasting effects that racist policies in Banks and government."
"Joe Biden's radical policies are making our country less safe, less secure, and less prosperous."
"America prospers, the rest of the world benefits."
"I believe in free market, I believe in free trade."
"We're not going to educate our way to a more equitable society. We have to tax our way and we have to increase minimum wage our way into a more equitable society."
"The debt has to be paid, whether it's through taxation, inflation, or hyperinflation."
"His social policies were very bad for the economy... lengthened the Great Depression by up to eight years."
"Rebuilding the middle class is something that is an urgent need for the country."
"Trickle-down economics doesn't solve the actual people's problems."
"Tariffs are working far better than anyone ever anticipated."
"The whole idea behind doing this is it wants to start taxing the ultra wealthy people who are living off of their unrealized profits."
"Unemployment numbers are tanking for everyone: African-Americans, Latino Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women, everyone is benefiting off of this pledge to American workers."
"The US could push back against China by supporting open monetary networks."
"In fact, structural adjustment had worked as a kind of bloodless coup."
"President Trump has squandered the economic expansion created during the Obama-Biden administration, causing an economic recession." - Joe Biden
"Let's go ahead and grab the war economy which should greatly improve my production and my military factory construction speed."
"You lower interest rates you make the value interest rates at zero and you say come to me my friend I will lend you money at zero."
"Soft Landing is a primary objective... fail to restore price stability... affects growth."
"Whenever they tell you we're not coming after you, we're not taxing the middle class, we're only taxing the rich, remember something."
"The economic Orthodoxy of the last 40 years is over."
"The refusal of King George III to allow independent currency was probably the prime cause of the revolution."
"Socialists would bail out the people, capitalists bail out the banks and the wealthy. That is exactly the point."
"They're the ones who are responsible for jobs offshoring, they're the ones who are responsible for wages flat for the plight and struggle of working Americans."
"Republicans leading at 24 points on the subject of inflation... that is just going to simply drown out a 12-point lead that Democrats have on coronavirus."
"We need to do what the central banks are doing and accumulate metals."
"We signed an executive order to go green, we weaponized the dollar, and now we see the majority of all human population joining in."
"For the people, he's talking about those policies that people really will feel in their wallet."