
Biblical Narrative Quotes

There are 379 quotes

"The idea of the Big Bang absolutely matches up with the biblical narrative."
"If you ever read the Bible... the whole thing is about Him. Sexuality makes no sense apart from God."
"The first thing that the Bible wants to tell us about God is that He's the creator."
"By faith, Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed and he went out, not knowing whether he went."
"Through faith also, Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed and was delivered of a child when she was past age because she judged Him faithful who had promised."
"Moses could not take the children of Israel into the Promised Land because the law cannot take you into your Promised Land, only Joshua (which in Hebrew is Jesus) could."
"Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, 'Thus saith the Lord: Let my people go, that they may serve me.'"
"Esther said, 'I will go to see the king, and if I must die, I must die.'"
"Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye?"
"The narratives of the patriarchs, of Moses and the Exodus, of the conquest of Canaan, and of the judges, the monarchy, exile, and restoration have all been confirmed and illustrated to an extent that I should have thought impossible 40 years ago."
"The Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil."
"Moses is tempered in his suffering to be at a point that he can take notice of what is revelatory."
"That's definitely what happens in the Moses story, and it's the Eternal story."
"Jesus was put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, in which he went and made a proclamation to the spirits in prison."
"Jesus goes through these Temptations and then is able to then go public."
"In Exodus, God is capable of changing his mind when Moses argues with him."
"Esau had reconciled with his brother. Jacob was spared death. Esau didn't want any of the possessions Jacob offered him, though he accepted them at Jacob's request."
"Thus what was happening at the time period when this regional flood occurred does correlate to what is described in the Bible in this bottleneck could also explain what we see right after the flood account which is the table of Nations."
"So the idea of many nations of that region could trace their lines back to just a few males is not inconceivable and this data would correlate with the Genesis record."
"He despises it but he's going to take it and drink that cup."
"Faith receives, she did it, she heard it, she did it, she received it when she acted on it."
"He offered up prayers with loud cries and with tears to the one who could save him from death. He was heard because of his reverent submission."
"Christ wipes them out and they are mercilessly destroyed."
"Imagine the sight of Israel's warriors marching around the walled city of Jericho, led by priests blowing their ram's horn trumpets and carrying the gleaming Ark of the Covenant."
"I just want to put it in perspective: Luke finishes up at the cross and shows us Christ resurrected from the dead."
"The serpent deceived Eve by taking her away from obedience to the word of God." - Ron Matsen
"Elijah left behind his coat. And when Elisha got the coat, his mantle, he was clothed in the spirit of Elijah."
"God speaks clearly to Moses, unmediated communication."
"But Hezekiah repented and he saw the face of God, and he earnestly repented, therefore God gave him 15 extra years on his life."
"Jesus rested upon the wisdom and strength of his heavenly Father."
"Once I was alive apart from law, but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life and I died."
"God said to him, 'Since you have asked for this... I will give you a wise and discerning heart.'"
"Everything in the Bible that has a beginning, begins in Genesis, and has its climax in Revelation - they're the bookends to the whole thing."
"The Exodus from Egypt is not a myth, following a real pattern of evidence it has been rediscovered."
"Can you imagine both of the thieves reviling Jesus and then Jesus says, 'Father forgive them they know not what they do' and this one thief has a heart change?"
"The gospel or good news of the Bible which was foreshadowed in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament is that God our Eternal Father sent his eternal Son Jesus Christ into the world to save us from our sins."
"God chose the widow for more than just a miracle, he chose her for service."
"By the end of the story when Haman's about to be killed, he is bowing down to Esther begging for his life."
"They divided Jesus' garments, casting lots for them—fulfillment of prophecy."
"God's question to Job flips the accusation back on him: 'Where were you when I created all things?'"
"Season Two is about the consequences of the publicity that surrounds Jesus and his followers."
"Jesus knew when he was going to be crucified and he saw crucifixions."
"When God said 'Stop,' the Jordan River had to obey him."
"The whole biblical story is about God's desire to forgive the people and the twisted world that we've created."
"Amongst all the biblical prophecies about Jerusalem, it appears that the most terrifying of all is about to happen."
"God created in six days, he created Adam and Eve on day six."
"God uses a prostitute for his will to be done."
"I come in the name of the Almighty God whom you have defied. You will soon lie defeated at my feet, and all the world will know that there is a God in Israel."
"But all it's going to take is a remnant to stand, to say there's no way to beat this in the natural. So, I'm not going to try that way. I'm going to stand up in the spirit."
"It's behind everything from the past, the present, what's happening right now in current events, what is yet to come. It's really the master blueprint of the end times."
"It wasn't them, it was God fighting as a lion. And what to tell you, when the Lord first came to Jerusalem 2000 years ago, he came through the gate as a lamb on Passover."
"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good." - Genesis 50:20
"And Mordecai came again to the Kings gate but Haman hasted to his house mourning and having his head covered."
"Then took him a knee apparel and the horse and arrayed Mordecai and brought him on horseback through the street of the city and proclaimed before him thus shall it be done unto the man whom the King delighteth to honor."
"When he spoke to the woman at the well, uh they were talking about physical water and the water that I have that he spoke about the living water you won't thirst again."
"She was very angry. The Pharisees said that although things were sketchy, they never questioned that Natalia was a child."
"God gave a total of five generations, and then he decided to exterminate the human race and start all over."
"The incident reflects the posture of Jesus Christ when he forgives, restores, and offers a new life of freedom to the woman caught in adultery."
"David is finally and truly anointed king over the kingdom."
"The sea parts before them...they walk right through this open sea."
"The sea collapses down on the Egyptians...drowning them all."
"This story will be the story of a new king, a new ruler. This is the beginning of a better euangelion, a better gospel because in this story we are introduced to our true Savior, the Word made flesh, Jesus."
"Enoch walked with God despite living his ordinary human life."
"The lord turned to him and said go in the strength that you have and save israel out of midian's hand am i not sending you god says to gideon let's go get up i'm gonna use you."
"Rahab was presented with an insurmountable set of odds but used her measure of faith to overcome it and come out victorious."
"This was the reality for Abraham when God called him to leave his homeland for a place he would later receive as an inheritance."
"It seemed good to us, having become of one mind, to select men to send to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
"God had to be selective to find what you would call righteous animals just like Noah and his family were considered righteous because their DNA wasn't corrupted."
"This is the missing piece that ties the Bible narrative."
"God provided Noah with very specific dimensions, designs, and plans for the ark, a special ship designed to save the last living things when the world was flooding."
"The Bible is a book that actually has good news in it. The Bible ends, it's a happy ending in the Bible."
"Joseph turned aside and wept - reconciliation had already taken place."
"But in fact, the Judahite exile didn't last long. Within sixty years, the first of them began returning to Jerusalem."
"I found a baby wrapped in clothes in a manger."
"Sampson shows us how he got to heaven empty-handed."
"Most people rejected his message. They hated Jesus because he told them the truth."
"David had proved himself in real combat before so when he wanted to go fight the giant there was actually a legitimate chance of him actually winning."
"The Lord would speak to Moses face to face as one speaks to a friend."
"Acts of the Apostles communicates vividly the thrill they felt in the presence of the risen Christ."
"Ezekiel 37 prophesies the restoration of Israel, even from the valley of dry bones."
"Jesus went to hell and took keys of Hell, death, and the grave. He came out with keys."
"No word of Samuel ever fell to the ground. Everything that Samuel said happened."
"Abraham said they have Moses and the prophets. Let them hear them. In other words, it is not God's original strategy to bring people back from the world of the dead to come and bring revelation to inhabitants of the earth."
"God said it, he believed it, and that settled it, and he did it."
"The Incarnation depended on the yes of Mary, the Mother of God."
"When they heard about the star from the Magi, they were shocked."
"What tenderness in his tears for Jerusalem, in his dealings with the sinful woman, in his treatment of the widow of Nain."
"Given the archaeological data, we have good evidence to trust the narratives of Abraham as real historical accounts."
"The biblical account of an ocean divided Israel's passage to safety and the destruction of Pharaoh's army define naturalistic explanation."
"In fact, the Lord told Noah that He would never again destroy the world by flood or by totally covering it in water."
"Jesus is coming back, he'll be visible, he'll be real." - Narrator
"A young man Joseph had been sold off as a slave by his brothers."
"Abraham didn't just believe God, he obeyed God."
"Lucifer, once the epitome of perfection, fell due to pride and desire to be like God."
"Moses enjoyed an unusually close relationship with God throughout his life."
"The disciples were taken by surprise because they did not know it would come so soon."
"When Adam walked in the Garden of Eden, he walked and talked with God. That's what the Bible says, people. That's not a hyperbole, that's not an exaggeration."
"Matthew's gospel is just such a discussion and debate; it is an extended defense in narrative form."
"Azariah then reveals himself to Tobias and Tobias as Rafael."
"Even if Balak gave me all the silver and gold in his palace, I could not do anything of my own accord, good or bad, to go beyond the command of the Lord." - Numbers 24:13
"It all leads to this point where Moses is in this conversation, this undeniable conversation with God where he's arguing, 'I can't do that,' and God says, 'What is that in your hand?'"
"Throughout scripture beginning in Genesis and especially in the Apocalypse the book of Revelation God presents himself the groom and he is pursuing a bride."
"Prepare the man, for I may show him kindness for Jonathan's sake."
"So here's something that we've got to remember: the coming of the Assyrian king when he took over Judah, guess what? That was the beginning of the end for Judah. It laid the foundation for the Babylonians to come in and conquer."
"Jesus looked at him and says, 'Zacchaeus, not guilty.' Come down."
"They must set him up for the crucifixion. They cannot crucify somebody that seems innocent."
"When Jesus conquered death in a garden, the women mistook him as a gardener."
"God doesn't want you to question The Greatest Story Ever Told - the story of redemption through Jesus Christ."
"Matthew 15, when a Canaanite woman comes and asks for the blessing, and clearly says, 'I am not sent to anybody but I'm only sent for the children of Israel.'"
"The son of god is born, and the first thing he has to do is get on the run because they're trying to kill him."
"You would think it is a good idea to preserve the life of your friend yet Peter does this with Jesus and Jesus sharply corrects him."
"Behold, I will strike the waters which are in the river with the rod that is in my hand and they shall be turned to blood."
"Your seed, your offspring, pointing of a dragon, the seed of the dragon, the offspring of a dragon will be awarded enmity with the offspring, the seed of the woman. He will crush the dragon's head, you will bruise his heel."
"I will strike the shepherd and the sheep of the flock will be scattered."
"Matthew finishes that story with an admission that it's essentially just him coming up with an apologetic response to the accusation that Jesus' body was stolen."
"God's hand is upon Elijah... God approves by sending the little cloud from the sea."
"The Lord restored Job's losses when he prayed for his friends."
"The testimony of women... points very clearly to the real literal resurrection of Christ."
"It was as common for Jesus to cast out a demon as it was for him to preach a sermon."
"If it had not been for the beastly pain of being barren and the beastly misfortune of Leah's abuse, we wouldn't have the 12 sons, the 12 tribes."
"The primary focus of the curse is humans and the overflow is creation."
"He is the Living, Word of God from Genesis to Revelation."
"He was an eyewitness and he's trying to tell us it happened in this specific real place..."
"So Jehu said, 'If this is your decision, then let no one slip out of the city to go and tell the news to Jezreel.'"
"God blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning."
"It's a new world that's beginning and Moses, who goes up the mountain, is actually an image of a return to paradise, a return to Eden."
"God likes little, so much that when he wanted Naaman to be healed of leprosy, he used a little servant girl."
"The Bible gets really good at the end, just keeping us waiting."
"The Escape of Jesus and his family to Egypt is a dramatic and significant part of the Nativity Story, illustrating God's protective hand over his plans and his people."
"From the beginning, Satan's plan was to corrupt or destroy God's plan."
"Paul the Apostle was purposely chosen, destined by God to bear the name of God before kings and to suffer for His sake."
"He issues a counter decree for the Jews to defend themselves."
"At the end of the scroll of Deuteronomy, Moses predicts that Israel will not be able to keep the covenant. But as we look forward at the whole story of the Bible, what we see is that God's generosity won't be stopped by human failure."
"All of Heaven became a deafening silent place... 'It is finished,' declared God the Father."
"And the Lord executed a great vengeance on them for Israel's sake and smote them through the plagues of blood and frogs lice and dog flies and malignant boils breaking forth in blains."
"God sends a final plague, one so horrifying that even Pharaoh's invincible pride will be forever shattered."
"For he passed over the houses of the people of Israel when he slew the Egyptians."
"Overcome with joy and encouraged to leave by the devastated Egyptians, the people of Israel depart from Egypt."
"And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light."
"And the Lord heard the prayer of Isaac, the son of Abraham, and the Lord was entreated of him."
"Peter and the apostles' defiance of the Sanhedrin's orders not to speak in Jesus' name showcased their unwavering dedication to obeying God rather than human authorities."
"The spirit that Christ is referring to that unites the Decalogue is the logos, and the whole biblical corpus, the narrative that spans the entire biblical corpus, is the account of the elaboration of that spirit across time and its embodied incarnation."
"Lucifer's downfall is a cautionary tale about the destructive power of sin and underscores the need to remain steadfast in faith and Devotion to God."
"From an Egyptologist's perspective, the consensus view is that there's not a lot of point in talking about it. I don't know of a single Egyptologist who would tell you that the Exodus happened exactly as it's said to have happened in the Bible."
"Noah built an altar for God, and burnt offerings for him, thanking him for saving his family and himself."
"Noah, a righteous man, was chosen by God to build an ark, a sign of safety and hope during the flood."
"Jesus chose Passover as the moment for climactic action... the story of Jesus as the new Genesis and the new Exodus."
"Jesus is untying the knot that Adam and Eve tied with their disobedience."
"Yahweh repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people."
"Creation takes place through the simple expression of God's will: 'Let there be light,' and there was light."
"Scholars have long puzzled over Ham's wrongdoing in the biblical narrative."
"The real story emerges: Jesus had a large extended family and they lived here in Galilee."
"Paul speaks of God's counting Abraham as righteous even though, in and of himself, Abraham was not yet righteous."
"Adam opened the floodgate of sin and death around the world."
"The Bible tells us that Cyrus liberated the Judeans from their Babylonian exile and sent them back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple."
"Scripture never actually tells us how many wise men visited Jesus."
"The wise men were never at the birth of Jesus."
"The great flood underscores the serious consequences of sin and the importance of living in obedience to God's commands."
"The story of Sodom and Gomorrah found in the Book of Genesis serves as a powerful illustration of the consequences of wickedness and the Judgment of God."
"The city's downfall serves as a warning to all who would choose the path of wickedness."
"The story of Sodom and Gomorrah confronts us with the reality of sin and its consequences."
"A powerful reminder of the consequences of sin and disobedience."
"The story of the 10 plagues serves as a reminder of God's sovereignty."
"The story of Judas Iscariot stands as one of the most tragic and haunting tales in the New Testament."
"He said, 'Let no man's heart fail because of him. Thy servant will go and fight this Philistine.'"
"The Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away."
"Was Paul not in the New Testament? Yeah. Was Peter not in the New Testament? Yes. Was his name always Peter? Jesus said, 'I have to change this name because he's giving a wrong prophecy.'"
"Abraham: Real history in real space in real time."
"Abraham never inherited land beyond his grave."
"After Jesus reveals all this amazing information to Judas, he enters a luminous cloud, but the next thing we know, Jesus is in the upper room of the house where he shared the last supper with the disciples, and he's praying with them."
"God sent the flood to destroy that mixture, saved Noah the only righteous man alive."
"So the stage is set - Bethlehem, Joseph, Mary, a little Baby; a panicky, terrified Herod; and a powerful group of magi - and Matthew unfolds what happened."
"The Beowulf poet very clearly understands the flood as being mainly God's judgment against the race of the Giants, which is a very common ancient Christian understanding."
"There is no salvation outside of the church, just as there was no life for those who were not on the ark."
"The biblical narrative of the ancient history of Israel was put in writing in the late 7th Century in the days of King Josiah."
"Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel, unto King Solomon in Jerusalem, that they might bring up the ark of the covenant of the Lord out of the city of David, which is Zion."
"And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place, that the cloud filled the house of the Lord, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud: for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord."
"Then spake Solomon: 'The Lord said that he would dwell in the thick darkness. I have surely built thee an house to dwell in, a settled place for thee to abide in forever.'"
"... there's more archeology that's beginning to explain the biblical narrative."
"Adam blew it, Christ fulfilled it."
"God was telling Cain to repent, but he wouldn't."
"...when the whole world deserve to perish we're told that Noah received Grace in the eyes of the Lord."
"But here's another guy, same name Lazarus, that did rise from the dead."
"Did He have power over nature? Absolutely. Did He have power over the physical world? Absolutely."
"There are many occasions in the four gospels in which we see this power displayed, none is as amazing as this one...the one recorded in Mark 5."
"The biblical narrative about David forms the central component of the deuteronomistic histories."
"The ruins of Noah's Ark are lying on the slope in the mountains of Ararat. It's not a myth, it really happened."
"Noah's Ark and the flood is not a myth, it's not fantasy, it's not just a legend, it really happened."
"The story of the Israelites in the wilderness teaches us about patience, trust, and God's unwavering support."
"Through our faith and obedience, we can find salvation and renewal, just like Noah and his family."
"Jesus' 40-day stay on Earth after his resurrection was out of his profound love for his disciples and all humanity."
"Elijah's story teaches us about perseverance, finding strength in God even in our lowest points."
"If you draw the lines, it feels like what that story is about is men wanting to rape other men, and God destroys the city."
"Let us imagine Isaiah as he stood upon Mount Zion he looked about him and there were the mountains that are round about Jerusalem far out vying it in height but yielding to Zion in glory."
"The sequence of covenants is central to the plot line of the Bible."
"Jerusalem is the epicenter of the biblical narrative, the centerpiece of prophecy."
"We don't even know what happened to Mary outside of the pages of the book of Acts."
"God cannot lie and yet after the floodwaters receded God made a promise to Noah that he would never again bring a judgment upon the earth with water as he had done in the flood."
"Must we always picture Noah drunk and naked and never building the ark?"
"There was no contradiction; one author is talking about Jesus entering one Jericho, the other is talking about him leaving the other Jericho because there were two Jerichos: an older one and a more recent one."