
Modern Dating Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Modern women today so far confuse their dating options with their marriage and relationship options."
"These videos are not to put anybody down or make anybody feel bad; it's just kind of to highlight some of the issues with modern dating today and things that we as men and women can be doing better to make our lives more fulfilled, more healthy, more happy."
"It is a hookup culture. No one's connected anymore. We're all connected through social media, but we're not connecting in person."
"I literally did the opposite and it was a video to show how often this happens in modern-day dating."
"Dating today sucks... Swipe dating has desensitized us."
"Women have higher standards for men than they have ever had before for relationships."
"You just swipe right. You just got a date. You can have 4 dates in an evening."
"Fromm likens dating to modern capitalism, modern capitalism works on the premise of mutually beneficial exchange."
"When someone messages me on a dating app after three texts it's like, 'Great wanna hop to text?'"
"Dates feel more like job interviews now, much more like what can you do for me and where is this going."
"I think relationships are so much harder now."
"Modern dating weaves technology inextricably across the different stages of love."
"Not quite as sexy as Netflix and chill but it's something."
"It's just a more controlled way of dating and if I didn't have Jamie would I go through this process yeah I would I would probably give it a go."
"Arranged marriages today maybe not all of them but as this show portrays some of them are not just about forcing two people to marry regardless of whether they know each other it's just a more controlled way of dating."
"The fundamental problem in most dating, mating, and relating challenges today is a lack of commitment."
"Visualization is so real, not only was he in my DMs, he liked my photo."
"Nobody's doing that anymore. There's very, very, very few men that are now willing to be running up after you and trying to figure out what you talking about."
"Okay, so the dating app thing's not really working out. Yeah, no, I think the men on dating apps are really just there for temporary validation, boredom, or a hookup."
"It's like Uber Eats meets dating, everyone expecting everything immediate now, easy, no hard work, no build-up, and no concessions."
"Men are testing women nowadays, men never used to. Men are learning to test women, to see what she's really like, look out for the red flags. That's why men nowadays are being more careful."
"This is the ideal situation... dating two people."
"Is anybody else just over this hookup culture? What happened to romance? Whatever happened to all the nice things that men used to do?"
"Top tier tactics: when you're going for a new bird, don't text, use voice notes."
"Social media, they are all dating applications."
"They are now in a relationship together as well, obtained their little social medias, and they're a proper couple."
"It's not uncommon today that people do these short-term relationships, distance things, but it is a hell of a lot different being with somebody consistently."
"The alternative to old-fashioned relationships is not self-sufficient loneliness."
"Female nature never fails. Understand the reality of marriage and learn to navigate the modern dating world with new perspectives and strategies."
"Camille genuinely seems like she's a lovely woman, funny, and down to earth. Any guy would be lucky to go out with her, and yet she is struggling to find real love because our modern dating scene is a disaster area."
"Dating nowadays is hard, you ever go on a dating site it's like oh my gosh it's like a buffet."
"Dating today is really an exercise in brand management."
"Girl, it's 2018 going on 2019, shoot your shot."
"Men today are more romantic; they are more likely to suggest transitioning to a committed relationship after a casual encounter."
"Dating has changed so much, everyone's relearning how to date."
"Dating after your 30s is an ish show these days."
"Not talking about that isn't modern dating; it's just an excuse for being a shitty communicator and being okay with hurting other people."
"This is the story of a lot of modern women, guys, where they will chase men who are out of their league."
"...a lot of modern dating is very toxic and it's very Laden with bad people and I just think your show is a breath of fresh air and all all the cast is and I don't know I just think I I was just so excited to have you on and learn from you a thank you."
"They're pissed off, alone, not on the way to the altar, and saying 'where are all the good men out there?'"
"On a train just outside Milton Keynes, a woman frantically texts her friends to save her from the most boring Tinder date of her life."
"We're going to be talking all things modern dating. Modern Love, okay? From situationships to polyamory to dating mishaps, right the way through to your love at first swipes."
"Dating apps have kind of made things worse for a lot of people."
"In today's dating app world, people don't give love a real chance."
"Dating apps have become this generation's answer to Modern Love, offering millions of people instant connections and removing all those typical first date jitters with virtual blind dating."
"The dominant sexual practice nowadays is casual sex, and in well over 20% of the cases with people that you have met less than one hour before. That's a fact."
"I'm appreciative that this guy didn't give me any false hope, didn't ask for my number, and will never reach out to me. And that's okay. I think more men should be this way."
"I think it's fascinating how having two bachelorettes has really kind of made this season more relatable to, I think, people who are out there dating today."
"I got issues in my head, I like you in my bed, but you keep me on read."
"Modern times call for modern techniques to find love."
"There's a thin line between situation-ships and relationships because they're all meshed at this point."
"Shoot your shot via DM, what's the big deal?"
"I've never felt more rejected, and I've been on Hinge."
"I think it's easier than naturally going and meeting someone in the real world."
"Using dating apps and online dating tools helps you to attract the most deeply compatible people possible."
"It's 2023. It's happening. I met my boyfriend on a dating app. It works, people."