
Skin Tones Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Everyone's natural skin tones are beautiful, and we embrace them on this channel."
"I'm obsessed with skin tones and this TV is among the best I've ever seen when it comes to skin tones."
"Doing these kind of mid to dark skin tones are really really fun."
"You can get some really beautiful skin tones using the calibration tool whether in raw or you're working in photoshop."
"Colors do look different against different skin tones."
"We're not just gonna stop at creating perfect skin tones, we're gonna take it a step further."
"There's a beauty about the skin tones."
"It's kind of a neutral shade that will work with a lot of skin tones."
"So, we've reduced the color temperature, we've adjusted the tint because it had quite a strong magenta cast, and when we've made those changes we get these really lovely smooth skin tones."
"These are going to work on so many different skin tones so definitely recommend if you've been wanting to try something similar to the Charlotte Tilbury matte blushes I feel like these are such a great dupe."
"These are going to work on more skin tones because they're so vibrant."
"It looks amazing, particularly on olive undertones, so medium skin tones, deep skin tones with that olive gold undertone, it just looks amazing."
"The rose gold on deeper skin tones looks incredible."
"This palette in my personal opinion is going to be stunning, absolutely stunning on deeper skin tones."
"If you're going to do a lot of skin tones, it's worth investing in a few brush markers."
"Try X is amazing for portraits, the way that it captures skin tones is very nice."
"Everyone has a combination of red, yellow, and neutral tones in their skin."
"Vibrance is an intelligent saturation... it will also protect against skin tones."
"Using the Hue, saturation, and luminance sliders with this little picker is a great way to perfect skin tones."
"Skin tones are very natural, all around very little adjustment was needed for this display to really pull it in."
"I find the skin tones look sometimes a little bit better with Adobe Portrait, and then sometimes the sky looks a little bit more saturated when you're using Adobe Landscape."
"It's all about the bride, right? So skin tones are the most important thing in a wedding video."
"What a revelation just with the skin tones, the subtleties."
"There's just something so special about those flattering skin tones and beautiful lens flares."
"I've learned that undertones can be present in very light and very deep skin, not just in certain mid-tone shades."
"This is where the magic happens, people. This is where it's predominantly skin tones that I'm worried about, and they're not moving around too much."
"The color science of this Panasonic GH6, those skin tones look excellent right off the camera."
"I use Jennifer's rule of blending thirds all the time, coloring skin tones, flowers, trees, everything."
"If you can paint a sphere of this color believably, you can paint the range of most human skin."
"One of my favorite things about Yummy is that their nude shades are a really good tone."
"The rest of the HDR image is really nice, skin tones are definitely a huge improvement here."
"One of the benefits of Acinotone is the nice skin tone colors it can produce straight out of camera."
"We're not one color, especially women of color; you have multiple skin tones."
"Skin tones overall on this are shocking and surprising how healthy and natural they look."
"I knew that I could get great skin tones regardless of the lighting, and I could maintain the cool shade of purple in parts of her hair."
"Painting and shading different skin tones is easier than you think."
"The Mac blot powder is a really fantastic addition to your kit if you're looking for a product that's affordable and versatile and works across all skin tones."
"The skin tones are just really amazing, that's all portrait painted in oil."
"This blush is so fire; it looks good on so many different skin tones."
"The skin tones have definitely improved, especially with selfies."
"The Canon G7X Mark 2 looks better when recording skin tones to me."
"It's very difficult to find products that are affordable or from the drugstore or from the high street that work for the very palest or the very darkest of skin."
"The most important of all colours is the colour of the skin tones."
"We have a whole range of skin tones."
"This light is going to make skin tones look great, so if you're shining on the dance floor, you don't necessarily have to deal with as much of the uplighting."
"That's going to really make her skin tones feel a little bit more natural and nice."
"I like the Xiaomi photo the best here, I think it captures the skin tones of my daughter the best."
"The Nikon file looks good, but the subtle variety of tones, the palette of skin... the Hasselblad file has more range of tones in the face."
"Rosy beige is gonna be the one that's probably the most universally good for the most amount of skin tones."
"It's very flattering on all sorts of skin tones."