
Cultural Perceptions Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"People believe that women who are on the heavier side represent fertility and abundance and are therefore more desirable as brides."
"Whatever kind of girl you are, is a perfectly great kind of girl to be. And being a woman actually is way more wonderful and comes with a lot more pleasures and joys than the current culture admits."
"The idea of childhood as a time of innocence is so ingrained in our culture that we rarely stop to think about where it actually came from."
"Victorians are known to feel negatively about hydrangeas; they represent boastfulness and vanity."
"I get why flowers are viewed as feminine, but I also see so many guys in my neighborhood working in their gardens with beautiful flowers. So are flowers really masculine or feminine, or can anybody love flowers?"
"Christmas has always been sort of awkward and weird and corny so why not just embrace it."
"The lack of trust for white people comes from popular culture."
"It's not about where people think the cultural culture actually is, it's what they think the culture should be."
"It's like people genuinely think that in the Victorian era, every time a woman's ankle was in view, men were straight up getting heart attacks because it was just too sexy to handle."
"Foreigners who tickle the fancy of the Japanese people more than Japanese people are rather amazing."
"I love turning people away from Australia because of the spiders."
"Don't be worried if your kids are listening to rock and roll. It's gonna influence in a bad way because you telling them they can't listen to rock and roll makes them want to listen to rock and roll."
"Wow, look at this, I tell you what, a theme of our channel in this China series is things that you don't associate with China."
"Frankly, when I hear people say that homosexuality is 'unnatural,' it's really kind of a fancy dressed-up way of saying, 'It's gross! It bothers me. It's icky.'"
"Russians are probably a lot nicer than Western media might make it out to be."
"Most black men wanna be with black women, regardless of what you've been told."
"Italians in general are less racist than Americans."
"I nearly fell out of my skin because they were so polar opposite from the garbage that was being portrayed to us here in the USA."
"She's the goddess of sexuality, of sexual immorality. She's the goddess. She's actually called a prostitute."
"Red for bad? That's red, the color of Crimson deep, valuable, precious dies rubies because of wealth. It's not a bad thing, it's certainly not a bad thing."
"I think we're pretty friendly in this country."
"I think it's a little bit of that cultural mindset over there, yeah, not saying that every person believes that but that's like kind of how the government pajama Institute half-second this China goes back very far into history, last a few years."
"Nigerian Americans rise to the top or are we picking from their top? This is the myth of the model minority."
"Pink, associated with sensuality and flirtation."
"It's cool to see that it exists here because I think most people from back home wouldn't necessarily expect to find some really nice fancy mall here in the middle of Baghdad."
"It's like my goodness it's like i feel like i'm living in opposite world whenever i talk about islam alfred i hear you buddy absolutely up is down down is up."
"Gender is a spectrum, culturally we tend to perceive different traits and attributes as either masculine or feminine."
"I always say when we look at those Chinese stories that most of the American government is looking at that and being like sounds good."
"Depression is real, I used to think it was a white people myth."
"Russian people are not evil, they are insanely friendly."
"The myth oh it's like do I have an advantage because I'm Asian like am I smarter am I like you know all these things um no I'm Not Jesus Christ no I'm not at all um"
"European vampires, while deadly and seductive, are probably the least terrifying imagining of a blood-sucking immortal."
"Black eyed anything is [ __ ] scary so I get why people are so obsessed with this this topic."
"Americans got it in their heads that everything has to be a win-win."
"We're not your typical English family because a lot of people think that English people are cold, we're not."
"Are more fueled by barbaric retribution than their happy hippie Sunshine fairy family Vibe."
"People are super nice in Canada, man. I don't know how they did it."
"That's cool, it's exotic when it first comes by the time he gets to Harlem okay."
"In all cultures, men and women are seen as having different natures."
"You look at these old TV shows and movies of people when they were 60, they were practically using canes."
"A slap? Hands down, is one of the biggest disrespects you can give a man."
"Do they think because they're British and they live in England that they're going to follow you on Instagram more?"
"I think that that Americans kind of romanticize military service because of that time in World War II."
"It's interesting cuz our notions of what a very strong man looks like have changed over time."
"People have a very understandable yet unnatural fear of death."
"Every American I've ever met in person is super friendly."
"There's a lot of good there, it's just I feel like the days of people not liking that pavilion as much need to start to subside."
"Possibly is there more homogeneity amongst Muslim people than we've been led to believe."
"People give me a hard time for not being into Halloween as a holiday... what if they knew the things that went on around them on that grizzly night?"
"Americans Surprise People From Other Countries With Their Relentlessly Positive Outlook On Life."
"I think people in America often want to project Russians as these evil people... Russians are very much like us." - Discussion Participant
"Oh God, it's a double whammy because sanatoriums are just haunted in general."
"For them, it's exposed shoulders and what they consider even worse, a bare back. A woman exposing her shoulders or her back is considered a sex worker or a woman who just has no respect for herself."
"International travel will open your eyes. If you go to places like Costa Rica, Brazil, Colombia, Odessa, Russia, the women there will worship you. They will appreciate the little things."
"Growling is super stigmatized in our culture and it's nothing more in most cases than a dog just being like 'I'm uncomfortable about something.'"
"Having the ick factor to eating bugs - a replicative meme."
"I met an American woman who told me she thought all English men were oppressed and uptight."
"We start to frame these white Western countries as fundamentally Progressive and we identify with that while contrasting those feelings with Muslim majority Brown countries which we view as barbaric uncivilized and homophobic."
"Black people age gracefully, yeah, you know, a lot of Mexicans, Natives, huh? Too Asians, Asians age very gracefully."
"I've never been to the Netherlands but I have heard that's another country where that's a big deal."
"Polish food is not what you think it's going to be."
"Women wearing pink women wearing dresses men wearing pants men liking blue those are social constructs because those are ideas that come after the fact."
"When you say the word 'witch,' there is just something that pings true in the deepest parts of who we are."
"Their invisibility is a product of a culture that for a very long time has equated the word 'farmer' with the image of a man."
"I do believe the reason between Koreans wanting to become more lighter and Americans wanting to be tanned is just based on their history and their preference."
"There are very funny Germans, that's just simply not true."