
Financial Tips Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"You can use technology to help you save money automatically."
"Everything we tell you is not going to be applicable to you, but there ought to be enough nuggets in this video that you too should be able to lower your energy bills."
"But of course, if a thousand bucks is not on the table for you, we've got ways for you to save a thousand dollars as well."
"One of the easiest ways to save cash is by comparison shopping."
"Here's a quick job that will help you make millions: smashing that like button so I can continue making quality content for you."
"Leave your card at home to eliminate temptation."
"Hopefully my tips and tricks will help guide you in making your future luxury purchases."
"Learning how to make $230 a week extra on OfferUp and on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace and Ebay is just smart."
"Absolutely amazing...you can get up to 6600 by doing this."
"You can actually have the seller pay for your closing cost."
"One regret that carries through to every purchase I make is not getting the best deal possible including cash back."
"You could straight up be missing out on free savings. It's literally free and installs in a few seconds."
"Another way to cut your car insurance costs is by qualifying for a multi-line discount."
"If you're paying money for your tires, you're doing it wrong."
"If you buy a vehicle right now, make sure you get gap insurance."
"The key to traveling: having your money work for you."
"Selling what you aren't using really can be a powerful way of literally being able to save thousands of dollars."
"Wait 24 hours before buying something... just waiting a day to reflect..."
"I know these budget food videos help a lot of people."
"Jake might be the most successful person offering these tips but just because he's more successful doesn't mean that him offering the exact same tips and tricks as everybody else is going to result in you being more successful."
"Babysitting, that's another lucrative way to make money."
"You need at least 10 plus positive accounts on your credit report."
"Opt out of secondary bureaus to improve your credit report."
"Save money on textbooks and manage your assignments effectively."
"Honey saves you money at every single online checkout."
"Don't close old cards - it helps your credit history."
"Understanding what a credit score is and how you can get a perfect credit score and what you can do to climb into that 800 club mark is extremely important."
"Having a good payment history is one of the most important things you could have on your credit card."
"All those gift cards you have saved up from your birthday, graduation, Christmas, and you might have forgotten about them. Why not just resell them?"
"Food delivery you can make money in it, it's in the tips, okay? And bring some bring some game all right."
"If you're just getting into credit cards do not get a card that you have to pay an annual fee for because um a lot."
"Avoid currency exchanges; withdrawals from the ATM in that country are usually the best option."
"Meal planning legit saves so much money and so much time."
"You save more money with honey than not using honey when you're shopping online."
"If you want a five series or a c-class or a 3-series, wait a year and go get a certified pre-owned."
"The best advice in crypto is free." - Tyler Swope
"Use phone apps like Fetch Rewards to scan your grocery receipts and get some cash back."
"Build a good credit score; lenders will give you a lower interest rate."
"One of the biggest tips I see people requesting is how to make some more money in the game without using an exploit or cheating in some way."
"Disney pros never pay more than they have to; they always get those discounts."
"Stick to pay-to-play items whenever possible."
"Fortunately you can save an average of just over £5,000 of a bmwx5 through carwow."
"If you need help getting rid of your money more quickly, then you're gonna like this tip."
"Follow the creators wherever they are and please tip your creators."
"You can really make 20 bucks stretch if you Shop Smart while you Thrift."
"If you're planning on doing any type of online shopping before this year is up and you want to pair this up with your credit cards... Ebates aka known as Rakuten, they are just such a great company to work with right now."
"Consider areas of compromise; buy generic, you save a lot of money on generic."
"The two most like tried and true ways in MLB the show to actually earning stubs without spending money are flipping cards and investing."
"Move stuff on that you don't use and that'll help bring a bit of money in."
"This is one of my favorite money tricks of all time."
"If you want to save some money with those foreign transaction fees and just have a ton of cash, that's fine."
"Ordinary people's stories count. They cannot be sidelined. They can't be forgotten."
"Stuff is expensive, man, and I'm always glad when I can help save you a buck or 70."
"You buy the dips, you buy low and you sell high."
"Getting these free rewards really starts adding up quick."
"Use those points for about two weeks of vacation, pay for it guys, use the credit card, pay it off in full, travel the world for free on the credit card."
"You basically are getting free stuff just for doing the spending that you have to be doing already."
"That $100 a month can just be by having a few less coffees from Starbucks."
"Side hustles are a great way to make extra money."
"You should not be going nowhere, okay? Here's the rule: if you going within your state, you got to have a minimum $500 on you, anything can happen."
"Shocking, right? Be really good at a job that pays really well. It's super easy to become a millionaire if you know what you're doing and you're specialized."
"In light of all the money that we may spend or lose today there's another great way that you can save money when you're online. Yeah, you heard about this if things are rough you can always make it a little bit better with some honey."
"All personal transactions should not be marked as goods and services."
"Discover the easiest way to make money with affiliate marketing!"
"It's also a great way to save money."
"Many times you can save 10, 15 sometimes 30% on your bills just by calling up these companies and nicely telling them that their competitors are charging a much lower rate."
"You can save even if you're already spending less than the average."
"Cut your expenses by at least 10% and see significant savings."
"If you have any great tips on lowering your cost of living, share them."
"So many people don't know this about Chase, but you can view your pre-approved credit card offers on the 'just for you' page in the online portal."
"But what if you could earn passive income at the same time you enjoy some of your favorite songs?"
"If people pay for solutions to problems, then if you need money, it's because you're not solving enough problems."
"Here's a tip I want to show you that may save you a little bit of money."
"If you're looking for an easy way to save some extra money for your next project, I highly recommend checking out Empire Abrasives."
"If there's a way that you know that you're currently like really trying to save money and it's working great for you, we want to hear that tip idea or strategy."
"use cashback and coupon finding apps"
"100%, that's how you get the most bang out of your buck."
"These are all the tips I have for you today, I hope they help you save some money whilst you're living in Switzerland."
"Save your money, save the stress, and just invest in baby wonder suits."
"Every Friday we give you tips and strategies that are easy to implement and they help you immediately spend less and save more."
"We've got the space to use and people always ask us for money-saving tips."
"This is a great way to save you a bit of cash."
"There are indeed legit ways to claim some extra free money every day online."
"This is such a great way to save money."
"Following these handy tips and acting will lead you to a better financial future where you will not only have more money, it will also give you peace of mind."
"Get a credit report for free right now. Experian is actually giving credit reports for free once a week."
"The easiest way to save money is to use a broker."
"I'll also be showing you how to add monetization on your website just in case you want to make a little money with your Real Estate website."
"Sell the flute. There's so many things, so there's so many ideas in here to help you start cashing in on your clutter."
"Every dollar counts. Don't think that because you get to the end of the month and there's $25 left, that's not gonna do nothing to the mortgage."
"If you're new to the channel, that is what we do, that is what we focus on: food prices and ways to save you money."
"Little changes add up to a lot of money."
"What we do on this channel: give you the tips, the insights, the practical hacks to help you work towards a dream life of financial independence and money joy."
"If you'd like to save yourself some money, who the heck doesn't, be sure to check out our deals page."
"Little things like that don't cost any money but they save you money."
"We're trying to give you lots and lots of tips and strategies in all the major areas of your budget that have been affected from inflation."
"We are talking about legit ways to get paid from credit card companies."
"Seriously, this could save you hundreds of dollars."
"Hey, I'm Hope. Welcome to Frugal Friday tips where every Friday, I give you quick, easy strategies for spending less and saving more."
"I've got a lot of ideas to help you save."
"If you're interested in making a little bit of side cash from the products you grab from couponing, stay tuned."
"Saving five dollar bills over time adds up."
"I think for anyone who's watching who's trying to save a bit of money, I'm showing you a pretty good way to do it."
"Don't miss the concept that we just shared with you."
"The most important thing that we're going to show you in this video is how to lower those monthly expenses without actually spending hours on the phone with customer service."
"It's a great way to be able to save money without you having to constantly be looking to see if something has gone on sale."
"It literally saves me so much money."
"I really hope this was helpful helped you maybe save a little bit of money."
"These are ways that you can save money, learn about watches, and really enjoy them because they're wonderful things to learn about and enjoy."
"I'm coming to you today with a list of budget hacks to help hack inflation and feel more confident."