
College Experience Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"College taught me real valuable life lessons."
"College is generally where you either lose your faith or you find your faith for real."
"I never actually felt like my own age or ever felt like I fit in until I went to college."
"The point of this video, however, is not to remind you that college can suck sometimes... The point is to help de-stigmatize this idea of opening up about our struggles."
"I got the degree, I went through all of college, through all the heartache of studying."
"That makes me want to enroll just so I can get that HBCU experience."
"Not everything you do has to be about grades in college."
"Give college at least a semester if you are like I'm not sure if college is for me and definitely don't let anyone besides you influence your major."
"College is such a small part of your life. It can be defining, but it's only four years of your life. What matters more is the person you become."
"Just enjoy college a little bit more. It's such a short time, even if it seems so long."
"The real college was the friends we made along the way."
"Don't let yourself get swept up in things because especially freshman year you're just like excited to be there."
"Trying to make friends is gonna make your college life more colorful."
"I was in college because I was like a scared virgin."
"There's a certain performative quality of being in college where you are like I am being in college..."
"College is not as good as people think, it's watered down."
"The professor, not the subject, makes the class."
"College is so much better... 'But just realize that there's definitely gonna be better days ahead of you.'"
"College really is like the time of your life."
"I was nervous about it but then as soon as I got to college I'm like these people don't know me I could be whoever I want to be."
"It feels unresponsive. I mean, technically it's not like Killzone 2 bad by any means, but it feels more like a game of that generation." - Unknown speaker
"Making friends in college is crucial; embrace new connections and experiences."
"Don't be afraid to spread your wings a little bit more on your campus."
"Thank you to everybody for making these four years literally the best four years of my life."
"College is not about learning the what, it's about the how."
"I'm going to try vlogging in school but I feel like college classes are way more different than High School classes."
"Knowing all those things about myself and also knowing that I did live at college for two years and I was so miserable that I literally transferred, those things were really getting to me."
"How long have you been going to college? It's my second year, second year down, bro."
"The ultimatums were the women wants to have their fun and party it up and go to college and kind of goof around."
"So long as you're considering what is most important to you, you will be able to make the decision that will help you gain the most out of your college experience."
"Oh heck yes, this is one of the skills that I didn't work on in college and I really regret that."
"College is the only time in your life where you're given the opportunity to meet the most friends, the most diverse set of people, explore whatever interest, whatever thing you want to do."
"Can you imagine being in college today and having to deal with this climate?"
"College education: may not be the best, but it's an eye-opening experience."
"One of the nice things with going to college... it gives you two to four years to actually figure out what the overall industry looks like."
"Yo, I'm a big fan of college, man. I had my ups and downs, but I ended up staying all the way up to my senior year."
"That four years of college was the best experience of my life."
"It still gives me chills to think about what could have happened if my professor didn't walk me down to my car that night."
"Enjoy every single bit of the college experience."
"College days swiftly pass, imbued with memories fine, and the recollection slowly fades away."
"I don't regret going to college because it gave me the insight that I needed."
"The biggest advice I can give to you for freshman year is really just to try your hardest to be open."
"I feel like there's a lot more to college than just the degree."
"If you go into freshman year and you're like, 'This is not what I expected, this isn't the best year of my life like everyone told me it was going to be,' don't worry, it can get better."
"I really hope that this might have helped at least one person, maybe not feel alone or helped another person kind of understand what your first college experience could be like."
"Don't choose chem eng if you want a smooth sailing, relatively chill college experience. It probably won't give you that."
"My college experience was phenomenal."
"That's everything you just said was me in college."
"Getting involved isn't scary, you get what you put into your college experience."
"$300 doesn't seem like a lot now but at the time for not even having my own space or a place for my bed this honestly was a highway robbery especially for a broke college kid."
"I kind of marketed myself on this channel as a very average student who... just did my best and ended up getting to [Yale]. Thank god for that because I have truly found such an amazing community here and couldn't imagine my college experience any other way."
"Coming to college is about more than just learning in the classroom, it's about getting to be a part of something much bigger than myself."
"It's really everything else that comes with college."
"What you realize had gone into it and like what it is you actually want out of your college experience."
"The very first new word I learned as a college freshman was hubris."
"College is the best or it could be the worst experience for some people, but College in and of itself is four or more years of growth and discovery."
"When a student comes to Adelphi, they don't just get an amazing college education, they get a great college experience."
"It's like the first week of college and you're just all having an amazing time."
"I have to remind myself I'm only this age once, and like, you only college once honestly."
"It really didn't feel like home for a while... towards the end of winter quarter into spring quarter of my freshman year, I started to feel more comfortable."
"I'm so happy I got the chance to experience such an amazing college setting; it has shaped me into being a more active and well-rounded individual with a global mindset and diverse perspective on the world."
"You make the social life that you want; if you want to go out and meet people, you will do so."
"I wanted to live my first year in the residence halls. I wanted to get out, have that college experience."
"College is not where you go to learn how to be what you're going to become professionally one day, but it's where you learn to be a human being."
"I'm going to be completely transparent in this video because I really appreciated when people were transparent with me when they were talking about their schools when I was deciding where to go last year."
"Make sure that you're focusing on yourself in college, and you're making the experience about yourself, not about finding another person."
"Making the best out of Welcome Week and making the best of your Fall Quarter."
"Contrary to what a lot of people advised, my 4 years in college were the best time of my life."
"Service and humanity and empathy and teamwork and leadership and servant leadership... a lot of that came from my experiences in college."
"Ultimately, college is teaching us how to learn, which we'll keep doing for the rest of our lives."
"I taught myself, but I did learn a lot in college."
"I definitely recommend living on campus in a dorm your freshman year."
"It's so much fun going to games, going to Franklin Street with my friends."
"When I got to college, that's when I really started applying myself."
"That's what makes it college football."
"I ended up meeting Ellen's roommate and that ended up becoming my best friend for like ever."
"Internships are a great way to gain experience while you're in college."
"One thing I like about Ithaca is definitely the opportunities that you get at this college."
"Going to UIUC isn't just about showing up for classes; it's about studying what you're passionate about in the most amazing labs from the best professors in the world, surrounded by your soon-to-be lifelong friends."
"College is more than just a degree; it's also about the relationships and experiences you create."
"One of my favorite parts of the College of San Mateo was just the people and the amazing and supportive faculty and staff."
"The sense of school spirit... that's what really makes your experience fun, in my opinion."
"Sheena smiled; she loved college already."
"I feel like your first year at College, you learn a lot about yourself."
"College is much more than that; it's personal development."
"Living on campus will provide you with so many opportunities to make connections with other first-year students who are in the same situation with you."
"It's such a privilege, dude, to go to college and to have an internship. Oh man, it's amazing."
"I went to college and that was the best thing that ever happened to me."
"Being in college during a global pandemic has meant nearly all of my classes have been online for the last year and a half."
"I feel I learned more this morning than at three years of college."
"You're only gonna live it once and there's so many opportunities that you can actually grab onto to make it like the best 4 to 5 years of your life."
"You get what you make out of your university experience."
"It's just one really long summer camp, and it's so fun."
"Make sure that you're present at your school, that you are hanging out with people, that you are making the most of it."