
Sight Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Don't be moved by what you see with your natural eye but rely on the word of God that you know."
"Sight is a function of the eyes, but vision is a function of the heart."
"Stonehenge, in its prime, must have been an awesome sight."
"Immediately he recovered his sight and followed Jesus along the way."
"The sight of Allah gives their eyes the best taste after they had seen all the taste in Paradise."
"What has one eye but cannot see? A needle."
"Open my eyes, Lord, that I may see."
"The most beautiful sight could ever be seen in any man's eyeballs is when there's an Iron Horse out there."
"If it wasn't so scary it was just absolutely a beautiful sight."
"That's a beautiful sight right there."
"You have the power to either live by faith or by sight. If you live by sight, accepting everything that happens, you remain an automaton unable to change the conditions and events in your world."
"The sight of his white buttocks wobbling into the distance was enough to kill the mood."
"Isn't that a gorgeous looking sight?"
"Color isn't just light particles out there in the world, nor is it a conscious representation of the light in the world. Instead, color arises through the interplay of light and sight."
"I have never seen a better sight than It's a Small World at night."
"Your brain thinks it knows better than your eyes."
"The sight of the purest Mana crystals was nothing short of a revelation."
"She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen."
"Life is unpredictable and it's scary sometimes, you walk by faith not by sight."
"How can you fight what you can't see? Your eyes can deceive you."
"The sights on this one, they're slightly skewed to the left and they're taller. Hooray! I can see, or am I being, it's a miracle!"
"This whole thing is about Vision."
"The eyes are blind, one must look with the heart."
"He knew he was face to face with a demon
of the elder world and the realization
robbed him of all his faculties except
"Thank you, Lord, for crazy stuff like being able to see."
"Walking by faith and not by sight is a fundamental principle for every believer."
"We are walking by sight as we walk by faith because our eyes are being opened. Everything that is taking place, we're being one."
"No religion apart from true Christianity can give anybody sight."
"Please don't close your spiritual eyes, because natural sight alone will never allow you to see the kind of light that really dispels darkness."
"She had seldom seen a sweeter sight."
"One of the most majestic sights I've ever seen in my life."
"We can record anything we can see."
"It's probably one of the most beautiful things I've seen in a while."
"You're about to level up in the spirit... it's going to be a leveling up of your sight."
"That is honestly one of the best sights I can possibly think of."
"One of the most beautiful sights to snowboard in."
"The sight sent a chill down my spine."
"Eye injections, a vital treatment option that retina specialists use to help save and improve our patients' sight."
"...we walk by faith not by sight if you could see it you wouldn't need faith if if I could see Jesus standing right here I wouldn't have to have faith in Jesus I mean Jesus standing right there."
"For we walk by faith and not by sight."
"I don't mean the sight in some weird new Agy kind of way. I mean they are able to see things as they really are, and this would include Nephilim," Shelly explained.
"Blessed are those who believe without seeing me."
"Faith involves some measure of sight, not physical sight but spiritual sight."
"In order for me to fix your sight, I need to fix your spirit cause your spirit is affecting your sight."
"But the eyes are blind. One must look with the heart."
"Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind, Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all of this in you I find."
"...you just gotta get them to get within your sight and that can cause them a lot of times."
"In some way, we can share concepts together, questions and answers can arise, but the most freeing or liberating thing that happens here is sight, it's beyond words."
"Yay, this is the best sight I've ever seen - a bag full of bagels and some coffee."
"It was just such an incredible destructive sight."
"Remember we walk by faith not by sight."
"Mixing colors by sight is how we learn how to mix."
"It's a tragedy to be born blind, but what's a greater tragedy is to be born with good eyesight and never see."
"Embrace the adventure of walking by faith, not by sight."
"The vision based on movement thing is, that's not true. We now know that the T-rex had some of the best sight in the animal kingdom."
"I saw my husband holding my son and I saw them for the first time."
"Whether he is a sinner I do not know; one thing I do know, though, I was blind and now I see."
"I would rather be able to never hear again than never see again."
"It's one of the most terrifying sights a human being can witness."
"If you really wanna understand how to have the best sight picture, come along and you're gonna learn a few things about peeps."
"I was blind, but not anymore. I can see, that I know for sure."
"This is the most amazing thing I've seen in a long time."
"All I know is I once was blind but now I can see."
"These days, Mickey can walk and function fairly normally, and after five years, he regained his sight in his right eye, to which doctors have no explanation for how he was able to do so."
"The sight of them terrified me even more."
"Taking care of our eyes is not just a matter of seeing; it's a celebration of the extraordinary gift of sight."
"Let the words of my mouth be acceptable in thy sight."
"One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see."
"One thing I know, that whereas I was blind, now I can see."
"Sight is spiritual as well as physical."
"Some people have excellent sight but poor perception."
"It was like the most beautiful sight in the world to me that I cannot even describe."
"Oh God, are you a sight for sore eyes."
"I once was lost, but now I am found, was blind, but now I see."
"It was the largest, most incredible sight I've ever seen to this day."
"I was dead, now I'm alive; I was lost, and now I'm found; I was blind, and now I see."
"That instant gratification when that person can see again, it's just lovely."
"You genuinely have no idea how much you can't see until you can see."
"It was a sight that defied explanation."
"I couldn't believe my eyes, never in a million years did I think I'd ever see something like this."
"We see nothing. If you're sighted, you don't see darkness behind you; you just don't see anything at all."
"All I know is that I was blind, now I see."
"Oh, it's a beautiful sight, isn't it?"
"I have seen the Lord, and now I see; I was blind but now I see."
"We walk by faith and not by sight, often holding beliefs to be true because it is expedient to do so."
"The dead started rising, the lame started walking, the blind started seeing."
"It was all so strange, but I couldn't stop thinking about the incredible sight I had witnessed in the desert that night."
"What a lovely sight of these giraffe."
"I don't believe in crickets because I've never seen one."
"It's a true reflex sight, believe it or not."
"All I know once I was blind but now I see."
"Something happened to me, yes I was blind, now I see."
"Whether he's a sinner or not, I don't know: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see."
"One thing I know, is that whereas I was blind, now I see."