
Romantic Gesture Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"I'm fascinated by your mind. What a beautiful way to start a proposal."
"I want to know if you'll meet me at the altar in your white dress."
"Express your love. Go ahead and make the romantic gesture. Tell this person how you really, really feel."
"Make a solid love offer. Ace cups are your emotions overflowing, being very happy, so I think you need to make a solid love offer here."
"I lost you once because I didn't act quickly enough... I'm not gonna make that mistake again, Mary Jane. Will you marry me?"
"He saves Anne from a kid that's harassing her and asks if she had any dragons that needed slaying, implying that he wants to be her prince charming: 'You're welcome.'"
"There's something very romantic about finding the smoothest pebble to give to a female penguin."
"Someone's gonna deactivate their Tinder for you."
"With the gesture of Silas touching Nia’s hand, deep down, he knew he loved her."
"The final straw was her sending me this picture along with a question: 'Would you wear flowers in your hair like this for me?'"
"I did it the right way. I got down on my knee and asked her."
"They want to say sorry so bad, like the knight in shining armor, to sweep you off your feet and make amends."
"Can I give you the ring? She's all yes, the ring."
"My dad surprised my mum for their 30th anniversary and had a bench dedicated to her in the park where they always walk together."
"Samza listens to his heart, and we can see that by how he proposed to Memphis in a cute way."
"I'm getting on one knee for the first time in my life because I wanted to communicate to this woman that you are so special, you are so significant that I want the whole world to know how much I love you."
"I send my wife 1-800 flowers because that's the kind of husband I am."
"I would walk 10,000 miles and I would walk ten thousand more just to be the man who would walk a thousand miles to fall down..."
"She suggests they leave the idea of their anniversaries and spend her entire life with him."
"They soon arrive at the first location that Hercule wanted to show Little Miss Manipulator: an art museum dedicated to the greatest works of Lamuan culture."
"Hercule wraps his fingers around her flowing locks and places a tender kiss on her forehead completely out of the blue."
"I remember walking on the trail in Austin and I told you a poem that reminded me of you, which made me cry and love you so much."
"And here is a romantic reunion between a soldier and his girlfriend."
"I ended up going back to Disney again, but this time I was gonna propose."
"I don't mean to interrupt but I love you in the notebook."
"Turns out to be a pretty expensive kiss, doesn't it?"
"Nevertheless, when he proposed at the table, I was really turned on and struck by his directness."
"I want to kiss you before the sun goes down, it's what you do."
"Wherever you are, light it up and I'll find you."
"I love you, man, and I just want to get this ring out and see you later. I was gonna propose."
"They will give you a rose, there's something about roses."
"She want Boba, I will take from Orange County all the way to like Hollywood just to get a Boba."
"That's a flattering move when she wants to smell your scent."
"Love for his then girlfriend, Hazel Williams, who Colin nicknamed Lotus Blossom."
"Chivalry is not dead, this is romance coming towards you."
"Probably the most romantic proposal story of ever in your life."
"If a curse can be broken with a kiss then prepare to end all the chaos in the world for our co2 eternity. Kiss me you fool."
"The kiss simultaneously celebrates their bond and serves as Sam's way of entrusting Josie with his love."
"This has got to be the most romantic proposal I think I've ever seen."
"He pulls up her mask and kisses her before taking on his alternate form."
"He cooked for her, he made her a seafood lasagna while they drank a bottle of wine together."
"Since you guys went ahead and won, you can now have your first kiss."
"Somebody wants to give a marriage proposal here, I'm getting very, very strongly, they're wanting to do it right now."
"The girl is so touched by this loving gesture that she is left starstruck for a second."
"Valentine's Day that's not just for lovers you can show your best galantine some love right you can let your mom know how much you love her or if you're feeling super risky you can make that first move with the one you've been crushing on."
"You said you've been stealing Hearts, yeah, well this is your chance to prove it."
"He got on his knees raised his sword and told her she was his everything."
"Someone wants to give you their cup of love, they want to trust you."
"Stick with Breaking Bad, because when you answer that door, it's me with a dozen roses and one simple message: I love you."
"So I called the DJ, and I begged this guy to give her my number."
"It blew my mind. This is, I would say, hands down the most epic proposal ever."
"I even Bridal carried you at one point. Oh, how romantic Damon, come on, that's everybody's dream."
"Just as they're about to be drowned, Piper kisses Jason and tells him she loves him."
"She turns around, he's on his knee holding the ring."
"Call Her: If you’re doing well over text using only a fraction of your ability to communicate, think about how amazing you’ll seem when you surprise her with an actual phone call."
"Delivering a heartfelt speech about how Kurt inspires him, Blaine leans in for a passionate smooch."
"I woke up first thing the next morning and decided to surprise her by having coffee already made."
"I proposed in some random dude's backyard in the rain, so this is a lot better."
"In the language of flowers, it means eternal love."
"This person is coming to pour his heart or her heart on her sleeve, they want to apologize, they want to say they love you."
"I have a surprise birthday dinner planned for her I've made reservations at her favorite restaurant."
"I leaned my head in and kissed her on the lips."
"This ring is a symbol of my love and my plans to marry you, will you accept this promised ring?"
"Beautiful flowers for my Emma, I spent my last money on them."
"Hold my hand and take me to the promised land."
"She agreed to meet you in the middle of the night in the rain. No one does that if they don't care."
"That was so sweet. If you show the flower to everyone, you really are the best boyfriend I ever had."
"I just slid my ticket across the table and I said, 'Sorry, guys, I gotta see about a girl.' I gotta go see about a girl. Yeah, that's what you said."
"I want someone to love me that badly. They'll move a house."
"If a guy really fancies the woman he's with, he's likely to reach up and make little adjustments of his tie."
"It's my love song to you, dedicated to you tonight."
"This person wants to put a ring on your finger."
"What could be more romantic than checking up on our old boy Nicocado here?"
"Being a gentleman is always romantic. It's just adorable."
"Ladybug smiled as Cat Noir greeted her and pulled out the jar of truffles."
"Rory waiting around for 2000 years guarding the Pandorica was a nice romantic sentiment."
"Larry and Helga love each other, so on Valentine's Day, Larry bought them a fancy new apartment in the Renaissance."
"He asks her to read the last page of the book that's where he has truly admitted his feelings for her."
"I wanna spend the night at hers and bringing one of my t-shirts so it smells like her perfume now I really get what the love songs are talking about."
"She mentioned that they used to exchange letters on paper airplanes."
"He's hoping to surprise her for their anniversary."
"Go out and do something nice for your wife or your girlfriend after you watch this video."
"I startled her when I swept her off her feet."
"Let's just get married and drive off, it's so achingly romantic."
"Ryan also brought me flowers again last night he is crushing it."
"I bought my girlfriend some lingerie. It was her birthday and she hinted at the stuff she wanted so I went to, I think it was, Agent Provocateur for these fancy kind of set of pants and bra and stuff. It went quite well."
"I decked it all out. I'm talking about rose petals, candles, wine, cooked a nice bread. Everything. She comes in, 'What is this?'"
"Sarah explains that she was held up by the Marquess who picked up her dropped handkerchief and asked to keep it."
"The actions that this person plans on taking towards you is a love offer."
"For this man to even remember to even get flowers and to book a table for dinner weeks in advance, like, he's gone out of his way for me."
"Someone has fallen madly in love with you and will not sleep or eat until I return this love."
"he gets down on one knee and proposes marriage"
"He chuckled and finally asked me the ultimate question, 'Will you be my prom queen?'"
"I felt sick. There was also a note with it. It said something along the lines of, 'You're so beautiful, I'm in love with you. I'd be a much better husband than what you have now. Please give me a chance.'"
"I've been waiting for you, Mary. You see, I've got a lasso around the moon, and I'm gonna pull it down for you."
"What do you want? Do you want the moon? Just say the word, and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down for you."
"The Duke lifted the sleeping Clarice into his arms with ease and gentleness as if she were a light feather and they made their way to the spot where they had the best view of the celestial lights."
"As they kissed, Mara slipped the glasses into Cody's pocket."
"Well, you said you just met her, so you don't need a bouquet or anything over the top. I'm thinking a single rose or a tulip. But not red, 'cause you wanna save that for something intimate. So, I'm thinking either pink or yellow."
"I had to go see about a girl, man."
"It feels very much relationship-connected today. It doesn't have to be your romantic partner, although it's looking that way to me with this romantic gesture."
"Express your love. Go ahead and make the romantic gesture if you guys are feeling like you want to express your love to this person or you just want to give them some extra attention."
"Can I give you something I've wanted to give you ever since the day I fell in love with you?"
"Daniel actually introduced himself to Betty by writing Daniel broadrick III MDA on a napkin."
"I said, 'I'll lose that girl with a made-up name and get with the girl who cared enough about you to break into your bedroom.'"
"We went to Florence after the wedding and that's where I proposed to her."
"I did send flowers and chocolates, our last session was a breakthrough."
"I just want to give you the world, Anna. Everything and anything you want," he says earnestly.
"Impulse, when a man gives you flowers that's Impulse."
"Finally, he pulls out the engagement ring from his pocket and puts it on her finger."
"Will you marry me?" Paul got down on one knee.
"I'm going to tell you that I love you 100 times a day."
"Ultimately, he lets himself drown to save the woman he loves."
"Love spoons in Wales traditionally a man would carve a spoon and give it to the woman he loved."
"He ended up taking me out for ice cream."
"He waited for her at the same spot as before and gave her a rose."
"He asked her to meet him at Namsan Tower when the first snow falls."
"I'd like to set you to music, just because."
"I'm always shocked that men don't understand the power of the flower."
"I showed up with flowers just to drive the point home."
"He finally told me he liked me in February, asked me to be his Valentine, and then we went on a little Valentine's Day date."
"Look into his eyes and tell him you love him."
"A serenade I long to sing you, the reddest rose I always bring you."
"I just want to make you smile, hold your hand in my hand, looking at the sunset, man you're looking good tonight."
"You deserve the world, but for now, I'll give you my heart."
"When we went out to dinner, and he just came up behind me and kissed me, there was nobody there... so I felt a genuineness from him."
"It's a romantic gesture you guys can do, and it's worth every bit."
"Julie, I love you, I want you to know, that though this poem is real long, I hope it will show that you are my princess and you're priceless to me."
"These are for you, and do you want to go on a date with me?"
"You cannot go wrong with the red roses."
"There is something that just melts a girl's heart when a man kisses her forehead."
"I am hopeful this will also impress the lady I intend to marry."
"I'd like to give you the world with a fence around it, the moon, the stars, the universe."
"I wore this dress for you, these killer heels for you."
"This Rose is a token of my love for you, just as this rose endures, so will our love."
"Valentine's Day coming up, chaps, if you're watching, I can tell you your lady will love these."
"You can make these cinnamon rolls for your loved one for Valentine's Day, oh you bet you could."
"I'm giving my girlfriend a thousand dollars every time she says 'I love you'."
"If you're not going to wake up, I might kiss you."
"Got you some roses because I know you love roses, my love."
"Finally, Zach gathered her into his arms and leaned down and touched his lips to hers in a sweet kiss with the woman he loved."
"I'm going to whisk my lady away for a celebratory dance."
"It's like you just asked her to prom or something like that. It's very, very cute."
"The way he brings her a flower..."
"They walked hand in hand through the exhibits."
"I love gardenias, and so Joe would buy me a wrist corsage of gardenias."
"That touch on my waist and that small peck on my cheek is what made me fall in love with her."
"I'm gonna put a donut ring on your finger."
"Don't say it's the end of the road. Remember the flowers I sent."
"It really was so adorable when he asked for Sutton's number, he said, 'Oh, I would love to see you again and talk to you again,' and Sutton was like, 'Oh, like okay, sure.'"
"I take the long way home if it meant I'd go walking by your door."
"I was just trying to be romantic."
"I've just shown you those flowers that Tom got me, but he got me a trip to Finland in February, which I'm so excited for."
"I'm so excited to see the look on her face when she sees this."
"Another date with my wife, I think I owe you a real date at some point."
"I wrote 100 reasons why I love you in a piece of paper and I stuck it in the whole guitar."
"Giving her these roses every day won't express the depth of my love, but they can show that I love her truly and deeply."
"He's waiting for us with an umbrella and flowers."
"My father confessed his love to my mother on the first snow."