
Business Ownership Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"Everybody in America should be a business owner; however, not everybody should be in the business of starting a company."
"An American company isn't necessarily the best outcome, but if done right, it could be."
"People would be better off if they say, 'I bought a business today, not a stock today,' because that gives a different perspective on it."
"More of a lavish lifestyle coming for you in your future, especially if you're a business owner or someone who really likes to manifest."
"I want to own mad businesses and just be successful."
"I've always wanted to be a business owner. I've always wanted to be my own boss."
"The company is owned by myself and also Rob."
"Understanding the business...you really are a part business owner."
"If you're running your business through the internet and you don't have direct access to your audience, then you don't own your business."
"It's amazing what he did. He taught me to stand up and be the owner."
"Do I own my business or does the business own me?"
"Congratulations if you've experienced The Wonder of being an owner of a company and getting a share of the profits in the form of a dividend."
"Own great businesses and remember that market corrections are a normal part of investing and they should actually make you happy, not scared."
"I honestly never dreamed about owning a place like this."
"We need Elon to buy Twitter, okay? It's something we can all agree with. A rich South African is trying to own something that's not a person. That is progress."
"When you're a business owner, you get paid first, taxed second. When you're W2, you get taxed first, paid second."
"When you run a business, you are actually building equity in your business. All that effort and creativity you pour in, you get to reap those rewards."
"I believe black people need to own more businesses so we don't have to work for white people anymore."
"You deserve it, you've worked hard, you've been through a lot and I think it'll be good for you to have your own establishment separate from the pizzeria."
"I think the way the black men can even that score is we have to have our own businesses."
"The true wealth is made in owning these businesses."
"Own your own businesses. Self-determination is the way to go."
"I need my own business, I need to mind my business and I need to have a business."
"There is a right to own and run your business... that does implicate the right to life, liberty, and property."
"Start talking to your kids about... it's better to own a business than to just be an employee."
"Ownership is extremely important when you are trying to get funding."
"I love being in the franchising business... being able to give a lot of people jobs."
"They knew you were gonna be something, whether if you were going to be a boss, you were going to have your own business, you were going to have uh on the house, you were going wherever the [ __ ] it was you were going to be succeeding."
"We aren't speculators in the price movement of shares... we own businesses."
"When you own a business you think about things differently... do I want to own this business or do I not want to own this business?"
"Do not sell too much Equity at the beginning. Having said that, the best thing you can ever do is sell no equity at all."
"Guess who always wins? The owners of the business."
"You must own a piece of a business if you want a path to financial freedom. There's literally no other way."
"I still own a hundred percent of this company. No one has ever had any other percentage interest in my company. I have maintained full equity at all times."
"Around here everybody always in your business. Get your hot dog stand, get your own business. Baby stay out of mine, please."
"It's the simplest thing ever... a part ownership in a company."
"One of the most important things to me is ownership. Like, we own 100% of our stuff."
"For those listening, if it does sound like you are the type of human that wants to own a business, there's no higher calling."
"Building a relationship with your audience is really important."
"Money looks good, there's a lot of action in the money you make from the business you own or the company work for which is very good."
"Imagine your parents saying listen we're gonna buy you a business you just have to run it and you'll own 50... that's a fire deal man."
"I own a waterfowl lodge in the Arkansas Delta called Blackduck Revival."
"Being a business owner is an absolutely wonderful thing."
"It's an organization... we combine them and we own the things that are easiest for us to own."
"You're building your own company like it's actually owning your own business."
"Black women represent 42 percent of women-owned businesses, three times their share of the female population."
"Once you step away, the CEO is now in charge. You have fired yourself, brought in a new CEO, you still own the business, you own the equity."
"If you understand that a market isn't a source of information but is rather a facility for buying and selling fractional ownership in businesses... it's a huge benefit to you."
"So what do I do? Well, I'm going to own businesses that are resilient, that can adapt, that have pricing power, that don't have too much debt, have global, durable cash, that allows them to reinvent."
"People do not buy airplanes because it's the luxury CEO thing to do. It allows you to be the best CEO for your employees and it allows you to be the best dad you can be for your kids."
"Frank Ocean said about independence: 'The idea of being able to have a decent life living off just a thousand fans who are invested in you and will purchase what you make is only possible with ownership of the business.'"
"The most incredible experience of my life to own a business and also own a business that has gained such popularity so quickly."
"If your business depends on you, you don't have a business, you have a job."
"The holy grail is that if you can find yourself in the happy place of ownership of a great business that is compounding and growing at the long runway and you never need to touch it, I think that's awesome."
"It's liberating as a business owner because it's for the first time you would see how a business could run without you."
"If you're a business owner and you have business income but you're feeling like you may be paying too much in taxes, this could be a really great strategy to lower your overall tax bill."
"People come to us, and their business has completely consumed their lives. And if we can systematize it so that they can get out of their business and their business is running successfully, we can give them more life."
"Make sure you use it. Start acting like a business owner."
"Potential Dividends are cash left in the till so the way I want you to think about it think like the owner of a small business what I'm trying to measure is how much cash is left in the till after you've met every conceivable need."
"If you don't own a piece of a business, you don't have a path towards financial freedom."
"You are not going to build wealth by flipping and trading stocks or treating it as a number on a screen. A stock is ownership of a business."
"It's true that I succeeded as a business owner."
"It's time to get our community back, own some business around here, and that's what we on."
"Independent contractors such as freelancers and consultants are business owners, which means they're self-employed and they pay for their own taxes."
"Sweden has a disproportionately high rate of business ownership as compared with other developed nations."
"Whether you're running it through your agency or you're just a small business owner... you're going to want to know the differences."
"This has always been my dream to be a business owner."
"I feel like a couple years ago, I could make my own 200 million and still have 100% ownership in my company."
"The amazing thing about being a business owner is that you decide everything."
"I am so humbled by this experience... the connection that you have to your community owning a business."
"Investment is owning businesses... owning all of American business, letting capitalism do its work."
"If you're an independent agent and you write a piece of business, you own that business; that client's yours."
"I'm in business now, I've got the keys."
"I'm buying a piece of a business that I am now an owner of."
"This is your business? Yes, I'm the owner, the captain, the cleaner, everything."
"Switch from running businesses to owning businesses."
"It's better to own one or two percent of a 100 million business than 100 percent of nothing."
"If you're trying to be a business owner but have to run everything by someone else, you're not really owning it."
"Vanguard is owned by the funds managed by the companies and therefore is owned by its customers."
"We didn't own two businesses because my husband is from the BVI; we own two businesses because the opportunity presented itself."
"They were about to become co-owners of their own billion-dollar empire."
"Ownership is big, and it's hitting more of mass market now."
"My interest is genuine, I view this as a long-term career path and running and owning companies whether it be one or several."
"We started it from nothing, and we own it, and I want people to trust it. It's not for sale."
"You want to have ownership of your own digital transformation."
"You do not need to have a hundred percent of the business. 50% of the business is enough to qualify for an E-2 visa."
"I want to inspire you guys, you know, own your own business."
"You need to be a business owner, you need to invest in stocks, you need to get into real estate."
"Don't buy a stock, buy a share of a business."
"I'm the owner but I rely on the manager and the staff to run the restaurant."
"The business now owns the results and will begin to use the results of our project to further the business, to improve operations for our company."
"If you own all of the shares of a company, you own the entire company and can control all of the decisions in the business."
"I would want to own some kind of a business."
"Dentistry allows you to own your own business."
"There's a man who owns a business, and I just saw you coming to the realization that it's always been in you, and I see power and effortless success."
"17% of black women have a business right now."
"That's why I'm able to have a business and the true sense, not just a side hustle."
"This is my dream. I always wanted to have my own business, and here it is."
"The primary advantage for a sole proprietorship is freedom."
"Time flies, especially if you're a business owner."
"If that doesn't prove the emotional connection that any business owner is going to have to their business, I don't know what does."