
Financial Strategies Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"There are so many ways to build wealth...There's no one way to do things."
"Trump says he'd have to hold a fire sale of properties to meet the $464 million Bond."
"Rides and attractions have been sponsored by various companies. These companies pay amusement parks to put their brand name on attractions. This not only helps bring awareness to the brand's product but it allows the park to make some extra money as well."
"Retracements and reversals can be critical in maximizing risk/reward."
"Poor people spend, the middle class save, and the wealthy invest."
"During a bear market, study where the outperformance is starting."
"Speculation about their involvement in cryptocurrency, with claims of market manipulation and expansion of their financial empire."
"A tightening in financial conditions would work in the same direction as rate tightening in principle."
"I think shorting is a healthy component of the market."
"A hedge against... counterparty risk... would be another reason to do it."
"Diversification preserves wealth, but concentration builds wealth."
"Money is made on the arbitrage between price and value, or speculatively, price and what you think that something is going to be worth rather than what you think it's going to sell for a year from now."
"Swing trading annihilates two out of the four reasons that day trading is so detrimental for beginners."
"We are witnessing actual battle tactics, financial battle tactics."
"Trapping tools is the fertilizer that spawns a new financial philosophy."
"One is you have rent and debt forgiveness so that people don't default."
"The winning strategy may be to be prepared to lose money... your goal is just to lose a lot less than everybody else."
"Patience is going to be one of the best strategies to help out the investor in this world."
"It's called retesting. You got to go down and retest numbers."
"Retirement plans are one of the best places to legally hide money from the government."
"For those of you that are new, if you're intimidated by investing, just replay the plan: long term invest first, then swing trade, then day trade."
"There's more than one way to build true wealth."
"This strategy must be capable of weathering the storm of different market conditions."
"No risk no reward whether you're getting real estate stock market bonds even no risk no reward."
"Most millionaires are made in bear markets not bull markets."
"This is the final war financially fought and our weapon is crypto. Amen."
"Dollar cost averaging is our friend and it can help you get to that."
"So, it's just the amazing thing of like these uh, these hedge funds sitting there doing all this manipulation is like, 'May their billions become your billions,' like they're just taking their billions..."
"When we are writing options, guys, your goal is to write that option, collect that premium, and get out as fast as possible."
"Money making in Red Dead Redemption 2 is super easy. I have tons of money making guides on my channel to really help you through the process."
"It takes less time to make a thousand dollars by selling something rather than like, you know, substituting time for it."
"Lowering interest rates was the basic strategy used until the 2008 financial crisis."
"There are a lot of layup trades in the market where you can make over 10 and not take a lot of risk."
"Those of us that's been that are used to these patterns, we're making a lot of money."
"These short sellers, they play this game so much. This is how they make money."
"Stocks do tend to be something of an inflation hedge."
"In case you're unaware, if you've forgotten, we need to... basically, we need to get gold on a commercial gig."
"Shorting is a good market tool, but abusive shorting is bad"
"Another big difference that Choi found is that economists don't understand the idea of holding cash in a low interest rate account while also having high interest rate debt."
"They are building wealth by making the right decisions and trusting and being consistent and determined over a longer period of time."
"The only way to get banks to stop manipulating precious metals markets is to call the bluff, take delivery, and make them feel the losses of their short position." - Reddit User
"We're seeing a world shape up where we just don't have a lot of selling pressure for bitcoin."
"Investing more aggressively or earning more money are the paths to reaching the millionaire milestone faster."
"Change wrestling hidden assets into certain visits."
"Doubling your money with creative investing: It's not just possible, it's practical."
"I think that might be one of the best approaches. This is not financial advice, I've told you many times."
"I'm gonna show you today how you can legally, morally, and ethically pay off all of your debt, even a 30-year mortgage, in a fraction of the time."
"I failed at the goal of being profitable today, but being short-term focused on an individual day is not always good."
"Centralized power structures lose relevance as savers move into bitcoin."
"Just watch the charts and not pay attention to the news."
"Rich people are the ones who are able to take on the most debt."
"The beauty of dividend investing: buy another share, give yourself a little raise."
"Long game not short game... plays trillions of dollars here."
"When you're in this kind of three to six month phase, options become really good ways of getting leverage." - Raoul
"Substitute teaching was a great way to make some extra side money."
"You either have to pinch pennies and save or you gotta find a way to make extra money."
"Stick with it, see it through, and see that snowball effect."
"All coins are the best way to make fast money in 2021."
"Fascism has arrived in the US, and it's dressed as this kind of weird DC Comic clown."
"Make money while I'm sleeping, no guessing when investing."
"Investing in index funds is not a bad option, but we're not about that 10% annual returns life."
"Elon does not need to make any quick money... Everything is kind of like a game, right? He likes to troll."
"Every time you go further on the risk curve, the asset you bought from the guy who was already there or gal needs to go buy a new riskier asset."
"What if I told you there were many ways to guarantee effectively endless money?"
"It's so hard to make four million dollars in cash... this is one of the easier ways to do it."
"Money management and psychology is no matter what you are doing."
"From a financial standpoint, I'm going to continue doing what I've been doing."
"In the 90s, day traders were the original high-frequency traders. It wasn't the same speed, but it was the same idea."
"Making moves to make sure that you capitalize on making as much money as possible in this market."
"Spend money you don't have but... if you're paying off your credit cards every month... the credit card perks feel like free money."
"And everyone puts their money back into alts. And we're back in the cycle again."
"If there's something that could flip that resistance into support, it's a short squeeze."
"There has got to be a better way for me to pay this off."
"Every day, I earn money passively with affiliate marketing in this way."
"If you want to get wealthy, you have to make money, save a lot, and find the ways in which you can add a lot of value to society."
"Five times the return using options versus buying the actual stock."
"This aversion to debt is a cultural trait, with the German word for debt being the same as that for guilt."
"We moved from an economy that makes things into an economy that services things and where there is financial engineering that's where the money becomes."
"We're just going on to the next thing. There's always going to be money-making opportunities."
"The best time to buy is when people are panicking."
"I figured out this is the most consistent way to make money."
"Market participants are now placing a lot of bets... we will go from shock and awe to just destroy."
"What are you doing? You're getting fat stacks, that's what you should do."
"It's possible to beat the market if you have the right models, the right training, the resources, the computational power, and so on and so forth."
"The debt has to be paid, whether it's through taxation, inflation, or hyperinflation."
"Investing isn't as hard as you might think it is just stick with the strategy start small and be consistent."
"A massive thing is going to be to have a big squad... teams that are that have less money."
"The problem is how do you do it? It is relatively easy to rescue or to underwrite the system."
"When used correctly, credit cards are still the very clear winner."
"They're forcing them to buy the stock at a much higher price than what they sold it for, and so that's the squeeze."
"The bearish argument for the VIX, the bullish for the market is the predominant one."
"Having a little bit at risk sometimes does help with the emotions."
"If black people are ruthlessly practicing group economics we can buy every and any street in the heart of London."
"I feel like there's got to be a better way to make more money right it's just this stuff is so expensive."
"Make money effortlessly with this simple strategy - no experience required!"
"Stop orders allow price to give more support and evidence."
"We can hold longer than the hedge funds can."
"Just kept buying, kept Mike. Well done, well done."
"Your goal is to get aggressive with pursuing your financial goals."
"Cash is now a risk asset, people are moving to money market funds."
"Taking calculated bets on trying to scale into the market and try to at least plan around what that scenario might look like are things that I believe are super healthy."
"Money Talks. Real Madrid and Barcelona need the Super League because it's the way to make money quickly."
"Dollar cost averaging reduces market timing risk."
"Maybe this is how you make up that lost revenue."
"Economic fortification is a protective mechanism that ensures your likelihood of success."
"These moves unlocked large amounts of capital for the controlling families."
"The covered call strategy... actually lowers your risk in investing."
"If you just keep your dollars in your bank account, well your dollars are dead."
"It tells you when to set your stop losses, it tells you where to put your take profits, it shows you the entire thing right in front of you."
"The focus is big money in your hand, lots of it, and fast."
"There is no perfect Trader out there, there's no perfect system, there's no perfect anything."
"A 44 billion Act of philanthropy not a financial decision not an investment not a business acquisition."
"Canceling debts... you just want to say, we ain't paying them."
"Trust it, stay in, buy when it does that, get out when it does this."
"Impulsive moves are the trends we want to capture."
"Under the current owners, this is what United is going to be like. The only money that has been spent on players at Manchester United is the money the club has generated or that it's borrowed."
"Drop and there it is, that's how we make our money."
"People don't realize that when you try to take from the rich, they'll find a way not to be taken from."
"Maybe the dollar then has to get rewritten down."
"Ultimately where the competition comes down to is at the monetary policy level."
"Cutting back on dining out, driving, vacations, and monthly subscriptions—those are the big things that people say they'll do now in a potential recession."
"Covered calls are probably one of the best things you could do."
"How is somebody able to simultaneously confront multiple bankruptcies, Wall Street stigma, and yet continue to build? The answers lie in financing and development assistance from Russia."
"Watching the market day to day is not going to be as fun as it's been the last six months, however guys, that is where the real money is made."
"There's two ways to have more money in your life: you can either make more or you can spend less."
"Black money bounces round and round. That's how you aggregate your money."
"By implementing effective risk management techniques, traders and investors can improve the performance and reliability of their automated trading strategies."
"Financial fair play can be manipulated, but you've got to have the money in your pocket to do it in the first place."
"There are so many different ways in which you can make money from your couch in your PJs from your bed if you don't want to put a lot of effort into making money."
"We know how to hedge getting into the market, we know how to sell premium on options so that we can get paid to wait."
"Keep powder dry; you can get some pretty extreme things happening in a down market."
"Long-term investing is about consistency and staying focused on your financial objectives."
"Dividends do not have the same potential for abuse that buybacks have."
"Above all, we want to start positioning ourselves in something that a) is going to outpace bitcoin and b) as well, especially getting them ahead of time before bitcoin starts really charting that next cycle."
"Powell weighs an earlier end of the bond tapering amid hot inflation."
"Once my account gets larger I could consider trading options or futures."
"Welcome bonuses really give the consumers an opportunity to accumulate a lot of points without having to spend that much money or waiting a long period of time."
"You can either buy the dips, sell the tips, or catch your pips."
"Nobody wants to buy them because they're beaten up, they're unloved, they're losing money right now. But that's when you want to buy stuff."
"My goal on this show is to give people tangible strategies to build their credit, get access to Capital so they can make even more Bank in their businesses." - Jack McCall
"This is the most honest way of financing our enterprise here."
"Stick to one trading strategy to avoid bad habits."
"Cash is going to seek anywhere to go if it's bleeding out of the debt market, bleeding out of the stock market."
"More than 50 percent of you are either buying gold and silver or you are putting your money into a bigger institution, basically moving it out of a regional bank and into one of the 'too big to fail' banks."
"Start getting serious about looking for ways to drisk."
"You don't actually have to win to make money in this game."
"There's been a reach for yield, leading investors to take on more risk."
"As long as we, the people who have the money to do it now, can guarantee our return, put a fucking lock onto the scene."
"I would do things to make money that you would never even dream of."
"You always start with the deal, you never violate that principle and the money will always appear."
"Understanding hedging and portfolio neutralization sets you apart in finance."
"New Vegas is by far the easiest Fallout when it comes to making money."
"It's the middle of the sandwich that suffers in this environment where the rich get bailed out and they have all the resources to hide and shelter and their wealth and reduce the tax exposure."
"Real estate investing: where you can generate cash flow, enjoy depreciation, and maximize profits."
"You had two months okay to catch the crash so people lose more money a trying to short and B trying to pick tops than anything else so you have to let the market tell you don't tell the market let it tell you."
"Bonds have been successfully used to discharge all kinds of debts, including mortgages and court cases."
"IRS bonds have been used to discharge federal income tax penalties and interest."
"The vast majority of money managed by BlackRock and Vanguard is indexed, meaning they don't really control where it gets invested."
"Live a thrifty life and save money with these strategies."
"Let's talk about when to scalp. There's times when I scalped the 25 ticks or so."
"I've seen some people talk about passive income and call it automated income."
"The fun thing about being an options trader is that I can dictate what types of trades I put on at different times."
"I feel like I fall into a category somewhere between Grant Cardone who loves to leverage as much as he possibly can and Dave Ramsey who is basically as anti debt as you could possibly be."
"Rich people spend money on ways to make more money."
"You gain insights into the movements of the markets, and this is the information that's going to give you an advantage or Edge over other Traders."
"Identify these financial role models, figure out what are the recipes that they used to create, multiply, and preserve wealth."
"Rich people are using their money differently than everybody else."
"Some people say, 'I like roller coasters; I want to make more money at the stock market.' Some people even see Bitcoin, Toto, 4D — all these are some form of investments."
"There are multiple paths to wealth."
"As you take more risk, you are having more reward, and that's what you want to have when you're creating financial strategies."