
Due Process Quotes

There are 187 quotes

"The due process rights of an individual are at least as great as the Eighth Amendment protections available to a convicted prisoner."
"He's using the due process against itself to generate diversions, distractions, and delays."
"The deprivation of procedural due process combined with the absence of focus or any witness testimony whatsoever resulted in a null and void order."
"Nowhere does it say you can yank them back in and take them away from the parents without due process, without a lawyer, without witnesses."
"You can't take my children like this, and I just cannot believe that we're going to say that you have a lawyer, even if they're not present, you got a lawyer, and that's good enough for due process to lose your children."
"We believe in due process and we believe voices should be heard, ideas should be exchanged, and rational people should make rational decisions based on consensus."
"You can't just take someone's property without due process."
"We have to hear the other side to make sure we do our due diligence and give them due process to defend themselves."
"If a company receives a court order to hand over information, I fully expect you to do it. We are a nation of due process and laws."
"I'm a system idealist, and I believe in due process."
"The rush to judgment for a snap impeachment in this case was just one example of the denial of due process."
"If we had due process of law in this case, we would know the truth."
"Due process exists because we don't believe that we can simply adjudicate the results."
"Innocent until proven guilty - protecting the rights of suspects. That's our duty."
"No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law."
"The constitutional rights that are at stake here... it's our constitutional right to due process that goes out the window with red flag laws."
"The 11th circuit said that the that was unconstitutional that that profit motive by the private probation company violated due process."
"The undoing of the plaintiffs was that they filed a due process claim and not a civil rights violation claim."
"Being held in solitary confinement with no bail, thinking that you brought this kid up in America where there's a constitution and there's due process."
"This is a hearing about who will sit on the highest court of our land... some of the most important principles behind the integrity of our system of justice is that we have due process and we have transparency."
"It's wrong. It's universally wrong regardless of the person and there's no objective way without due process that you could apply such a standard to any individual under any context."
"There should be some sort of due process and then talking therapy before people are pushed into surgery and hormones."
"An allegation alone should not be enough to support the destruction of a man's life and a man's career."
"Evidence still matters. Due process still matters."
"There's a reason that there's such a thing as due process of law...and there should be at least a modicum of due process when it comes to the court of public opinion as well."
"Maybe they should have extended due process to the defendant."
"Believe the women, but also have due process."
"There are principles going back 800 years to Magna Carta holding that people cannot be punished by the state without being sentenced by a speedy trial of peers."
"The trial court and their decision to not disqualify her is a structural error it violates the defendants due process rights and it seriously denigrates the public confidence in the Integrity of our justice system."
"Our system absolutely depends on the fact that we do not convict people unless there has been due process."
"Mob rule has been historically very bad for minorities in this country very bad for minorities in this country that's the reason due process is such an important thing."
"Can you still have due process even if Trump is speaking?"
"The public interest lies in justice and a fair trial, not a rush to judgment. And moreover, if the rights to due process and counsel mean anything, a defendant must have adequate time to defend himself."
"This is about due process and due process rights."
"The defendants in these cases, as in every case, are innocent until proven guilty, and they deserve the due process of law."
"It's a threat to our democracy, so how do we fix it? We have to ensure the integrity of our elections."
"That's the bastardization of due process, that's what they do in third world republics."
"That's bullshit and that's why in court cases and systems we have due process where you can't just tar people, you can't just assume things."
"It feels like due process and presumption of innocence have been tossed completely out."
"Could you please share with me what due process was given to the unborn child?"
"We have not done a good job of reminding generations of students of the value of free speech, open inquiry, due process."
"Freedom of speech, open inquiry, and due process."
"People expected to care about due process and rule of law were just throwing it out the window."
"The President had no rights, no due process rights, Republicans were granted no witnesses there were witnesses Republicans wanted to call that the Democrats called."
"I believe in due process by and large. I was really upset to see Vic being destroyed without looking over facts first."
"Due process is the key to everything that is good about America in our system of justice."
"Ensures a fair legal process for criminal defendants."
"Due process is a core of American jurisprudence."
"Every single person in United States is entitled to due process including the former president."
"Due process. Nothing spoils a witch-hunt like those two words."
"Why is it that the state can basically say due to the density of crime you are not afforded due process?"
"What's the minimum amount of time that will satisfy due process?"
"We as a civilized society use these procedures, this process that is due to the defendant, a due process if you will, to maintain a peaceful and fair civilization and avoid the anarchy of vigilante justice."
"The government just, with no recourse, being able to just freeze your life, no due process, no court order, just it would be the end of any organized protesting the government decides was a sufficient threat to their interests."
"Allowing the state attorney's office and specifically Christine Bradley to continue his counsel in this cause violates defendants' due process rights..."
"My position is that Officer A deserves due process, just like anybody else."
"Let's wait until we have a conviction, until they've been given due process. Rushing to judgment is never a good idea."
"Verdicts serve as a reminder of the power of due process."
"We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law."
"You don't give an accused criminal that right if you never give them a day in court."
"The only due process a person ever gets is does the FBI and the justice department tell the truth to the court."
"The accused person never gets to know who it is that accused him of it, you don't know they don't tell you."
"A culture of just automatically believing accusations... depriving the accused of their due process rights."
"Believe women, but that does not mean at the expense of not giving men their due process."
"Nobody wants to live in a world where there is no due process."
"We have a rule of law. If that rule of law says, if I think you're a bad guy then I should be able to kill you, right? That's not our rule of law."
"If you're gonna accuse somebody of that you need some evidence."
"We had a big win in the sixth circuit recently, which said Wayne County was violating the constitutional right to a prompt post-seizure hearing."
"It should be handled in the way it's been handled through the courts through the law system Justice will be served where it is deserved."
"A solely on the word of an embittered ex trying to bypass due process and have me quote unquote canceled."
"To answer your question Americans believe in due process and when due process is denied they believe something happened."
"Canadians should let the RCMP process continue, they do this work independently of course, but people should know that we're a rule of law country."
"Citizens depend on the 14th amendment to protect their right to due process."
"I think the question still is about whether Trump will be true to his word and implement the largest mass deportation operation in history using arcane laws from the founding of the country to remove non-citizens in mass without due process."
"The problem was that due process did get trampled in many different instances which did a disservice to the actual intention of me too."
"Due process is a very necessary thing, and the court of public opinion is not necessarily based on that."
"You have a right to call Witnesses."
"This isn't due process. He admitted that he raped somebody."
"There has to be something beyond the accusation. The accusation does not equal immediate expulsion."
"What does the Quran teach us? The Quran teaches us that you cannot convict somebody without proper due process, and that means you need to have witnesses. Eyewitnesses."
"The Canadian justice system guarantees everyone due process."
"That's the only right they have. Just let them be there. That's all they need. They don't need freedom of speech. They don't need due process. That's all they need."
"The due process clause of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that no state shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law."
"I'm just doing my job for my client if the court reviews the information we've requested and the court says that there's nothing there it'll be placed under seal in the file and it can be addressed on appeal."
"Finally, there's arguably a lack of fairness and due process in some of these cases."
"It's illegal for the state to lock up anyone who has not been duly convicted of a crime. Thank God. This is the rule of law."
"Judgment before punishment is really, really fundamental."
"Justice Department has to uphold certain things like due process."
"We must take allegations seriously, but taking them seriously includes properly investigating them and taking seriously also the rights of the accused person."
"The publication of presidential issuances of a public nature or of general applicability is a requirement of due process."
"We must ensure that the process is transparent, fair, and thorough."
"If someone's a serial killer, I do think that they... we must still do due process."
"You cannot act arbitrarily, you cannot act in a way that is unfair and without what's called due process."
"Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."
"The presumption of innocence is a requirement and a safeguard of due process of law."
"No person's life, liberty, or property without due process of law."
"This has to be investigated. You ask for process because that's the right thing to do."
"One of the most important principles behind the integrity of our system of justice is that we have due process and we have transparency."
"The 14th Amendment's due process clause has a substantive component that provides heightened protection against government interference with certain fundamental rights and liberty interests."
"Our constitution says that every defendant deserves due process."
"We will uphold academic freedom, we will uphold the rules of merit, we will have a system of due process because it's in the Constitution."
"I think one of the fundamental tenets of democracy is due process."
"They deserve to know the charges against them, the witnesses, they have the right to confront those witnesses."
"The only difference between our worlds is that I have due process and restrictions on what the government can do because they are bound by the law."
"The only way that we solve for injustice is by abiding by the rule of law, giving people due process."
"The criminal justice system is the only thing that we have that is bound by the law that gives people due process in order to fight injustice."
"Substantive due process determines whether a person's life, liberty, or property has been unjustly taken away."
"We need to do things right. Justice needs to be done right, due process needs to be done right."
"That's what due process requires."
"It is particularly important for this category of unpopular defendant to receive the same process as everyone else."
"To the degree we deny unpopular defendants basic due process rights, we cease to be the country we imagine ourselves to be."
"No reputable academy on the continent would consider expelling a student without affording them the opportunity to present their case."
"Everyone is entitled to a fair trial and needs due process to be imprisoned."
"The Magna Carta... set up the principle of due process of law."
"The Analog Act protects against over criminalization and protects due process rights."
"The government should only take away your natural rights with a trial by jury."
"The right to procedural due process... requires that a person involved in the judicial process be given meaningful notice and a meaningful opportunity to be heard."
"Due process does not require the state to provide every foreseeable service to the defense."
"The police powers exception allows states to implement measures in pursuit of public purpose in a proportionate, non-discriminatory manner and in respect of due process of law."
"We live in a society that is committed to the principles of due process and the rule of law."
"You've got all of these people that are involved in the legal process to give people due."
"Due process is very important, you practice that."
"I firmly believe it's the right of every person in our country to exercise their right to a jury trial and they're afforded the full due process of the law."
"I am doing everything I can to preserve your right, your client's right to a hearing under due process."
"Our constitution is designed to ensure that the government affords due process to people who are being accused of crimes."
"Due process worked in this because what happened, the case got dismissed."
"To be denied due process and treated this way is invaluable to clients to get justice."
"Justice involves a trial and some structured system for punishment."
"No State shall... deprive any person of life, liberty, property without due process of law."
"The Constitutional due process rights of any criminal defendant hold a paramount significance."
"Fair due process needs to apply to everybody."
"Let's wait and see what's proven, let them ask questions, let them cross-examine witnesses."
"This rule violates the due process clause of the 14th Amendment."
"Standing up for due process is a good thing."
"Due process is the backbone of our United States Constitution."
"The primary purposes of the military justice system are to ensure due process of law for individual soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines while at the same time helping to maintain good order and discipline."
"Every court as a matter of law must err on the side of protecting a defendant's due process and constitutional rights."
"The concept of due process of law was well established and kind of continues to be what we fight about today are the boundaries of that concept."
"This right is a fundamental element of due process."
"The principle that you don't punish a person or condemn them until you have heard them is as much a customary law principle as it is an English common law principle and a principle in the Constitution."
"Give us the courage to allow the due process of the law to take its course."
"Due process requires that the accused received a trial by an impartial jury free from outside influence."
"The allowance of the privilege to withhold evidence that is demonstrably relevant in a criminal trial would cut deeply into the guarantees of due process of law."
"No person may be deprived of life, liberty, and property without due process of law."
"Not only does this provision deny people the right to due process, it targets low-income families."