
Cultural Traditions Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Weddings are a beautiful celebration of love, but some cultures have unique rituals and traditions that are outright bizarre."
"For young people going home, being urged to get married has become an annual New Year's tradition, a subject they fear most."
"The Blade Dance is a ritual held in honor of the five great spirit lords. It's a large martial tournament of elementalists. The country represented by the winning team will receive the protection of the spirit lords for a few years and a period of prosperity."
"Around the holidays, we make coquito... everyone else brings their version of it, we all get drunk by having a tasting of the various coquitos."
"Let's continue to dig deep into our roots and manifest the spirit of Yule, the spirit of the new year, and the wonderful winter season."
"Tomorrow, the groom's village, a few miles away, will host the second wedding, a sort of welcoming of the bride to her new family."
"This isn't my story, this isn't about my feelings, this is about the people here, this is about a tradition."
"The Assault on Thanksgiving is based on an ideological assault on the freedoms that are protected in the Constitution and Bill of Rights."
"Tradition is a set of solutions for which we have forgotten the problems. Take the solution away and often the problem comes back just as big as it ever was."
"Urban legends, folklore runs deep within all traditions."
"You still need a strong moral foundation and cultural tradition."
"The dead were no longer being fed, people used to routinely leave offerings to their ancestors."
"Olaf realizes that he is their family holiday tradition."
"The Christmas season in Europe stretches for well over a month, not to maximize shopping days, but to fit in the season's many holy days."
"Tradition is something to be embraced in certain areas of life."
"Birth to a female child. It is the custom that a female child should always be the leader of the Guardians, but this time will be an exception."
"Cannibal cures were in widespread use from Roman times right up until the 18th century."
"Midsommar represents a 'magical' period related to important old festivities, celebrated for nine days."
"The tattoos are heavily traditional... but modern-day a lot of modern native people have really made a resurgence with traditional tattoos."
"Kissing under the mistletoe dates back thousands of years, believed to have magical healing powers."
"They will treasure you with so many red packets and love and money."
"Remember the word, remember we started five years ago and I said you're going to be saying Christmas again."
"The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree was brought to the British royal family by Queen Charlotte in 1800."
"Circumcising baby boys is God calls it an eternal Covenant when he gives it to Abraham and they believed he meant Eternal it means it's not going to end."
"There's nothing like nostalgia. I mean, there's nothing more powerful than those traditions."
"Romans believed it was bad luck for a groom not to carry his bride over the threshold of their home, a tradition that still carries on today."
"Cultural is things I find that go way way back in our culture."
"We all need to have love over traditions and the things that don't matter."
"Deep cultural buying from Korea: Confucian education, examination system, and more."
"Ghost marriages... a 3,000 year old tradition... is thriving in rural China... carried out to ensure the unmarried dead are not left alone in the afterlife."
"The next time you knock on wood, know that you're not just partaking in a quaint ritual but echoing a melody of human resilience and hope."
"Africa is a continent of many myriad countries with very different traditions and aspects to them."
"Can't go to your husband's house without it, usually African parents can be, you must start a tradition."
"Christmas is called 'family day' in Uruguay."
"What should be brought back is the altars of Lillet, but they should change the location every single season."
"Let us not forget that before all of these revolutions taking place all African societies had their traditional Chiefs and traditional elders and they worked things out in an African way."
"Each country must discover and develop on its own, as suits its own traditions and its own interests."
"This full moon speaks of a time when we feel called to release some traditions, to release some old ways of approaching reality."
"If Frankfurt win the Europa League and Liverpool the Champions League I will invite you lads for a trad apple tradition."
"This is tradition, every time one of our friends have a baby."
"We are one family with many similar traditions but unique also."
"The festivals of ancient Egypt all had one thing in common: drinking and feasting."
"Unity is used for traditions, which is one of the things I want to show you."
"The drum is your companion on the journey of awakening, invoking trance, and awakening wise and ancient traditions."
"In Spain, we don't have Santa Claus traditionally, we have the Three Wise Men."
"Trick-or-treating is like singing Christmas carols."
"His vineyards created red wine and that's what he took with him to the afterlife."
"Trick-or-treating if you want, I guess. I don't think God was canceled. Might as well try."
"Celebration of holidays establishes and helps maintain a strong emotional and cultural bond."
"We do not have those traditions here that I kind of wish we did you know in some way some traditions not all but yeah but we love you guys yep I love you guys um you know I don't know if we're siblings like he was talking about but I think we're definitely cousins."
"We need to cleanse the spirits of those who died in the wars or who died in Asia. Their spirits need to be cleansed and brought back in the proper way."
"You know how Latino Thanksgiving is, it's a gamble. It could either go really good or really bad, and we love to gamble."
"I want people to be happy. If lighting a menorah makes you happy, go for it."
"There's no right way to do it. Folk magic is the magic of the people."
"Both greetings reflect their respective traditions' emphasis on respect and peace in interpersonal relations."
"In Australia, Christmas is about making memories with your loved ones."
"All I've ever wanted, my idea of a wedding since I've been a kid or since whenever I want to get married, my idea of a wedding was like big, you know what I mean because it's a celebration."
"But it did not seem possible that I would be the only one not participating in those festivals these opportunities brought families close if you didn't see I'm just editing out the long music in between dialogues you're not missing any context."
"Americans just like love putting emphasis on weird birthdays. 16 is a big year for some reason. 18...oh, you're legal, you can vote, but nothing else really happens."
"My father, being deeply rooted in tradition, refused to take any bride price from my husband. He simply said, 'Just take her and continue from where I stopped.' It was such a touching gesture that made my husband cherish my father even more."
"Indian cooking is largely fat-centric, meaning that all cooking starts with fat and ends with fat."
"The Hindu tradition of the Yugas... inspired the Greek idea of different ages of men."
"You learn, you listen, you strive to understand, you seek to honor its beliefs and traditions."
"Troll hunter is wholeheartedly Nordic; it exemplifies the folklore traditions of Norwegian culture by thrusting its canon into the heart of modernity."
"People pay their respects to Miss Baker by leaving bananas at her grave."
"I feel like every summer, every time I go back to Turkey, someone gets married and I'm like, 'Great, no one told me to pack a wedding dress.'"
"There's something sacred about that tradition."
"It remains a matter of urgency for the government to sincerely look into the issue from every angle based on custom and tradition, history and land holding, and to give justice to all."
"It's also quite common to see some pumpkin carving during Dia de los Muertos."
"The twists and turns of all the noodles in the soup are symbolic of all the different paths that life can lead you on."
"Colorful traditions are often rooted in a desire to stoke patriotism."
During Christmas, Norwegians lose their collective minds and prefix "Jul" in front of everything you can imagine.
"It's a cute tradition, it's uplifting and it's something to look forward to."
"Communal singing goes very deep in musical cultures from around the world."
"If you are celebrating Christmas, Merry Christmas. If you're like me and you're actually from a country that celebrates Christmas on the 24th, I hope you had an amazing Christmas Eve."
"Traditional rituals are important because performing them will keep people away from the harm that black magic causes."
"It's about traditions. Some of the best moments of life are those traditions that you relive."
"The vocal production of European medieval singers was highly melismatic, to the point of being similar to Modern Greek, Arabic, or Andalusian Spanish vocal traditions."
"God gave to Israel seven feasts... each one of these feasts represent that which God has in mind for Israel and also for all humanity."
"We're just going to hang on to that tradition; it's super important to have those couple of days together."
"December 25th is usually the darkest day of the year, and that's why they have that very special holiday in December."
"No bonfire this time, Vikings, let's launch her."
"The best part of the Chinese New Year for some kids is the red envelopes given to them, called 'hongbao'."
"Christmas in Japan, people actually hit up KFC for the Colonel's chicken."