
Factual Basis Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Let's not try to speculate too much, but let's stick to the facts here."
"I'm a big fan of eyes wide open faith, like the kind where we know the facts and we understand the story of how all of this happened."
"Respect the guy... his belief is founded in fact... respect how he defines himself."
"Nothing you've all heard me say many times that we make our cases based on the facts and the law. These are not just words, these are what we live by. They are the foundation of the way we make these decisions."
"In science, a theory is something that actually explains a fact." - Josh Feuerstein
"We all care about Justice here... rooted in facts."
"I want to maintain the position of operating on facts."
"How do you tell what's right and wrong? Look for the facts, the Nuggets of indisputable facts."
"You know us cops, we base our investigation on facts and testimonies."
"Don't listen to the noise, focus on the facts."
"Some of us just need to be hit with the facts, science perspective."
"We have to actually have the facts, have the data, have the record."
"Science is not a religion, it's like a fact."
"We definitely need truth, of course. Anything you're saying needs to be based in truth and fact."
"Over time if the conspiracy theory starts to have more facts substantiating it it ceases to be a conspiracy theory it still could be a conspiracy."
"We're essentially creating alternative reality which has the intention to be more fact and reality-based."
"You need fact, you need data, you need information."
"Feelings don't alter reality, they don't create facts."
"You're not fueling your narrative with facts, you're not fueling it with history, you're fueling it with your own whims and desire, and that's the problem."
"If you want a good vibrant democracy, you need to be based in facts and truth and evidence about what works."
"Evidence matters, you folks. Evidence, data, documents, witnesses."
"Morality is directly related to well-being and to the facts about reality."
"It's essential that federal decision-makers cut through the fog and the confusion in order to follow the facts and the science."
"He's trying not necessarily trying to paint a different picture but he's given different perspectives based on certain facts."
"Building our beliefs on a foundation of facts is essential if we're to see the world through a clear lens."
"It’s important to find a baseline of truth and make the choices on it."
"Your opinion turned factual because you looked for the facts."
"A judge must have the freedom to decide cases based on the facts and law."
"I would rather have something that's rooted in fact."
"Every decision you make as an investor or trader should be based on facts."
"I make decisions not based off emotions but based off facts."
"We are focusing on the science, the facts, and the data."
"Ask for what you need, present a clear argument why you're worth it and why this is important. Pentacles is going to base it on facts, not on emotions."
"You can't win football games without the facts."
"If Christian belief is to be different from mythology, then it must have a factual foundation."
"The courtroom is facts over feelings. Big facts."
"It's imperative that we gather facts before we build theories."
"The idea that you are tried on the basis of the facts, not on the basis of what you look like."
"If they're going to try to impeach a President of United States, shouldn't it be based on something that actually happened?"
"I'm only interested in what we can establish as fact."
"Let's make decisions based on facts rather than on rumors and emotions."
"Facts only, only by facts can we draw a conclusion in any type of discussions."
"Every Institution you decide whether it's for your side or not disastrous for society but it starts with the facts."
"Don't be distracted by speculation, guesses, or assumptions. It all comes down to facts and evidence."
"It's the same charge, it's the same offense, it doesn't mean it's the same factual basis."
"It's natural as human beings, we always want to know more... but you have to base your decision and deliberation process on what occurred from actual events."
"Beliefs in the absence of fact are meaningless."
"Inspection decisions need to be made based on facts."
"We need to have a narrative which is based on facts and truth."
"I want the evidence to convict him, not hearsay."
"Science rests on facts; when subways are no longer real, there are no facts, so anything goes."
"Seeking the truth from facts is what doctors and medical researchers should have as their basic limit."
"We're only working within the realm of facts here."
"You can't derive an ought from an is, right? How would you get normativity out of the fact that things are a certain way?"
"You still have to verify, you still have to have evidence."
"If my confidence is on real stuff, if it's on facts, I don't need to question myself."
"Generalization is not bad if it's born out of fact."