
Academic Focus Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The director is the ideal primary author of a given film, thus pushing for academic film study to shift from a focus on films that typify the effectiveness of the collaborative studio system to more idiosyncratic director-driven fare."
"We can put more money towards professors... I would agree that we can cut administration costs."
"Missional clarity is critical for any industry, any business, and especially for the Academy right now."
"Take my advice, let no trifling diversion or amusement or company to coy you from your books. That is, let no girl, no gun, no cards, no flutes, no violins, no dress, no tobacco, no laziness to coy you from your books."
"Historians, economists, politicians should really pay rather more attention perhaps to the ability of natural forces to change history than they do at the moment."
"If you're going into maths or science, you're gonna do quantitative stuff. If you're going into history or literature, you're going qualitative stuff."
"I love that there's such a big focus on like the academia of magic and the studying of magic."
"You are here to focus on your academic features. I'm sure you all have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow."
"I think there has been this overemphasis on sports. I'm old school, and I'm old guy. What happened to just going to school to actually get an education?"
"Teaching for conceptual understanding over test scores."
"So really making sure that I'm on top of this semester is really important."
"Academic excellence and social responsibility."
"Emily found it hard to mix with the other girls... she coped by dedicating herself to her studies."
"Mutualistic cooperation in which you benefit another person and benefit yourself simultaneously has gotten less attention."
"A dearth of evangelical scholars concerned about old testament textual criticism."
"I'm no longer suffering from the cold, great. I can focus on my studies."
"It's time to start taking studies a little more seriously."
"Study hard, do well in school, be a good person, make good relationships, and take advantage of the opportunities that are given to you."
"We need our higher education system to focus on promoting academic Excellence, The Pursuit Of Truth."
"Do your thing, focus on school, enjoy yourself."
"It's not all about the grades guys... it's about improvement."
"School comes first, and that's the biggest thing."
"It's to figure out what is most liberally collect, what is the most social justice academia."
"Never forget that you're here at the Stanford to go to classes. Never forget that you're here."
"Honestly, things have been really good. Could use a bit more focus on homework, but who am I to complain?"
"Most students describe Lincoln University as a small, close-knit community with a strong emphasis on academics and personal growth."
"Remember that 20% of your actual exam preparation is content review, while the remaining 80% should be done exclusively for practicing those really dense passages."
"Gibson was primarily trying to develop a theory of perception, not a philosophy of life."
"Focus on your A level subjects because grades are what determine everything."
"College girl first, if y'all don't know nothing about me, y'all know that them academics come first."
"Be very thorough about your objectives of the research."
"It's a good balance between relaxing and hanging out and also focusing on academics."
"I regret focusing so much on school and getting good grades that I let opportunities to make new friends or make memories just slip by."
"Focus more on your grades, focus more on studying."
"A student who studies a lot, we would say is studious."
"I'm here to deal with the scholarship, ain't nothing personal against this dude."
"I have to finish chapter two today, like I actually have to finish chapter two."
"It's nice that with this, you can concentrate on doing the school work and get better grades."
"I'm determined to finish this essay today... I'm just determined."
"Academics are generally regarded as very important."
"Remember that your final exam is worth 10 percent of your overall grade, so please focus this week."
"One of the things I will come back to in this class is to reemphasize first principles."
"No one should ever come between you and your education."
"I tried to be very strategic and pick items that were more academic focused."
"The grades just sort of put the focus more on doing your best rather than doing better than others."
"Let's call this section 'Current Semester' and we'll bold and highlight the block to make it stand out a bit."