
Distancing Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Once you recognize that none of this is going to change, and that these patterns are likely going to be in your family in perpetuity, that may lead you to distance yourself from the relationship."
"When did you start pulling away? It wasn't in the last five weeks; it's been an ongoing process for about a year."
"You're moving away from people who are childish."
"Just know that I will continue to distance myself from the piece of [ __ ] that I used to be."
"It's better to take a step back from this person. Your advice here is to hold on to your inner strength, courage, and your sense of self."
"Is mass and social distance worth it if we lose our humanity?"
"It seemed like they were simultaneously trying to distance themselves from the SNL of the past."
"If you want to go to the next level, you have to let go of people who are distractions."
"The more you separate yourself from those types of people, the better."
"You're giving someone the silent treatment, that's that disconnect."
"Actions speak much much louder than words you know my opinions my my my um Tendencies my beliefs have changed a lot."
"Social distancing means we must be apart but can't stop the solidarity in our hearts."
"I denounce grooming; I distance myself from unkind or toxic people."
"People are actually going to get tired of the drama; they're going to put a distance between them and that person."
"If they've distanced themselves, maybe you can say, 'Well, that isn't enough for me.'"
"Social distancing is basically the opposite of being social, you understand?"
"I've had to step away from that myself it seems like people."
"Trauma bonding, I think Micah distancing herself from Irena, but at the live reunion, they were like very, very close."
"You got to separate yourself from around certain people."
"He's beginning to pull away from everybody."
"Distancing strategies: any attempts to move away from the attachment source, can be emotional or physical."
"When you bring on... to promote to an audience of millions... whose theory is that the parents are crisis actors... that's not actively distancing yourself from the actors thing, is it?"
"Run with it as far as you can, yeah, you know, let's separate as far from this nonsense as we possibly can because we don't need to take it to the next generation."
"Weirdly have to sit away from everybody."
"So I think from the signals and the data we've seen, being six feet away from someone indoors versus outdoors, I think is an enormously different transmission scenario."
"The number one reason guys pull away is pressure."
"People are starting to walk away from this person, they're heartbroken."
"Jericho started spending less and less time with the group and began interacting with Don Callas."
"For a civilization to flourish, you really do need this distancing which should never be a sundry."
"I see people distancing themselves and seeing this kind of scholarship as embarrassing as a step in the right direction."
"I thought even if they're a bit self-interested even if they were only self-interested distancing themselves from Destiny would be the smart thing to do."
"For me to be able to get out in the woods, it's a great way to kind of social distance myself from everyone else."
"Recognizing that those who trash talked were mostly cowards, he decided to distance himself from them and move on."
"Maybe outdoors with some distancing. Exactly, yeah, yeah."
"The WWE distanced themselves from Chris Benoit."
"Distanced self-talk is a kind of distancing tool."
"Let's stay safe, use the Clorox wipes, stay six feet away from people."
"Staying 2 meters away from other people remained the best way of reducing coronavirus transmission."
"I'm going to do my damnedest to not spread it to people and I'm going to maintain as much distance from myself and other people as humanly possible because honestly, that's the only logical recourse with this."
"I think social distancing will become a little bit of a social norm for some time to come."
"We're so lucky to be here right now; we could stay socially distant but still get to see one of the most recognizable landmarks of all of North America."
"After the death of his father, Sunny made a conscious effort to distance himself from Al Capone's legacy."
"It's appropriate to distance yourself from people that aren't good for you."
"There is no better social distancer than Bigfoot."
"The safe, responsible thing to do is to distance yourself from people."
"It could very much be just that she is trying to distance herself from that person because they're trying to protect that person."
"Socially distancing himself from the opposition."