
Doctrine Quotes

There are 1721 quotes

"Attain maturity so that we may no longer be children tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine."
"Life and doctrine are meant to go together. Watch your life and doctrine closely, persevere in these things because through them you will save both yourself and your hearers."
"In Rome, we have a great body of doctrine and faith and morals, and so many of these questions the Eastern Orthodox are arguing over, we've already worked out these things because there's a Magisterium, there's an ecumenical Church, there's a universal binding authority."
"The father, the word, and the Holy Ghost... and these three are one."
"The doctrine of baptisms: one water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, and after that, you must have the baptism of the Holy Ghost."
"Jesus is the only way to God; let us be clear of this today."
"These are not to be understood simply in terms of doctrine, but in terms of God's ongoing encounter with human beings."
"The whole concern of doctrine and its teaching must be directed to the love that never ends. Whether something is proposed for belief, hope, or action, the love of our Lord must always be made accessible."
"The keys are in continuing in the doctrine, in prayer, in true fellowship."
"The doctrine of the Trinity says that there are three distinct persons; they are distinct, they're not the same, they're all three different persons, they are all equally God, and yet there's only one God."
"The doctrine of regeneration is the lost doctrine of the age."
"True doctrine understood changes attitudes and behaviors."
"It's time to identify doctrines that have been taught by our enemy and removed them."
"God wants us to do a firm and strong in our belief so that we're not tossed back and forth by every sort of wind or doctrine."
"The worst thing you can possibly do... is to flee from doctrine... because if somebody gets upset or offended we're going to have a split." - John MacArthur
"God is looking for those who will not just hold on to the sound Doctrine but also preach it."
"The Catholic Church has the fullness of the truth."
"Mothers don't give birth to natures, they give birth to persons."
"We believe in the Trinity, we believe in the resurrection."
"Fleeing to the mountains is when this doctrine stuff, when these structures are breaking down, go to love."
"Christianity would be true if the Bible had never been written because the book did not give us Christianity, the resurrection gave us the book."
"The Bible is the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable."
"Authentic Christian preaching is always apostolic."
"Speak sound doctrine, even if it's unpopular, as many may not endure it in latter times."
"Doctrine is relational because right beliefs about God are beliefs about the God you have a relationship with."
"If you don't have the death and resurrection of Christ, the inspiration and trustworthiness of the scriptures, the call to turn from worldliness to follow Jesus and holiness, then you're not even really a church."
"One massive doctrinal change that came about in around 2012-2013 was the new light on the faithful and discreet slave."
"Doctrine divides, but it's necessary for spiritual purity."
"They have to have that whole biblical grounding, be able to teach doctrine and explain the Christian faith."
"The church's take is that sexuality has a structure and intelligibility built into it by God, discernible within our physical, psychological, and spiritual makeup."
"I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God."
"This is my doctrine: repent, believe in Me, be baptized, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
"God is our eternal Father, His beloved Son is our Savior Jesus Christ. Eternal ordinances, covenants, and doctrine are found in His restored church called in His name The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints."
"Obeying the messenger is obedience to Allah."
"If you have the word without the spirit, you have truth without life."
"The Nicene Creed... the first clear and universal statement of Christian belief."
"What matters to me is what is he preaching, what is the gospel that he's preaching, does it line up with the word of god?"
"No amount of opinions, commentary, or religious doctrine can ever change the word of God." - Unknown
"A doctrine is a formalized expression of a foundational belief." - Ron Matsen
"Christianity is the only God-willed religion."
"You have the liberty in Christ to do such things, if it's a clean beast offered unto a false god."
"Be careful, Paul says about listening and falling as a believer to every wind of doctrine that leads people astray."
"Eschatology is not something we should divide over."
"In the Amish community, doctrine rules over everything."
"Scriptures so I trust what the apostles preached. Oh yes, I have no qualms about it, I believe it all. Love it."
"To obey Jesus, you must obey the apostles. That's right, if you reject the apostles, you reject Jesus."
"The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the father do, that he will do."
"There's no god but God. That's it. That's the message."
"Mary who gave birth to God the son in his humanity is the mother of God."
"The foundation of the church is not men but it's the word of God."
"Could it be very possible that we're taking a spiritual poison that we think brings us life, but it's actually false doctrine?"
"The church is teaching regarding these matters does not change."
"We are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bone."
"Spiritual body is a body that got the behavior of the spirit and still can function as natural."
"The doctrine of the virgin birth works better with the Greek."
"We have to stick with the apostles' doctrine, we have to stick with the word of God."
"Doctrine is not an end, it is a means to knowing God."
"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and render unto God what is God's."
"If you love then what do you do you follow the messenger exactly."
"Strong words, true doctrine. God loves you, died on the cross for your sins and mine, and rose again from the dead. You need to put your faith in him and in him alone."
"All Souls are Mine, that's right, God just never intended for a man to marry a man, God never intended for a woman to marry a woman, that's right."
"The idea of turning the other cheek doesn't mean being taken advantage of; it's not what Jesus taught."
"What Saint Peter believed should be the same thing that we believe."
"Doctrine matters... if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received let him be a curse... Doctrine matters."
"God is love, so everything He says and does is done from love."
"Jesus Christ preached the gospel of love, not the gospel of hate."
"Resistance to oppression is a biblical doctrine that is absolutely germane to the Christian today."
"Genesis 1 to 11 is actually the foundation for all doctrine."
"Don't get tossed to and fro on different winds of doctrine, build on the understanding you have already received."
"The doctrine inside of these organizations trains the mind to think evil is good and good is evil."
"It's my love for them that says God has already declared, Who am I to disagree with God?"
"We baptize into the singular name of Yahshua."
"That's the false doctrine known as annihilationism."
"If a church loses its doctrine, it can no longer bring salvation."
"Truth provides the doctrine, principles, and laws necessary to gain eternal life, while love engenders the motivation needed to embrace and act upon what is true."
"What we're telling you is not some mystical, you who doctrine, we've made up, this is in your Bible."
"There's one God, there's one Lord, there's one baptism, there's one spirit in all and through all."
"The only thing that makes you the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is the doctrine of Jesus Christ."
"The Christian spirit refuses to subscribe to the doctrine of the closed door."
"The moment you believe savingly in Jesus Christ, God legally declared you to be right with him forever."
"God's word... we have to unite around God's word."
"God ain't never said bow your head and raise your hands. God ain't never said accept Christ as your personal savior. Never, never. He never said join the church, prayer send us prayer. Never that's right, that's right."
"If you deny inerrancy, you break the link in the chain."
"True doctrine understood will change behavior."
"Many churches today preach a false gospel, leaving out the blood atonement of Christ."
"If you continue in the truth of the doctrine of God's word you will be saved."
"Start with questions when dealing with Deliverance Ministry doctrines. Seek clarity, ask for biblical evidence."
"Any church or denomination that preaches a reconciliation other than that which occurs in the heart."
"Just because the Trinity is the most widely accepted and revered doctrine of traditional Christianity, it doesn't mean that you should blindly accept it."
"Orthodox Christians remained faithful to the word of God and defended and expounded Christian teaching such as the Trinity and Christ's Incarnation against all heresy."
"Sound doctrine is what makes strong people, and weak doctrine makes weak people."
"Believe in Jesus, and you'll be saved. Deny him, and you'll be in the Hellfire."
"The Catholic church is defended by the magisterium."
"God is not for abortion, first of all. God tells you not to do whoredom."
"There is one way and only one way, and that is through Jesus."
"Whoever speaks against the holy spirit it will not be forgiven him either in this age or in the age to come. Those are the words of Jesus."
"The bible strictly forbids any such practices."
"Theology is dictated by the Bible, not the other way around."
"Jesus said unto him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life.'"
"The truth will be something held in common by every sect of all the way back to the very beginning."
"True doctrine understood changes attitudes and behavior."
"Roman Catholics do not believe that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone."
"If God's purpose does not prevail, God ceases to be God."
"The Trinity is active in what happened on the cross."
"You'll never get 100% of Baptists to agree 100% on Doctrine. That's why our constitution says that churches must closely identify, not completely identify, with our confession."
"We are delivered, therefore, a gospel which is in fact an impossible religion."
"When you start questioning the resurrection as like, 'ah this is an optional doctrine,' no, no, no, like that's not optional, that's like Christianity 101."
"The main thing is Jesus, the main thing is the resurrection, the main thing is the scriptures. Like, we have to keep the main thing the main thing."
"It's a perversion of the gospel to say you must do something to achieve unity."
"Lex orandi, Lex credendi: the law of prayer is the law of faith."
"Do not think I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets."
"The Church of my son is becoming more divided... true Doctrine will prevail and my son will always be the king of his mystical body."
"The Bible does not teach that Mary sinned, nor does it teach that every single human being has committed a sin or inherited original sin without exception. So the Immaculate Conception does not contradict Scripture."
"There is never justification for schism ever."
"The Nicene Creed is still basically the best statement of what all Christians believe."
"This is a classic case of the church compromising or diluting the pillars of the Christian Faith by substituting political correctness for Bible truth."
"If you're going to a church that doesn't teach a literal heaven and hell, leave that church."
"Should the word of God be true always and forever from beginning to end and never change and evolve?"
"We are people of the book and of the gospel."
"But even if we are an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preach to you let him be accursed."
"Belief means adheres to, relies on, and trusts in. Beliefs mean trusting him and obeying him."
"Keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned and turn away from them."
"It's not three Yahwehs because they're all being described as Yahweh, the God of God."
"The Church: under the authority of Christ, vital for salvation."
"Most groups are within the fold of Islam unless they believe in something that explicitly contradicts the Kalima."
"We're not talking about emphasis or disciplines, we're talking about doctrine."
"It's not bread, it's God. It's Jesus Christ fully God fully man, that's what they believed. We gotta get back to that."
"Salvation is believing in what he's already done at the cross, salvation is what he's already done, legalists tell you what you have to do, Christ has already done."
"The next pope must restore normality, doctrinal clarity, and faith in morals."
"There's only one God, one church, one standard, one rule to salvation."
"The Bible is a product of the church and not the foundation of it."
"So if we can't judge here on earth how are we going to fare with this illegal doctrine don't judge me it only got congested correct and then there's one more."
"Even Catholics admit that there's no biblical basis for this doctrine."
"When something is unbiblical, we ought to point it out."
"I had nailed down about 99 out of 100 Catholic doctrines... but I had such an aversion to Marian doctrine and Marian devotion."
"The concept of the Trinity is taught right in the New Testament documents."
"You either have the inspired word of God or we don't."
"They are not allowed to renounce or convert."
"Every single biblical doctrine ultimately has its basis in the book of Genesis. So, if you do not have a believing understanding of that book, you cannot hope to attain full comprehension of what Christianity is all about."
"When it comes to doctrine, it's very important that if you don't agree with the core basic doctrine of a church or a group of people, that you leave and you go to a place where you do agree with that."
"If your hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and his righteousness you dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus' name."
"Jesus made it clear: no one will enter heaven except through him and his atoning sacrifice."
"To make heaven, we have to believe in God's Word and be filled with His Holy Spirit—otherwise, Jesus said very clearly, we cannot enter Heaven."
"Doctrine matters. Stick with Bible doctrine because doctrine matters."
"What is the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?"
"Whosoever will not believe in my words... shall be cut off from among my people."
"If it is contrary to the word of God, it is not of God."
"The Council of Nicaea clarified the official doctrines of Christianity."
"Nicene Christianity emerged as the 'winner'."
"The Scriptures clearly teach that God is one."
"What resulted was the Nicene Creed, the first clear and universal statement of Christian belief ever officially issued by the Church."
"God is love, then God can't have a torture basement."
"In essential doctrine there must be unity, in non-essentials there must be liberty, and in all things there must be charity."
"...we are to earnestly contend for the faith that was once and for all delivered past tense to the Saints."
"Jesus spoke of Hell more than he did of Heaven."
"The church is the one true church, the pure virginal bride of Christ that will always preach true doctrine."
"We must discern between the doctrines of God and the doctrines of demons."
"Doctrine is being suppressed for the sake of unity."
"It's not in the Bible saying that the Holy Spirit is coequal, coeternal with the father."
"We have really celebrated the doctrine of the shepherding and the saving of Jesus... we have forgotten the doctrine of the lordship of Christ."
"Anything he does contrary to confirming the Brethren is contrary to divine positive law."
"to begin to understand the complexity of Christian universalism but a universalism that claims to be the only true path to Salvation universalism and particularism in the same Doctrine"
"Jesus Christ, Son of God made man, is neither liberal nor reformable."
"We're talking about God's will, Christ's will, and how he wills the salvation of souls. He wills it through the church as he found... you know, when we think about that Dogma there's no salvation outside the church."
"Unity in the church begins at the point of doctrine."
"We don't get to select the parts of the doctrine in the Bible we choose to follow."
"All objections hinge on whether Joseph Smith and his successors were and are prophets of God receiving divine revelation."
"...there are official teachings which are considered to be binding on our consciences."
"Policies change, doctrine does not."
"Burke crafted an entirely new doctrine of employment."
"...the doctrine of Christ is about us learning to become more like Christ, to make these Christlike attributes that you talked about our own."
"The Seventh-day Adventists are not just another Evangelical denomination."
"Faith in this context does not refer to trusting God as Paul typically used the term. In this context, faith refers to the traditional teaching that was to be safeguarded."
"We believe that the truth about the nature of God and our relationship to him is knowable and is the key to everything else in our Doctrine."
"New technology needs time to develop, to trial, to bed in, and then to have a doctrine built around it for its use."
"There's a hierarchy of truths in Christianity... if somebody denies that Christ is God and has come in the flesh... that's necessary for the very existence of the church."
"Christian theology over the years... is very nuanced and sophisticated... there's a hierarchy of doctrines here... there is no point in deconstructing a straw man."
"What I would refer to those things in the New Testament... kind of Proto Creeds or forms of sound words... I want to use the term Creed... to say these are particular documents that the post-apostolic church defined..."
"Satan doesn't cast out Satan. Even the Lord Jesus refutes that doctrine."
"It is a faith that is established upon very clear revealed truths - cognitive propositions concerning the person and work of Christ."
"Salvation is not by the blood of the lamb."
"Dispensationalism was one of the main players in the Evangelical world."
"Keep the main thing the main thing, and that's the gospel, that's the doctrine of Christ."
"There's no alternate Plan of Salvation, it is the doctrine of Christ."
"It's only by doing so by laying hold of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all its glorious fullness that we will be able to overcome every wind of Doctrine."
"Systematic theology seeks to give a systematic presentation of all the doctrinal truths of the Christian religion."
"Doctrine is what the whole Bible teaches us today about some particular topic."
"Studying systematic theology helps us to be able to make better decisions later on new questions of doctrine that may arise."
"We condemn as heretics those who reject any of the Catholic dogmas and teach to us the condemned doctrines of ecumenism and evolution of dogma."
"Bad doctrine leads you to bad routes."
"Women preachers have never been a scriptural thing, no it's a church organization thing that's right."
"This is not male chauvinism, no, this is divine law."
"Bad Doctrine gives bad directions and bad directions cause us to take wrong routes and wrong routes cause us to encounter wrong people and wrong places."
"The biblical doctrine of the trinity comprises two affirmations: first that there is exactly one god, and second that there are exactly three persons who are properly called god, namely the father, the son, and the holy spirit."
"The rule of two stipulates that in order for the Sith to survive, there must only be two Sith Lords at a time in the Galaxy."
"Evidence that Jesus not only studied the book but also respected highly and enough to allude to its doctrine and content."
"The church has not changed its teaching on marriage."
"Efforts to diminish or deprecate others or create barriers to their success is contrary to the Lord's Doctrine."
"He who denies Christ come in the flesh is anti-Christian."
"Any failure on the part of a pastor, an under-shepherd of Christ to lead His church in a way that is not sound in doctrine and practice, is in itself a form of clergy malpractice." - John MacArthur