
Character Ability Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"Seventh gate Guy is one of the fastest characters in the series, and that is a fact."
"Clinks has a farming ability now, yeah, that seems good."
"Leshrac diabolic edict now does pure damage. The damage per explosion reduced from eight through 44 to 7 through 28."
"I need something really strong, I can feel it."
"Lifeline's tactical healing drone for me is the best part of her kit."
"Watson's ultimate is still a top tier ability."
"This ends up causing the Kaioken users to actually have to use Kaioken."
"Fire mage is extremely strong, like combustion is crazy, you know, OP."
"I just maxed out my Frost DJ and now he is covering this entire map. Not bad, melon. Not bad one bit."
"That's FF, well we got an easy one with the Endo."
"The Glade Lord is just so good because of the ability to snare and also apply a negative missile resist at the same time."
"When Zarya uses a bubble, you don't feel cheated."
"That's a great super, I'd honestly give Poison's Ultra one a 9 out of 10."
"Sona's scaling power is unmatched right now."
"Bastion went through several ultimates before the team finally settled on the current tank configuration."
"Korra is actually a fairly skilled fighter in unarmed combat."
"Junk Queen: Shotgun primary fire, close range for maximum damage."
"Junk Queen: Commanding Shout gives extra health and movement speed, useful for engaging."
"Reinhardt: Earthshatter ultimate knocks down enemies, powerful engage tool."
"The charm for Evelyn is so important because when you do hit that allure it drops their magic resistance to the target."
"Masenko from Gohan completely eradicates every cell of Buu."
"The core gameplay of forespoken is Frey's traversal mechanics."
"The Barbarian literally catapulting guys... massive amount of damage."
"Phoebe, you're so great because it flux that block."
"The hockey or shading debate will finally be settled."
"This move is amazing to use because Cloud has slight armor on himself and you can easily put most enemies into pressure off of this move to help build up some stagger."
"Miraak's mask, worn by the Dragonborn, grants additional magicka based on your level."
"Cinderace says ever since it got Libero, you know, it rose up, you know, top 10 usage. Fantastic Pokemon."
"Monado Arts can be activated even when Shulk isn't hit stun, a bizarre trait that he puts to great use."
"Sephiroth does play a spacing game as expected."
"A character's best move is most likely to be their neutral air or their neutral special."
"For resurrect it might seem like a mean but spinning while raising does actually help you stay alive."
"Demon form is extremely wild, it's a must-take."
"Sheik gets her very own final smash: the Sheikah Dance."
"Sure, we might eventually meet someone or something with whom his ability has no effect, but then to Nerf it would negate the whole point of having it as your main plot device in the first place."
"Rocca dog merchant here kind of like a goblin Lackey that you run in your deck but you know it's got a ping that can react to your opponent's stuff too uh activated range of X as we've seen with all of these aughh merchant cards."
"The infinite scaling on Senna is really making a difference in this game."
"Venti has the most contradictory burst to his ideals by it being the most impressive burst in the game."
"Arrows that come at you and throwing them back, uh yeah, there's... I mean, your maneuverability gets upscaled here."
"Teen Gohan is a friggin blender to say the least."
"Those boots let you move so freaking fast to make you look like freaking sanic!"
"It's obviously like the best kill confirm in the game like Bar None it is absolutely ridiculous."
"If someone lands one which time it can suddenly cost you the entire game or like 80% your lead whatever you want to call it."
"Just like Namisa, Ray demolishes [ __ ] in her game."
"Every time I'm in disadvantage, it's like oh cool I just like landed with quick attack."
"Hammond's mobility presence is like a permanent primal raging Winston."
"This game decided to make the Varia feature of the suit rather than an upgrade to it."
"If Richter takes damage while revenge is active its body ignites and its attacks become more powerful."
"Triple jumping with brawlers other than dynamite—you love to see it, man."
"Ito also has an exploration talent Woodchuck Chucked. When we have Ito in our party, we will have a chance to obtain an additional log of wood while using attacks to collect wood from a chip will be more efficient. It was pretty slick huh?"
"Did you see his final smash? Oh my god, it's like he sends opponent flying up in the air, everything gets blacked out and he just slashes away at the opponent."
"There is no way, no way to stop a Frank super."
"This gadget is broken it's busted it's redonkulous."
"Goku clearly has the best speed Feats out of all the saints."
"Zorro can cut through stone like it's nobody's business."
"But now she can definitely control the upper part of the screen by herself."
"Deaths touch from the Wheel of Fortune, that's amazing."
"Archangel is just an absolute game changer, his awakened ability very, very valuable."
"His awakened ability adds a lot more damage and also gives a chance for the medium attacks to be unblockable."
"Hyperion's awakened ability is gray, he gets another mission which is super valuable for kind of ramping up that damage a little bit more."
"Ichigo's brand new bankai is capable of killing the god of the universe in a single stroke. That's pretty impressive."
"Reality Acid turns Aminatou into a removal spell."
"His punches deal a ton of damage almost whenever he wants to."
"Luke Skywalker has a natural ability with the lightsaber, even more so than with the Force itself."
"A character that can be ran on or off field as the best dendro option."
"She will actually be the carry and someone who's going to be doing a ton of Electro damage."
"Korra would seem to get the edge for her earth-bending."
"This was just way too easy and you gotta love Sparky because it works out at any trophy range."
"Lydia, the death siren, one of the best debuff abilities in the game."
"It's kind of cool that valorous heart is an order that takes an army that's pretty squishy and makes them laughably more tanky."
"Bastion's Ironclad passive is enabled again: 20 damage reduction while transformed."
"The art of using Rengar's ult is you can blow past the frontline quite easily and get into the background, get into the vulnerable players."
"Junkrat just lives through anything, it feels amazing."
"Like this one's fun in Mario Wonder but like I'm not Mario."
"Why is it called that? Because El Oscuro lays eggs. He lays eggs! El Oscuro lays eggs!"
"Jingliu's Ultimate, Florephemeral Dreamflux, deals a set percentage of her ATK as Ice DMG."
"The blood dragon vampire lord healing cap which is a really nice kind of early pick there."
"With this build, every single enemy in the game aside from explosive enemies and bosses dies to your melee ability."
"Needle became an ability that was a constant joy to use."
"Circus Kirby was always a blast to use, even if it's a little bit too chaotic for its own good."
"Mike is still the best screen nuke there is."
"Ninja Kirby out here rocking a katana, creating a cherry blossom blast out of nowhere."
"Beetle Kirby is one of the most fun abilities to use."
"Smash Kirby is just the smash moveset, and it is so much fun."
"Leaf Kirby is the best elemental-styled ability this series has ever seen."
"Wrestler Kirby in Fighters 2 is an absolute game changer."
"Bennett generates an obscene amount of energy."
"Soraka: Hitting Soraka's Q isn't just an option, it is a crucial part of her kit."
"Yeah, I think Eraqus wins... he's classically trained in the Keyblade."
"A surprising new benefit to look out for with roadhog is his environmental kills."
"Doing this would allow both abilities to remain with Vauban while at the same time opening up a space for a brand new fourth ability."
"He controls turn meter on the opposing team."
"Speed boost... famous for making Blaziken and even more so Mega Blaziken absolutely freaking broken."
"Just play safe till six; his little one-sided invincibility shield won't help him."
"Attack is different than its original attack... just abundantly clear windup soldier is now a 3600 again."
"Snappy sniping: When Piper hits an enemy with her attack, she reloads point-three ammo instantly."
"The way that we've designed to traverse with no obstacles too big for him."
"Whenever he wants, he can be the amazing Spider-Man."
"He's so much better at disruption than people think."
"Thomas provides shield over time which guarantees the possibility of shield for the whole duration of his burst."
"Thomas elemental skill generates energy to fix his battery issues."
"Bone Spirit obviously hits harder, it one shots, it has way higher burst potential."
"The creme-de-la-creme, the amuse-bouche, the ménage à trois as it were: Genji’s bullet deflection."
"Boots of speed are ideal, boots of speed grant a bonus action called click heels doubling your movement speed."
"Lux can reach a point where you can actually like reasonably all twice in the teamfight after it's fully staffed, which is pretty good."
"Ex Lariat does more damage... starts up faster."
"Xerath provides insane poke and super lane dominance."
"Oh man, DPS, that's gonna make a huge difference in my battles."
"There will be a zeta on this new ability called merciless massacre."
"The jump kick Vex can do actually comes quite in handy as a double jump."
"Samus's charge shot: a universal combo starter that any character could take heavy advantage of and also a universal kill move, absolutely dominant presence in neutral."
"Sonic's side special: it's fast, obviously, it's non-committal, it leads to combos, it controls neutral from across the stage, it does pretty much everything."
"Bowser's flying slams: frame 6 faster than a lot of actual grabs, does absurd amounts of damage and kills reliably on any stage."
"Sonic Fox makes Berserker Slash look so much better... they're just built differently."
"Naruto's kind of approaching these points to where like he can just kind of get away from Obito before Obito grabs him or he's just like that much faster."
"After dealing damage that would leave an enemy below 5% of their maximum health, execute them."
"We haven't used luminaire in far too long and I just feel like being a badass here so we'll do luminaire."
"It's a ton of fun just smashing your earthquake button... watch everything get one-shotted."
"It is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to activate his second passive."
"Kazu provides the uncontested best vertical mobility in the game."
"Juri's stand medium kick alone is one of the best tools in the entire game."
"Quicksilver at the cost of double trigger gauge lets you stop time for a bit catch your breath make your JoJo references and then lay on the pain as your enemies are literally helpless to do anything about it."
"I love it, you just get six weapons and he literally just holds them around him like he just gets more hands."
"Despite drawbacks, Xiao is capable of clearing most of the hardest content in the game."
"Ike's buffs matter, dash attack kill potential is so good."
"Captain Falcon with instant double jump is literally insane."
"Tiki is interesting because when engaged the user turns into a dragon."
"Could Shanks pause the world just long enough to rock up and stop the war?"
"Sora's side tilt could be his guard break ability from Kingdom Hearts 2."
"Sora's down smash could use the Explosion finisher."
"Moonlight Butterfly sees no other option but to use his powerful laser pen against the former member."
"Kate Cha aka Duplicate can duplicate herself as much as he wants or at least we're not quite sure how many of hers she can create."
"Emma Frost right her awakened ability reverses opponents controls whenever she activates a special attack."
"Luigi is the superstar and you only use the A button. That is absolutely unreal!"
"Quirk is freaking overpowered. She can rewind humans and the idea is that she can rewind someone's genetic code."
"An incredibly iconic Sonic leap from the tower."
"Tychus got a new trait back then, it's a minigun."
"Phoenix's ultimate basically allows you to clutch up twice."
"Regigigas literally had less attack and speed and to balance him out they gave him Slow Start, but Zacian? Not only do they not give him Slow Start, they gave him an attack boost!"
"Copy is such a simple idea for a Kirby power up but I think these mechanics give it a really exciting twist."
"Eula... theoretically the strongest elemental burst in the game."
"Albedo's ticks do 28,000 damage, guys, 28,000!"
"Her Q has a 115 percent flat attack damage scaling and the one-shot potential she actually has is really insane."
"For Boo's facing the opponent, he should cover his face like they normally do in the game, disappear to avoid the attack, and then unleash a powerful counterattack to the opponent."
"You have to do damage, that's what she's good at."
"Clever uses of Crazy Diamond being used to reform the bottle."
"The Dragoon's Jump ability isn't just a way to deal big damage, it's also a way to keep one of your party members out of harm's way for an entire turn."
"His ice Wing can also be used for near impenetrable defense."
"Camille's Precision Protocol: Bonus damage that scales into true damage, shredding through any champion's defenses."
"Samira's Inferno Trigger: A zero cooldown ultimate that turns her into a pentakill machine, a force to be reckoned with."
"Karthus's Requiem: Press R to win, a global ability that wreaks havoc on entire enemy teams without aiming."
"Jax's Counter Strike: The infamous helicopter ability, dodging attacks, reducing damage, and stunning opponents."
"Shield breaker's amazing, it has a mix-up by itself."
"Luigi's Fireball is obnoxious, it gives you stage control."
"Joker uses his underutilized grappling hook to swing up and he shoots him in the face. Well, thank checkmate."
"There's no one that cracks a boss in the face harder than this guy."
"Shu actually does prevent more deaths with immortality field on average."
"Damn boy, get over here I think the big one, I do like it, that big psycho crusher eventually became like utilized moves, I think it's still like a seven there."
"This evil force has allowed her to complete many of her missions."
"Matthus mentions that he masked Iris's magic power when they came into the city."
"A Show of Thunderlord's Boss Killing Potential."
"The third jump is really, really useful. This is probably my most used melee for the scout."
"Corpse Explosion: widely considered one of the best skills in Diablo 2 Resurrected."
"Essentially making Boruto's arm into an armor-piercing sniper."
"10 million attacks' worth of damage right there as a free dupe level. That's pretty freakin' good."
"Barbara is surprisingly strong at constellation level 6 guys, because she instantly revives any dead ally with a 15-minute cooldown."
"Now that we know his Bankai can shrink right back down instantly."
"Luffy is capable of landing three consecutive Gear Fourth hits on Katakuri, and that is not good."
"Thunder, Pikachu's signature move, spawns a bolt of lightning to hit your opponent."
"Thankfully for just you know people are just trying to overwhelm you to say like get off me I'm gonna counter you."
"If you have Carnival LR Goku or Vegeta and Trunks, who have to get hit a million times, it doesn't matter because they can go in any slot. They're slot one characters... This is such a ridiculous condition."
"Naruto's deadliest attack in his arsenal? It's the Talk No Jutsu."
"Even at its least refined, it's pretty effective at accomplishing whatever Kakashi has in mind."
"Edgar's let's fly gadget charges Edgar's super in only a matter of seconds after activation."
"Merida's sharpshoot is probably one of the best in the game."
"Ace's fire fist ability has been renamed to heat fist."
"Funeral has some of the best speed in the Black Clover universe."
"Luffy refers to it as of course this is the arm of the Giant."
"Conqueror's Haki is cool because the effect emanates past your body, past your fist."
"Poor Min is constantly being asked to read people and she doesn't want to read her friends."
"Vegeta is so strong that he's actually able to counter Jiren very effectively."
"His ranged form, his crystals glow green and grow thicker at the wings."
"This man literally just summoned the energy of Zapdos."
"This is like the perfect elemental burst Kai, in my opinion."
"I've come up with the conclusion to call Izuku's quirk Ultra Instinct."
"Contra caused mild interest with how she could siphon electricity from rainfall."
"When he puts five fingers on something, it decays, it destroys."
"Her alt is one of the strongest alts in the game."