
Risk Mitigation Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"We have all our eggs in one basket, and if we can do anything to mitigate that risk by spreading out a bit, let's do it."
"Cyber hygiene is not easy, but it's a relatively low-cost way to mitigate a lot of risk."
"Neuralink is in part...a risk mitigation for digital super intelligence."
"Stop losses are essential in futures trading to mitigate risks and protect your margin."
"Hosting it in a public cloud still has its own set of concerns but it does mitigate a lot of the risk of hosting it at home."
"Overall risk exposure is the overall potential loss from trades that you are currently in that are currently open. We use overall risk exposure to mitigate potential losses in a row."
"Mitigation is the key word here and we need to get better at that."
"It's no use trying to say we sort of say let's let's abandon this what we have to do is learn how to mitigate the possible bad effects and accentuate the positive."
"Dollar cost averaging out: Slowly withdrawing investments to maximize profits and mitigate risks."
"Build better habits as an investor for a bulletproof exit strategy."
"So that cuts out a lot of that in that Gap or systemic risk and all these things Fester Bitcoin just kind of closes that Gap."
"Can't go broke by taking profits off the table."
"SmartDex removes impermanent loss, even turns it into impermanent gain."
"Bitcoin removes counterparty risk like gold, but it's digital."
"Bad days shouldn't require three good days to cancel out."
"It's not gonna hurt you as long as it's cooked well."
"You always have to be flexible and adaptable to the situation."
"The beauty of what we're doing is not only is it the easiest way to make your first million bucks but you also have Capital preservation and protection."
"If it is a negative risk, definitely you should have a mitigation or avoidance or acceptance plan to eliminate the negative impact of the risk when it occurs."
"Risk mitigation is the act of reducing risk."
"We like crypto because we think it offsets this whole mechanism."
"Off-site backups should be geographically remote, far enough away that whatever disaster takes out your primary site doesn't affect the recovery site or backups."
"...there's no technological reason why we can't [mitigate the solar flare risk]."
"The bigger your insurance is, the less likely you are to have your wages garnished."
"The goal of diversifying is to mitigate risk."
"So, if you're afraid of this happening, you need to close your options before they expire to avoid this altogether because if the options don't expire and you sell them or close them before they expire, then you don't run this risk."
"...from a risk mitigation standpoint I had built a strong enough foundation with YouTube that by the time I left Consulting it was more of a calculated risk than a rash one."
"A comprehensive change management policy will mitigate internal risk caused by unsuitable alterations to systems and networks, and effective incident management procedures should be in place to deal with security incidents as they arise."
"Hedging involves taking two different positions to offset risk."
"There are things that you can do to mitigate against the risk of divorce and the person that you marry is the chief mitigation."
"If we don't have mechanisms to shape that and restrict its capabilities then it potentially leads us into some quite catastrophic outcomes over a 30 or 30-year period."
"When I was flipping in Vegas for a couple years, this is exactly how I structured my deals to make sure that if something went wrong with the property, I had an outlet. That LLC was my outlet, so I was always protected on every deal that I did."
"...do it the best you can to mitigate the risks... don't let it make you freeze... don't let your fear get the better of you... Feel the fear do it anyway acknowledge the risks keep going anyway."
"There's a lot of things that you can do to maximize the performance with minimal risk and with minimal knowledge as well which is really great."
"It mitigates user risk and facilitates compliance activities."
"with a vote of 7 to to the committee approves a plan to mitigate the risk of the anomalies threat to our world"
"Offer a trial or a money back guarantee."
"Change management ensures that modifications, updates, or new deployments in the cloud environment are properly evaluated, tested, and implemented to minimize disruptions, maintain stability, and align with business objectives."
"Data subsetting minimizes risk by sharing only relevant data."
"I work in risk mitigation basically for Cox Automotive."
"Risk mitigation should be something as a direct consequence of which you are actually wealthier later."
"If there is no risk from that energy or you can find a methodology to mitigate that risk to acceptable levels."
"The biggest reason we have the bonds in the portfolio isn't the return; it's the safety, it's the mitigation of that downside risk."
"By addressing IT risks and weaknesses, organizations can better protect their assets, improve operations, and ensure they meet legal and regulatory requirements."
"PASTA is actually an end-to-end threat modeling methodology, meaning that risk reduction is part of the process rather than just identifying threats and not mitigating them."
"The certification validates the candidate's ability to identify, assess, and mitigate risks in an organization's system."
"It's about food and nutrition, mitigating risks from flooding and droughts, and building a spirit of community resilience."
"None of us walk through this world without leaving tracks, but the people when you're doing risk mitigation just need to understand what those facts are so they can make an informed decision."
"Each investment is now not just a smaller portion of your portfolio, but good and bad things average out."
"This proactive approach can help us tackle the most significant issues of our time and mitigate risks before they become crises."
"Being a multi-planet species is a tremendous risk mitigation for human civilization."
"You want to make sure that you have insurance."
"We could be trying to protect that highly probable future cash flow if we are looking to sell something in the future."
"Ultimately, cybersecurity is about risk mitigation, risk management."
"Identifying and mitigating the yield limiting factors that are specific to your fields is crucial."
"One of the most important ways that we mitigate risk is by training."
"An important tenant of success in investing in any portfolio is to mitigate risk, maximize return."
"To reduce risk, we can do diversification."
"Safety stock is very necessary for meeting the fluctuations."
"So, this is what BMW did in order to mitigate its risk and reduce its losses."
"The whole point of having good risk mitigation so you can take more risk."
"We have an accurate and the full credit profile to be able to have risk mitigation that will help ultimately reignite lending in the country more quickly."
"Planning like that is all about risk mitigation."
"If we begin to plant hundreds of thousands of trees in barren places where trees used to be, then we can mitigate these risks to a certain degree."