
Consumer Psychology Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"Edward Bernays understood that selling products wasn't about selling products; it was about selling emotions."
"It's all driven by something called the Ikea effect."
"All of this explains how these games are able to make frankly extortionate amounts of spending seem reasonable."
"When restaurants got rid of the infamous dollar sign or any other currency symbol and simply displayed a number, patrons were far more likely to purchase more expensive items."
"The game manipulated me into buying it through the anchoring technique."
"It's not difficult, like people aren't stingy with the codes. You feel treated right, you're more likely to spend on the game."
"Fear of missing out is a great way to make a sale."
"It was remarkably uninteresting and I realized in that moment that the only reason I thought this bag was going to be so special is because everybody tells me it's going to be so special."
"These luxury brands have done a better job of capitalizing on our insecurities."
"It's pretty obvious that they'll be leaning into the nostalgia pretty hard."
"You're unknowingly one step closer to making that purchase."
"Ikea have somehow convinced you to go through this entire process willingly by yourself."
"Chipotle is brilliant. The fact that they can sell you rice and beans with the markup they do is very impressive."
"Transactional utility is a psychological trick that companies have been exploiting for centuries to lure you into wasting your precious dollars."
"It's very, very hard to break people out of their tendency to support a brand."
"Branding is essentially getting intangible ideas to connect with your product in the customer's mind."
"The bottom line is everybody enters a relationship to get something."
"His effortless wit and improvisational skills put every other host to shame."
"How can we pack when we sell without selling?"
"Creating social proof around your product makes the prospect think it must be good."
"Scarcity: people tend to give more value to things that are in limited availability."
"What if you could discover a buy button inside the brain of your customers?"
"Tie diamonds to love and people will buy it."
"You've got to tap into those emotions because buyers don't buy things they don't need as a necessity unless they're fulfilling some type of emotional need."
"It's shocking the amount of purchases that it will stop you from making."
"If it comes in a fancy box, it has a bigger effect."
"The more we can try and remove that feeling of 'I want this because they want this,' the more we can start to see what is actually worth us spending on."
"How much what we want to buy or when we feel compelled to buy is driven by very, very clear psychological tricks to make us feel that compulsion."
"Twenty percent off is also a really good deal, I like twenty off, you know, ten percent off is okay, but twenty, you just doubled my ten."
"Customer fear was more powerful than fancy risk management techniques."
"Fear of missing out drives spending: Fortnite and other games exploit psychology."
"Using personalization in your marketing... makes them more receptive and reduces the perception of information overload."
"People support your brand because they support the vision it represents."
"If a brand looks like it's popular, it will become more popular."
"These deals seem more like a mind game than anything at this point."
"The only reason anyone buys any of this stuff, you have to agree with yourself, free of that crap."
"What we have here is a car where you desire it so much... you will forgive the fact."
"Fred understood that value is something created in the mind of the consumers."
"People don't buy products, people buy stories."
"There's such a weird concept, you think, yeah, that makes sense, and done that before. And you know this is true because the inverse happens as well, and when something's suspiciously cheap, you don't trust it."
"Every time you enter into the grocery store you're immediately greeted with the bakery section... These appealing smells make you hungry and if you shop while you're hungry you're more inclined to buy more things."
"People do not buy products and services, they buy feelings and identities."
"The only time people buy stuff on Amazon is on page one."
"Great advertising excites you with possibility and reassures you with certainty."
"When everybody can get one, nobody wants one."
"Who doesn't like saving money? See, you're feeling good already."
"Essentially, we need to add so much value to our product listing where reviews can be neglected by the consumer."
"They're really giving you a lot of stuff to make you hooked on the game."
"Quality remains long after the price is forgotten."
"This isn't more than a product. This is a psychological game."
"If you give something for free they think it's a free thing if you say this is worth two pounds but you can have it for free they feel that you've given them two pounds."
"And like most companies, Apple has figured out the best way to squeeze as much money out of you as possible."
"Understanding marketing and consumerism: 'unrealistic models' or portraying an unrealistic life makes the buyer want to have that particular life or look like that particular model."
"The glass carafe makes people feel a certain way."
"Neuromarketing, how you study the brain in order to more effectively sell crap to people."
"It seems a lot easier right I think you can find eight people who can pay that two hundred and twenty-five dollars on sale versus fifty people who want to pay $400 or $120 whatever it was you see it's just like a game you play with yourself."
"Nothing in consumer behavior could ever make sense without an understanding of our evolutionary heritage."
"It is about understanding consumer behavior, understanding what people want and what they need and trying to convince them that a certain product is going to solve their problem."
"Extended warranty is not just money down the drain, it's peace of mind."
"The consumer really does want meaning; he doesn't want the object, he wants what the object means."
"There's just something about getting a good deal. Feels good."
"Thirteen dollars, like how they make it so hard to say no."
"People buy brands for reassurance and variance reduction, not necessarily for perfection."
"Desire: Make them imagine their life transformed."
"Emotions influence consumer behavior too often still ignored or poorly understood."
"Your legacy won't last long unless you get this watch."
"Scarcity and FOMO are such strong sales drivers that it wipes those concerns away."
"People want to buy into your life, buy into your story if they're going to part with their hard-earned money."
"The only way you sell things that people don't want or can feel like they can no longer afford is to lower the price enough that they go, 'Oh, that's such a value I have to buy it.'"
"People are just going to go out, they're going to rush to the stores, they're going to strip the shelves."
"Aesthetics do play an important role when you're buying a car because that emotional attachment is very important."
"When you buy something new, it is literally like doing a drug."
"It's a lot of money but because of the presence and the comfort, I think it's worth it if you have that kind of money."
"A big number is just gonna get people to buy it."
"They're convincing you the individual buyer that your buying power doesn't make any sense."
"It's like psychology we're trying to serve you so you don't have to taste 24 Cinnamon Toast Crunch flavored things."
"Bernays transformed the way Americans thought about products, from needs to desires."
"This product here is a perfect testament to the power of the placebo effect."
"You're gonna really win Amazon by getting into the consumers mind and triggering the emotions... to make them want to buy the product right away."
"People buy based on how fast you can help them close the transformation gap."
"Free is good. It doesn't matter if it's kinda crummy, free things are pretty good."
"Marketing research has shown that if they can get peaks of emotion in people and attach their brand to that, it doesn't matter if the emotion is good or bad."
"People might say they think they want something but they don't."
"It doesn't make them as happy as they thought it would."
"Emphasizing the fact that as a customer you're getting a deal makes people feel good."
"Retailers use limited edition, that scarcity element, to really trigger shopping addicts and people with impulsive shopping tendencies."
"When you're spending money, no matter how much it is, it makes you feel like you're getting more for your money and that the company actually took time to think about how they want their customers to feel when opening a product."
"Trademarks can also be colors, now ladies, if you were to receive a Robin blue egg box, colored box, would you be happy? And why is that?"
"Tell people they can't have something and then they'll pay more for it. It's just, it's kind of psychology."
"Your product has to hit them between the eyeballs... you have targeted a fear or a passion... and that's why they're buying from you."
"There's always something; fear sells."
"People buy emotionally and they back it up with logic."
"The symbolic value is worth something to people."
"Advertising is about tucking at the heartstrings of the population. That's peak advertising."
"Neuroscience and marketing can help us understand how we make decisions and what influences our decisions."
"You're answering every fear and hesitation that they have, you're basically giving them every single thing that they want."
"Nostalgia is something that is good in marketing. They're selling memories."
"Psychologically for buyers, they are way more likely to buy the products that are on sale."
"No one wants to be sold to, but everyone wants to buy."
"The consumer on the other side, data is very clear, the more you can get away with not selling the more likely you'll sell."
"Understanding consumer behavior is crucial."
"The psychology of a buyer is important because there's so much noise in our world."
"People want to believe that spending more money will give them some kind of an advantage."
"There's a lot of psychology at play when it comes to the influence of packaging on purchasing decisions."
"People love to buy but they hate being sold to."
"People love to buy and they love to be sold, but they hate to be convinced."
"It never feels good to like buy that, but it feels somehow a thousand percent better."
"Easter eggs often work because consumers love exclusivity, even if it's found inside of a popular product or piece of media."
"We think emotionally as consumers, we want to buy objects that make us have a sense of accomplishment."
"Interventions, longitudinal studies, and innovative research designs may be useful in exploring this uncharted territory."
"The stock market's the only place in the world where when things go on sale, people actually don't want to buy it."
"It's a scam! One that you’ve willingly taken part in by convincing yourself that you love colors that aren’t colorful."
"A firm's willingness to spend huge amounts on advertising may signal the quality of its product to consumers."
"The law of diminishing marginal utility says, as we get more and more units of a good, the only way you can convince us to keep buying that is to lower the price."
"Well, you'll pay for stuff, it tastes way better."
"Studying consumer psychology and human behavior really helps me."
"I think social media influences people's buying behavior by repeatedly promoting their products through influencers."
"So businesses are always talking about having top-of-mind awareness in the mind of the consumer."
"The best marketing is completely invisible to the consumer."
"An understanding of customer psychology is an invaluable aid for retailers looking for ways to increase sales."
"The power of brand names is that they conjure up a range of associations inside our brains more so than ordinary words or names do."
"Psychological pricing plays psychologically into the mind of a customer."
"It's going to plant a tree for every order, playing that psychological marketing with the consumer that if you do buy my product, I'm going to be helping out the world."
"I love this sale because it's 20% off, and in my lizard brain, that feels like I'm saving money."
"You gotta get into the buyer's mind."
"A window into the psyche of the consumer and into the society of which they are a part."
"It's so much easier to make somebody feel like they need the product and not just want it."
"If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to get into the mind of the consumer."