
Direct Communication Quotes

There are 273 quotes

"The message has to be sent, and I ain't seen it being sent anywhere else, so I'm gonna launch it right from here."
"We need to call a spade a spade. We need to tell it like it is."
"The direct relationship that artists have with their fans is the only one that matters."
"You need a YouTuber to run... I don't need donors... I just go live."
"It's not gossip if I'm speaking to your face."
"I think we need to talk directly and aggressively and a lot about abortion as both in and of itself and also illustrative of what Republican governance can be."
"No code words. I'm just telling it like it is."
"Trump's tweets were a direct line of communication to the people, circumventing the manipulated media."
"Ladies, we need to hear the truth. It has arrived. We need to get it from the source."
"I'm not here to avoid questions; I'm here to answer questions."
"If there's something that I want to make, I have a direct line to all of you."
"We don't play that over here. We call spades spades."
"The prime thing that I would like to say to her is why if you sincerely believe this..."
"He just looked right in the camera and said I'm back."
"Direct communication with the community fosters honesty and trust."
"I have a job for you guys, what's a direct request from you for us?"
"Shut up, you Boomers. Make new products and innovate."
"Some sense, I don't mind having. We are not friends and we will never be."
"I would like to tell you this to your face, I'm sorry."
"I'm about to tell you about that right now because icon pass is that."
"I just need to let Maddie know right now that I do not appreciate her being shady towards me."
"I just want to talk straight to you guys and cut the crap."
"I'm a big proponent of being very straightforward when it comes to relationship stuff."
"I feel like you tell it how it is, but you do it in a way where you're putting the highest good of everybody on the line."
"Chris Smalling... might say listen chris marlin we need you you're not going he's still our player."
"You absolutely need your own website and you need your own email list."
"Get out before you sign on the dotted line. Direct communication is going to be better, face to face."
"You need an honest and direct approach straight from an actual professional."
"Let's get on the phone, Ed. Let's do it. Because ultimately, I just want United to get back to where they need to be."
"I'm not going to stand for this, and I'm going to go on the table and yell at you."
"I'm gonna tell you exactly how I feel, No BS."
"The only community I give a [ __ ] about are you guys."
"With her it's direct here's what happened any contradicting information no."
"Kids don't give a [ __ ] they'll tell you right off the bat."
"I like real followers and I like straight talk."
"Sigma men resolve conflicts with logic rather than emotion and typically rely on direct communication to confront a problem."
"Don't play games, if you're interested, say you're interested."
"Let's cut the nonsense, I want it all with you."
"That's what Ben Shapiro calls blabbing on for two minutes, she directly answered the question."
"Real talk is just 5 to 20 minutes of me giving you some real talk."
"Just give me give me the information I want to know that this is the direct resource."
"Women too need to practice being very straightforward with their intentions."
"Let's have a grown-up conversation. The football at Manchester United is abysmal."
"So you can take your [__] irrelevant TV asses back home and let the new media get in okay that this is it this is the new media go home boomer that's all that's all it really can be said."
"Don't bother lying, true, I'm with him, I'm with him there's no need for lies."
"You need someone who's going to tell you straight up how it is."
"Black lives still matter, let's still keep moving forward pushing forward."
"God is very direct. He says what he means and he means what he says."
"I want you to know that you are, I want to say it to you personally, you are a legend."
"I wanted my truth to be told directly from me."
"I wish commentary channels would just get to the goddamn point."
"YouTube's secret... has always been its direct Creator to viewer relationship."
"Taylor's very honest. You ain't never got to worry about what Taylor is thinking, she's gonna always say it."
"Being able to speak directly to the everyday lives of those workers is a very real thing and it's a mobilizing message."
"Harry directly speaks to us, dropping bombshells of useful information."
"I think that's such good advice i mean i say this over and over that if someone's um creating things like trying to let actual explanation to people play some role in that so the idea of just filming it that seems like the most direct form."
"You need to apologize to your sister right now"
"Being direct and coherent in your resume will go a long way with hiring managers and recruiters."
"You have to be straight up with your roommate."
"If you have an exchange with this person, you may find they may tell you directly what was going on the whole entire time. And you may get clarity as to why it never happened or why it went the way it did."
"Let's do what the title says, we're playing Minecraft Hypixel, not clickbait."
"Your person is all about you and they are going to be very honest with you as I see that they are coming in with transparency."
"At least you said what you wanted to say because listen, if a guy said that to me and I didn't reciprocate those feelings, I would be [__] weirded out by that, low-key."
"I'd rather hear it straight from the horse's mouth and give us the information so y'all get at us get at me in the comment section and let me know what you thought of this video."
"Please don't come here. We don't want you here."
"Coco's direct and honest message quickly became a global sensation."
"Direct communication is really going to be one of the last things left online where you know you are getting access to content that's not being filtered through a manipulated algorithm or just being concealed from you altogether."
"Building an email list allows you to connect with your audience directly."
"Don't ask me anything if you don't want to hear the truth."
"We wanted to be sat across the table three feet away, look these people in the eye and so, are you gonna do it?"
"Sign up to our mailing list so when they cancel us, we can still stay in touch."
"I love you. I love people. I'll tell them the truth."
"The reason the media despises Donald Trump's Twitter account so much is because it allows him to bypass the media to speak to the people."
"Thank you to all my patrons if you go to patreon.com inside of you and you become a patron I'll message you."
"Yeah, all you're getting is four. That's it."
"Now you have a contact form on your website, and people can send you messages directly to your email inbox."
"It's pretty sharp and direct... really responds well."
"X gonna give it to you plain right now, that's the only way to set this tone."
"You always say how it is, thank you. You got me on your sarcasm earlier and I respect that."
"Having a direct relationship with the audience with no editor... that's the way to do it."
"I've got Nick Silla with that $2, hey guys, I love what you do."
"I love when creators go directly to their fans."
"You should always say what you want, that way you know where the people know where you stand."
"They're super sharp, they don't hold back, they just spit out whatever the hell they're feeling."
"My question is basically directed toward you, considering your expertise."
"It's having that confidence to be able to look someone in the face and tell them the truth."
"When you want to pray, you can pray directly. It's a spiritual bond between you and your creator."
"I find it impressive I prefer it personally I prefer it I prefer a realness bluntness to the point what you gonna do for me what can I count on you for what do you believe would you not believe in thank you good backhand gonna make my mind up."
"You speak your mind, you're not afraid to tell it how it is."
"I want to talk to nobody. You gotta let them in the eyes. That's my only, like, 'Yo, I don't know if you're [ __ ] around but at least I'm gonna look in your [ __ ] last resort.'"
"Guys who are confident are not going to date you; they're gonna tell you exactly what they think."
"When this guy speaks it's just like the statements are so plain the statements are so direct the statements are so you you just can't come back everybody."
"Energy doesn't lie, energy is direct and clear."
"Speak offline first with an individual that you may have a beef with."
"Brian Ortega's corner was very, very truthful with him and told him, 'You gotta go finish him.'"
"You just walk up and be like 'I like you, I don't know if you like me back, let me know.' My friend is smart."
"Just say what it is, like okay, we've been dating for three months, I used to like you, I don't anymore, it's over."
"Find moments in your day where you can have some happiness. I feel like that's a direct message towards you as well."
"I'm a little too honest, I'm blunt, I'm direct almost painfully so."
"I promise you, you're not in a relationship. I promise you that."
"If a man tells you you are not in a relationship with him, I promise you, you're not in a relationship."
"There are no lines that you need to read between. If you got a squint to see what you is, you a transaction."
"This is new media, baby. We have a direct relationship."
"Is that true? I would—I don't have time to lie."
"He's a man that's saying what he means and means what he says."
"Real talk is 520 minutes of me giving you some real talk."
"Here’s my answer, I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. Tell Zelensky to do the right thing. Then he says this is the final word from the president of the United States, I want nothing."
"You need to figure out okay, what kind of love it is that you want and be direct about that."
"I'm going to give it to you straight, I'm going to give it to you honest, I'm going to give it to you critical."
"Taro is not trying to sell you the latest update to a product you've already bought before. He's a game maker who wants to directly address you, the player."
"JK Rowling absolutely not holding back here."
"Say what we want to say and say it clearly and frankly, and then deal with the consequences."
"I know how I feel about you, are you fucking kidding me?"
"Cut to the chase. It kind of references like movies, right?"
"It's better to just come out and resolve your problems right then and there."
"I just want to be completely clear what happened."
"I don't play these little [ __ ] [ __ ] games that they try to play with me."
"I want answers, I don't want fixes for the game."
"If you're gonna say that you're gonna address something where you wronged a whole bunch of people, address it girl. Like you don't have to beat around the bush." - Accountability matters.
"You only need to let the audience know something once. You don't need to reinforce it two or three times." - Jim Cameron
"Ultimately, I said what I said and I meant what I said. Why people ruin the beauty community, and I'ma go [expletive] it."
"Don't waste your potential half-ass in nothing, facts."
"If someone says something unbearably cringe like the DM tends to do, just calling it what it is can go surprisingly far."
"President Donald Trump is unafraid to tell you hard truths and not carefully crafted lies unlike Joe Biden."
"I'm going to make absolutely no effort to protect your feelings."
"How would you approach a guy you like? Just go up to him and ask for his number."
"People should be upfront and honest, point-blank period."
"It's not up to you, it's up to me. Then unsub."
"I just call a spade a spade; I don't attack the person, but I do attack a belief."
"I say what I said, I meant what I said, and it is what it is."
"Hey, if we have a disagreement man-to-man, let's go in the corner and have a little chit chat about it."
"What if we use the platform which can be used for honesty and integrity and you know where we have a natural direct method of communication with the subscribers for the first time in any like medium you are the one in control for your audiences."
"White people wash your body, okay, wash your ass."
"You have the power right now. Ask me a question, go ahead, go ahead."
"Don't waste my time... I don't have time to waste."
"Don't take that personally, but somebody might need to hear that."
"Just do it, make it yourself, and get off my ass."
"Stop trying to avoid situations and go through other people. Just talk to your partner."
"This is interesting, let's get to the point."
"What makes you bird brain [ __ ] think my mind has changed...?"
"Jesus is even more present because we are now hearing his own words."
"I don't believe in having people talk on my behalf. I don't believe in lobbyists. I believe in direct conversation. I strongly believe in engagement. I hate polarization. I despise it."
"If you don't want to put out the secret, we don't want the secret." - Tasha K
"You win by going directly to the people and telling them the unvarnished truth."
"I am happy you guys are doing this... pushing me to say some things that would be of more interest directly to this community."
"I'm here to tell you what I think is the cold heart hard reality."
"My father was outspoken you know he was very blunt and honest with people."
"I love how honest and kind of just straight up with you German people are."
"He's our River, he basically said it as it is, no it was right on everything except he made sense and he's not afraid to denounce religion."
"Don't try me, don't thank me just 'cause I'm online, if you could come and just say anything to me directly."
"I just love it cuz earlier you're like pulling your punches... and here you're like much sucks sorry come at me."
"You are not heartless for being direct about your feelings."
"He's the real man he's actual alpha like I respect that respected de montijo by him saying that about Akkadian and about TFM he actually is calling out Akkadian to a certain degree."
"They wanted to have a pretty big conversation with you."
"Let's get right to it, let's stop fluffing around."
"No, no, no, horrible. It's really about no frills, no gimmicks. Just you and me having a great wow."
"When it comes to Russia, there's no substitute for a direct leader to leader dialogue." - National security spokesperson Emily Horn
"The most likely answer is the answer I'm telling you."
"We're just skipping all the sugar coating, getting to the fact of what we need to figure out."
"Straight talking honesty... cutting through all the nonsense."
"It's not about that, bro. I want to say something to the you guys out there, the, you know, Dominicans." - Joe
"They're telling people that you tell it how it is."
"I'm a straight shooter. I want to know straight what it is."
"The queen of swords: cutting right down to the chase, never holding back."
"I know who you are. I established who you were before we even started this."
"I know we're watching whatever on Netflix, but just fucking watch it, you pieces of shit."
"They want you to know directly: 'You are my soulmate.'"
"I think my thing, my beef with it too is like at least women who want that are honest right like at least they're like I'm not looking for nothing but this."
"I deleted social media... I felt like a lot of people ran to social media... before talking to you directly."
"It's sort of like they're lying directly to our faces almost."
"I said what I said, the truth is what it is."
"I'd rather be correct than politically correct."
"If you want a leader, you want someone who stands up and tells it like it is."
"If you rock with me, hit me in my DM, not the internet."
"I don't care about tiptoeing on eggshells and coming across like just be honest with me."
"Let's just go ahead and hit the conversation head on and respect one another and spend their time effectively."
"You can know the truth right now today. I'm telling you the truth."
"Hard times are coming folks... I'm not gonna sugarcoat stuff any longer."
"It's a pleasure to read. It's direct, to the point, a boom boom boom, it's a wham bam thank you ma'am."
"Lock it down and get to the point if you even have one."
"If you don't like honesty, don't watch this video."
"We've done straight home until after taking place."
"When I saw police work, I knew right away this is meant for me."
"Tell a motherfucker the truth, that's in the best interests at hand."
"Okay, Jonathan, so she's gonna answer this but you gotta be hard."
"You need to be straight forward to this person."
"As long as I have you, I have everything like a millionaire."
"I like this. It's cool to be able to directly talk with you guys."
"Just say what it is that you want. Don't try to put a whole guilt trip as if it's gonna make me sit here and cry with you."
"Ask them directly. Don't feel embarrassed. Say, 'What would you like for Christmas this year?'"
"Confrontation, honest confrontation is always healthier than letting something rot inside of your system for months, days, weeks, or years."
"I really want your attention, I find you very attractive."
"I'm telling you right so the whole thing was personal."
"I'd rather be upfront, honest, and transparent with somebody that I just don't have those feelings for you right now."
"And I feel like you're going to just simply going to put it out there, why not? It's not going to be hidden, this date."
"I said, 'Hey, Rachel, I'll be honest, I think you're really cute and I like you.'"
"Everything else, my god it was a really good direct."
"We want to get rid of the middleman that kind of censors us and stops us from properly reaching our target audience."
"I appreciate all the people who are able to reach us without going through a filter."
"This is Nephi. This is first person. This book was written with us in mind and they talk to us so directly."