
Human Vulnerability Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The universe, in every way, is trying to kill us."
"Life has a tragic element, you know, because we're vulnerable, all of us, and we know it, which is the particularly human curse, let's say."
"Currently, there is no way to protect humanity against gamma ray bursts that occur in close proximity to Earth."
"This game broke Kasparov and showed one of the weaknesses we humans have."
"Humans are a fragile species who have no idea what's coming next."
"It's almost like dying. There's no borders. It's just all there. It's delicate. There's just the thinnest layer of atmosphere keeping us protected from the vacuum of space."
"Hacking people is a thing. Every company's greatest security weakness... is you."
"No one's invincible, we're all flesh and blood."
"We're in these vulnerable bodies. We've created such an amazingly safe environment relative to what these bodies can handle."
"Normal people, strong people, can still be broken."
"At the end of the day, we're humans and we're all susceptible to anything out there."
"Social media is the devil, preying on the worst of human vulnerabilities."
"Boxing always gives you a very cold reminder that you're still human."
"Humanity exists only moments from catastrophe."
"Humanity appears powerful... until we lose control."
"Humanity was completely helpless in the face of them; people didn't understand what was happening, what could be done about it, we were helpless." - Professor Harari
"We're racing towards the extinction of our species. We not only lack dominion over nature, we're subordinate to it." - Ian Malcolm
"Love them anyway. We are all vulnerable, we are all struggling, we are all afraid."
"Horror fiction where human beings are pushed to the Race's Edge."
"Perhaps this was the awakening that we needed, that we as humans weren't invincible, and that our arrogance convinced us otherwise."
"It appears that as a species we become more susceptible to the strange and bizarre during this time, isolated and vulnerable to forces beyond our comprehension."
"It doesn't matter how strong and fast Bruce Lee was, and he's not invincible."
"We're all vulnerable; our vulnerabilities are the same."
"The scariest thing about an earthquake is that the earth is shaking and you don't know when it's gonna stop, you feel so small and insignificant."
"A kick to a man's testicles deals more than 9-thousand L units of pain."
"It doesn't make us less than anyone else. It makes us freaking human."
"The gospel is for those who admit they are weak and need to be rescued."
"The seventh bowl wasn't merely a demonstration of God's power, but a clear indication of human frailty and the consequences of persistent defiance."
"You cannot say 100% that anybody didn't cheat on you because you never know...people have weak moments."
"We're weak but we also have all of these vicious animals that we use to fight for us."
"Each virus is a reminder of how delicate our humanity truly is."
"Life is almost frivolous because people in this game are incredibly weak."
"The biosphere is not fragile. We're fragile."
"I'm in a field, a security consultant... I started to focus on human vulnerability and ended up writing a framework for something called social engineering."
"...by unleashing atomic power, he gave us the power to destroy ourselves that we've never had before, and that changes the human equation."
"True heroism is not about being invincible, it's about being human."
"I'm Bruce Wayne, and I have one weakness. I'm human."
"The first time we come into this world, we come as tiny, defenseless little beings."
"Earth always survives. We just can't survive on it. Earth one, human zero."
"So while it's a given that nature will persevere, it's not a given that we will."
"This is a story of how humanity might think that it is invulnerable, but it is not compared to things like dragons."
"The fragility of the human form is suggested with gentle introspection."
"The cold magnifies our flaws, reveals our every imperfection. It does not forgive mistakes."
"Every little action he did pales in comparison to the smallest little bit of weakness, the smallest little bit of humanity."
"Remember hearing that statistic about if all insects rose up against the human race, we wouldn't last more than 72 hours max?"
"I'm confident that just a single one of these punches or bites could kill an adult human."
"Faced with natural disasters, storms, and floods, people become very small and can easily collapse; disaster brings out the worst that no one can withstand."
"I'm afraid of dying, and that's what separates us."