
Fitness Industry Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"The Biggest Loser was, I think, one of the worst things that has ever happened to the fitness world."
"Jillian Michaels is not only giving drill sergeant on these poor souls but she's doing it from a place that pretends to be more authoritative than it really is."
"I wasn't always a rich successful Fitness celebrity with multiple businesses and best-selling books and millions of fans no no no this may be hard for you to believe I used to be straight-up bitch oh yeah it's true."
"In the fitness niche, people will spend thousands of dollars on improvement."
"I teach personal trainers how to build their online Fitness business... That's what's up now, that's what we do."
"The fitness industry is a cesspool of misinformation."
"I would say myself and Vegan Gains are two of the only channels on YouTube that really expose the fitness industry for what it really is."
"Beachbody pisses me off for subtly teaching people that they are unworthy unless they're physically fit or look a certain way."
"Despite being hated amongst the fitness community his brand is growing year after year and after supposedly hitting a hundred million dollars in sales within just three years it would seem as if he is only becoming more and more successful."
"She might be the next Arnold, the female Arnold of the future."
"The potential for the virtual and online fitness market to top $250 billion by 2032... that's almost 30X in terms of size."
"They have built that personal connection between these trainers and the customers."
"Fitness as something you purchase is removing us from a holistic relationship we could be having with it."
"Empathy is a game changer that no one really talks about in the fitness industry."
"If any trainer ever comes to you and says 'my style is better than everyone else's,' then they don't know what they're talking about."
"The lengths that I went to to get that stuff so the fact that gymshark is partnering with me on this video."
"Does the gym offer sponsorship opportunities?"
"Fitness trainer: predicted to have 420,000 new jobs each year by 2030."
"If you want to make money being a fitness instructor, don't become a yoga teacher."
"Rogue Fitness is coming on as the equipment sponsor for the contest."
"I think it's one of the most brilliant but also one of the most blatantly fraudulent things to have ever happened in the fitness industry."
"The fitness and health industry is better equipped than any other industry I can think of for actually helping people solve these chronic health issues."
"The more people that are involved in Fitness and in the fitness industry I think the better."
"By bringing corporate marketing and standardization, Planet Fitness came to dominate an industry previously made up of thousands of disparate small businesses."
"It's the most advanced micro gym business model in the world."
"So I think that is a huge failure of the fitness industry and the messaging which is you need to look like this in order for you to have achieved health."
"I've been in the health and fitness industry for more than 30 years which is crazy."
"...the shape that we're supposed to be in within the fitness industry is a beauty standard, it actually has nothing to do with fitness at all."
"I've never seen as many eating disorders and body dysmorphia than I've seen in the fitness industry at large, the fitness influencer industry is even worse."
"The only thing they do is they take something that is actually great, then they transform it into something that is garbage for money. Stop buying stuff from the fitness industry, please."
"I love the fitness industry for so long and I feel like it's only become more open and transparent, which is really, really, really, really cool to see."
"New media really got taken over, fitness really flourished in new media. Most of the posts and articles that really just take off, or many of them, are fitness-related in new media, and it just took out the old guard."
"The fitness industry is an industry. It is a market, and it changes often like all markets do because consumers' demands change and consumers become more informed over time."
"I really believed at that time that all these guys on covers of magazine means the only difference between them and me is they've taken steroids I haven't taken steroids and so it's got to be that."
"Women have been lied to the most and damaged the most by the fitness industry."
"Mental health is extremely important, especially in the fitness industry."
"It's just really sad that so many people get into it and either they get taken advantage of by the fitness industry or they get into it and they start taking advantage of other people."
"I had a dream of being involved in fitness and I had a vision."
"Studio and boutique fitness has blossomed."
"The social media fitness space has definitely expanded exponentially."
"The self-described Tony Stark of the fitness industry."
"I've been a personal trainer, fitness instructor, oh gosh, health coach, you name it, in the fitness industry for 25 years."
"Hollywood seems to be glorifying a lifestyle of secretive PEDs, unsustainable diets, and overtraining."
"The people who are at the top of the fitness industry are lifelong learners."
"We did it because we really wanted to be able to grow the company and get into more of a fitness bodybuilding space."
"You can succeed in the fitness industry in fact... you need to study your ass off, you need to really focus on putting out good consistent information, and then over time, it will happen."
"We're so focused as an industry on burning calories and on building muscle... but what we seem to lose in that process... is the fact that there is a fuel that's driving everything we do."
"Kudos to the gym owners around the world, it seems like a very difficult, struggling venture for most gyms."
"It's been a long run here at LA Fitness, what I'm going to remember most is the people."
"We need more evolution, we need more discussions on YouTube fitness."
"One of the nicest guys... he had no enemies in the whole fitness industry."
"If you're not totally entrenched in the hardcore fitness scene, just be careful with the content you see because it is a deep sea of endless lying and charlatans."
"We now have three thousand one hundred gyms that purchased that sixteen thousand dollar program."
"I wanted to take the trends and the streetwear and sort of the popular clothing that was going on at the time and sort of like bring it into the fitness world."
"The fitness industry is headed in a much more positive direction."
"My career in the fitness industry continued to grow because I stayed true to myself."