
Personal Aspiration Quotes

There are 219 quotes

"It's always been my dream to be a full-time content creator."
"I'm desperate to get into the market, just want something for me and my son to call our own."
"This is about the future you want for your country. This is about the future you deserve."
"Mark more than anyone deserves to see a Super Bowl victory in his lifetime."
"I want to live in a free society before I die."
"Miss Me's dream is to one day own a simple convenience store on a main road so finally she can relieve herself of work in the fields and let the customers come to her."
"Don't ever let anybody tell you that you can't be what you want to be in life."
"I want to be known as the best fighter in the world."
"Only people that are truly great can recognize greatness."
"I want my daughter to live the best life possible."
"Will the name of Aloysius Yap be engraved on that massive and so coveted trophy?"
"I would like to be someone that is helpful to everyone."
"I want to be the most famous fat girl in South Carolina."
"I wanted to go to America, it was just like my childhood dream."
"It's a dream come true... playing at Wembley... a dream to anyone." - Archie Gray
"You really can have whatever it is that you want, you can make any amount of money that you want to make."
"An America in which we are all our own dreams, not the dreams of my father but my own dreams."
"I want to be a police officer to serve the community to serve the country that I'm living in even though I'm Brazilian I believe the principles that America was following on right Liberty freedom of speech."
"If there was ever a way for Cloud City to become real, I would do anything to live there."
"That's the impact I'd like to have in the world, fingers crossed with your help with the help of everyone who's watching you know."
"His parkour, man, I wish I could parkour like that."
"The real hero to aspire to is easily Batman."
"I've always had the aspiration to be the best."
"If I knew I couldn't fail, I would rescue a shit-ton of animals."
"I just want a lot of kids. I think I'm pretty cool, so if there's like five of me running around, it'd be even cooler."
"When you love, value, and aspire to something, you will work a thousand times harder to master it."
"I don't create games. I just wanna be Babe Ruth."
"I don't want to live here for the rest of my life... You only get one life."
"From the age of nine years old all I wanted to do was help animals."
"It always was her dream to live on a wooded lot like her parents did."
"This is my dream, my dream is to clean shoes."
"Anything is possible if you just really want it."
"When I think about who I want to be, I would prefer to succeed or fail based on those merits."
"I guess the dream scenario would be that I get excited about a different project so much that I need to dive into it."
"I mean, I got asked in one of the interviews once if I got to play through one rig in life which I would have wanted to play through Hendrix's rig at Woodstock, you know I'm sorry that would have been very informative."
"My role models are people who've done well in business."
"I want to win worlds one day. That's been like the goal every year ever since."
"That's the essence of a kind of democracy that I want to live in."
"Skip trying to be the best, I'll be God's favorite."
"I aspired to be a legend and create timeless music."
"I want to do weird stuff, somewhere between Billie Eilish and Beyoncé."
"What's your dream in life? To be an awesome husband."
"I just feel like I really want to do music. It's something I wanted to do as a kid."
"I see you presenting on TV, get me on there."
"I aspire to be puss, okay? I aspire to be puss."
"You're meant to do big things with your life."
"This is incredible, it's like my dream setup."
"I grew up knowing all these queens who they were, but I wanted to do it."
"Sisi wanted to 'travel the whole world over…until I drown and am forgotten.'"
"I'd love to win a trophy, trophies are top, aren't they?" - Previn
"I always wanted to be a comedian, I have to tell you the truth."
"A room with our books is like a spotty without song lover. I want to get to this level of adult nurse, like I want my life to be as together as Zoe roses."
"I want to be somebody who can at least make a difference and be honest."
"It's my main goal, will it be an easy goal? No, but my own property is what I want in the future."
"That's my original dream car, the GTR is what started it all for me."
"What's your dream car? I'm a big Mercedes-Benz guy."
"That's all I could ever want for myself and for everybody."
"It's fantastic...how Star Wars makes us feel like we can become something more than ourselves."
"Embrace the visions of the future, be like Paul."
"Long story short, alongside being a YouTuber, my goal and dream in life for some bizarre reason since I was little was to open my own antique shop."
"One of these days I'm just gonna start rapping on I'm telling you right now."
"I always knew I'm going to be rich enough to never have to worry about money."
"I literally, that's all I wanted was to go to space."
"I have to believe that this can actually be my life."
"I prayed that you give me a little more time so that I could be a good example to my sons so that I can have one more chance at you know at life you know."
"Dare to dream about what you think you can be good for the world."
"This is my best hope for being able to do more of the stuff that I love and hopefully others really do enjoy it as well."
"I've never met Jay Z, but if I meet him, I'm going to just rant about how good 4:44 is."
"It's about longevity... We're gonna be those Jack granddad's."
"You've been asking for this level of success... it's unquestionably a reading of success."
"A lot of service members are like, 'How can I get my hands on one of those? I've got to have one of those Jeeps,' and that was the beginning."
"I always wanted to own an Inn. I always wanted to be able to please people and give them a happy experience."
"Make more money so that I could fly in a certain style if that's what you want to do."
"I just want people to like the stuff that I'm making."
"Mary Jackson's contributions proved to me that I too could achieve excellence in aeronautics research."
"When you send forth a parent you spend the rest of your life on earth trying to live up to it trying to be their extension trying to trying to be great sometimes for them even when you can't be great for yourself."
"This has been my dream since God knows how long."
"I have a dream of belonging to something bigger than myself, of being surrounded by people that are creative and from around the world."
"I don't want to just survive, I want to thrive."
"You can be and have anything that you will to be and have."
"More than almost any other car I've reviewed, I would truly love to own one."
"You build a road everywhere. So, you let the creativity and imagination of all those who have ever looked up say, 'This is what I want to do.'"
"I can't become someone I don't want to be. I shouldn't forget who I am and what's my biggest dream."
"I think one of the goals, like for me, would be to one day walk into like a gallery and see a picture that I took."
"I hope I'm alive to be able to live on the moon one day."
"Sharing life with another...wow, that would be the berry on top."
"I've always dreamed of having my own restaurant."
"What a shame it would be if you don't quit the job that you have now become a chef."
"There's something you want to save for, something maybe you could go on a really fun road trip."
"Just pretend to be the person you wish you were."
"I want to lead by example for my daughter. I want her to emulate the right things for me."
"Nurture your dreams in this lifetime. Go after your dreams as you want to act."
"When I heard your music for the first time, I wanted this my whole life."
"I've set a life goal to live to be a hundred."
"My father used to fight in tournaments, I can do it too."
"From a very early age, I knew that being an entertainer is what I wanted to be."
"I've always wanted a studio... I just love the idea of... have an amazing space and do whatever we want with it."
"I want to go to college. That's the path I've always seen for myself."
"Head to the Mercedes-Benz dealership and get that Sprinter van, telling your dream sent you."
"I always wanted to do something with video games."
"I want to have that confidence... I just wanted to be like that."
"I want to be the hardest working person that you know."
"I'm really trying to be the person that I feel you see in me."
"I want to participate at this ballet competition because for me first of all was a dream so I want to say that when I first thought about this competition I honestly didn't think I was gonna get in."
"This has always been a dream of mine ever since I've been a young flight geek."
"D1, I've wanted this for so long. And you know my dad just passed away... So I hope he sees me now."
"I want to be a demon slayer... what the hell is the difference?"
"I'm really hoping that I can have a V back in the future."
"I want to live my life so my aura when it leaves is one of the brightest ones."
"Hey, this is great, I get to be on TV, this is what I wanted to do."
"I always want to be the one to come to the hood in the Lambo."
"Success is everybody's aspiration success does not mean that only something big I'm aspiring for I want it to happen no with every single action you want success isn't it yes or no."
"We don't want you to be anything, sir. I want you to be the best you can be."
"The thing Crest wanted the most was freedom from everything."
"I want to be the least talented, least informed, least educated, least driven person on the team."
"I want to be a lord for all the wrong reasons."
"Your dream is to be the world's strongest man."
"I seriously have been imagining my first tomato moment."
"Whoever, whatever you want to be, even someone good."
"I grew up knowing U-Dub, wanting to go to U-Dub, my dad went to U-Dub."
"It's time for you to make your dreams come true, get your wishes."
"I've never wanted to be a lady that just lunches, I want to be on the ground doing the work."
"I want to be able to get to heaven and say I did everything I could do."
"I hope I will succeed, before it is too late."
"Honestly, I just wanna do the messy look. That's my dream. If I could just hashtag wake up like this, ugh."
"If my mid-century dreams could come true, I would probably have all of my mid-century furniture in rosewood."
"I always wanted to race sprint cars. It's always been my dream."
"When I grow up I want to be a musician."
"Technology is definitely one of my interests like I wanted to be I Justine so bad growing up and I always wanted like a tech review channel so this is me getting to do that."
"...everything I've ever dreamed of."
"If I had to say one person I want to be like, it would be John Lennon."
"You know, I wish I'd won the Open. I still can't even imagine what that feels like."
"I wanted to make people laugh. I've always wanted to make people laugh."
"Maybe I would actually like to do some good in this world."
"Max said he was planning on being a firefighter, and that his calling was to be a firefighter."
"I wanted to be an artist or a writer."
"To come here to the world championship is one of my dreams; it has been ever since I was a kid."
"I think I always wanted to do music and make music."
"My goal in life is to be debt-free by the time I'm 40."
"I always knew that I wanted to be a musician."
"I've always wanted to be like a really hot surfer chick."
"Have you ever wanted something so badly that you ached from within your very soul for it?"
"Don't you want to reach that level of happiness someday?"
"Living a life of freedom is what I want."
"All I ever wanted to be was a pop star."
"I would like to meet someone organically; that's the goal."
"I've been waiting for this for my whole life, pretty much."
"This is where I wanted to be on the Enterprise."
"I want as much romance in my life as possible; it courses through my veins."
"I admire so much about you in a way like I look up to you and wish I could be more like you in many ways."
"This truly is one of my all-time dream cars."
"I've always wanted to do voiceovers since watching like Animaniacs and the Rugrats and all my favorite shows."
"I just want to be respected by my peers."
"It was a dream that I'd wanted since I was a kid that had been unfulfilled."
"I would love to be that girl that could wear a beret."
"I have always, always, always wanted to try this myself."
"They swore to become adventurers together, something Toru always aspired to be, just like his father."
"Be what you want to be, as long as you're sufficient and it's something you love to do."
"Is that moment again, the one you dream of every night, of pushing yourself further than ever before."
"When I heard that, I wanted to play the trumpet, and it was great."
"I want to be a happy person not a sad person."
"I am going to be the first in my family to have a good marriage."
"State your why. I wanna get out of debt. I wanna not work a nine to five anymore."
"He now focused on his big project, the one that he felt could possibly cement his legacy, the opera Treemonisha."
"I'm feeling a bit anxious because I really want to get a good grade for this exam."
"Two hundred scholarships would be the pinnacle of my career so far."
"It's the Q version fighter, that's what I've always wanted."
"To be respected and admired... that's all I ever wanted."
"This is the dream, yeah, definitely."
"I want to be happy, I want to inspire everyone I possibly can to go do the exact same."
"Anything is possible if you simply want to work for it."
"I want to live my life desiring the things that God wants me to desire."
"The main thing I want to do in life is not disappoint my dad."
"I just wanted to quit my day job and I just want to be a comedian."
"I'm trying to run this forever like I'm Baywatching."
"I would always love to do a Western."
"I just want to live and not just be existing, you know what I'm saying?"
"He dreamed of living a simple life."
"All of my stick shift dreams can come true."
"I really want to make this animated movie because I really like animation and movies."
"I just wanted her to enjoy a trip she's been talking about for almost two decades."
"I just want to be with my wife and have a good family."
"I want them to have the same education that I did."
"I don't want to live a boring life."
"I'm always listening to music and I just would love to be able to play a couple of songs that I like."
"I bought this car because I really wanted to own one, I wanted to attain my dream."
"I want to go to Japan so bad, I've never been there, and it's just like, I know all three of you have been multiple times."
"I just want to live here and walk him on the beach every morning."
"I'd like to think that we all aspire to be that warrior, that individual who could make the biggest impact on the battlefield and in life."
"I always wanted to play the drums."
"No matter what, I want my kids to be able to say, 'You know what? My dad was that guy.' That's what I want."
"One day, guys, one day, I want to do whatever I want to do. Be my own boss."
"I do feel like I am some sort of racing driver, which is very, very cool."
"Imagine for yourself the ultimate miracle: a slowing down or even an elimination of the aging process."
"One day I want to be known as a thoughtful and loving mother."
"He is trying to very much live up to that ideal, not only the Prussian military ideal but very much consciously want to associate himself with Frederick the Great."
"I love that small town Underdog feeling."
"I was raised to be a wife, and I desired to be a housewife."
"My whole life had geared me towards superheroes."