
Duel Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"I like the fact that Kong Rong goes into a kill frenzy if his wife is challenged to a duel."
"Let this be our final duel, the conclusion to that which began 500 years ago."
"In order to reconcile the desire to defend his honour and his desire not to kill, in the days before the duel Hamilton had decided that he would throw away his shot by deliberately firing wide."
"The End's boss fight knows what a duel is and goes all out with it. It has so many variables in it that this fight is basically what you make it."
"Wow, what a duel! Unbelievable performance by Sony."
"Clash in the Coliseum, to me, is the perfect duel."
"Only someone with a Black Blade could defeat another with a Black Blade."
"Commander Waltz declared tesi the winner of the duel, and tesi wondered why the training had been organized in the first place."
"This is more than a duel, it's a legacy-defining duel."
"With a variety of training and martial arts that he has learned so far, he was finally able to defeat Khru How in that duel fight."
"This is probably the most important duel in the entire Star Wars saga."
"This battle between estra and aen turning out to be an incredible duel."
"This is the last duel. If he can defeat them, he will take the post of head."
"That duel between Yoda and Dooku was so awesome. It was the first time we got to see Yoda actually using his abilities in a duel."
"Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan fight Darth Maul with lightsabers and backflips which is still probably one of my favorite saber fights of all time until Darth Maul stabs Qui-Gon in the gut man it's sad."
"...at one point, another male singer annoyed her so much she challenged him to a duel."
"The smallest Speck of dust can change the fate of a duel."
"If there is intelligent life, we should teach them how to duel."
"He must have had like legit fencing training. They had to have. I admit it, you are better than I am. Then why are you smiling? Because I know something you don't know. I am not left-handed either."
"Tano's confidence remained unshaken as she engaged Ventress in a fierce duel, trading taunts and blows."
"Anakin and Obi-Wan soon would face off against Darth Maul in a duel Maul was determined to kill these Jedi and show that it was his time to rise to power."
"Cinematic sword duels often arrive near the climax of the film and are the culmination of a long rivalry."
"He wants to duel," I say. "As soon as he draws a weapon he will break the terms of parlay."
"He looked worried. The duel had begun."
"The death battle will undoubtedly go down as a significant event in the fandom."
"Their duel was absolutely must-see TV."
"This duel will go down as one of the most seminal events in Japanese Samurai history."
"Anakin Dooku duel would probably be here's the thing when I did the interview with Nick Gillard there he told me there are so many more scenes that he's actually going to be sending me regarding the Obi-Wan Qui-Gon Maul duel things we have never seen before."
"The moral of the story is, if you really wanted to win this duel, you were willing to cheat in a myriad of different ways."
"This duel has the best of both worlds with insane emotional tension and incredible choreography."
"Yamamoto's incredible duel with Roid is a true spectacle, a demonstration of raw talent and passion."
"She proposes a duel, the winner has the right to take him as it would prove that the winner had the best martial arts."
"Prentice felt sure, although he had no proof, that it had been bemen who had spurred the simple-minded Hagar into challenging him to a duel."
"A duel between the two largest and fastest ships the world had ever seen."
"Cora managed to free herself from her chains and confronted Zaheer in a duel."
"I find this just as quick. In fact, I'd challenge somebody to a duel."
"I challenge you to a duel. The winner's words will be judged the truth in the eyes of the gods," Xander declared.
"I demand satisfaction. Do you mean a duel?"
"And in a moment of vulnerability, Darth Maul's lightsaber found a mark, scoring a deep gash across Sidious' arm."
"Weakened now, Sidious' movements began to slow, and the Sith Lords against him sensed an opportunity."
"In a final moment of opportunity, Sidious cut Savage across the face, sending him to the ground."
"Maul pushed aside his concern for his brother and cut off the hand of Sidious holding the lightsaber, completely disarming him."
"Chewbacca is not intimidated by a lightsaber and the thought of impaling oneself with a lightsaber, so he goes into dual wielding mode."
"Finn not only manages to not die immediately, he actually keeps up with Kylo Ren for quite a while."
"Grievous received an ample amount of tutelage under the skilled duel of Star Tyranus."
"Now, I must go further. In a moment, we will meet, he and I, and only one of us is going to live."
"After an incredibly impressive display by both duelists, Rio loses, his heart stops. He has some parting words with the people there and he dies."
"Luke rules as a rival. He's presented as an incredibly powerful and knowledgeable duelist, respected by the writers of the series."
"The Duke chooses to fight him in a mock duel."
"...the emotion at the end and throughout this duel."
"Two black mambas engage in a mesmerizing duel on a golf course, showcasing the intensity of nature's battles."
"Whoever wins the duel between Boucher and Price, they are guaranteed a place in the final."
"Kira challenged him to a duel, throwing down the gauntlet with a wooden sword."
"Gow is the legal winner of The Duel, becoming the official leader of the village."
"Choose a man for yourselves and let him come down to me. If he is able to fight with me and kill me, then we will be your servants. But if I prevail against him and kill him, then you shall be our servants."
"Witness the showdown between Anakin and Obi-Wan in the style of the Clone Wars."
"The moment that you've all been waiting for, the duel between Mater and Obi-Wan."
"The male shows off with acrobatic maneuvers in the sky and if this is not sufficient they will duel."
"She shocked everyone by challenging her opponent to a duel."
"Hands down the best lightsaber fight scene was Anakin Skywalker versus Obi-Wan."
"The idea of an enduring duel, one that stretched over years, captivated him."
"I shall take that duel, my good man. We shall meet tomorrow at dawn."
"Gentlemen of France, would you care to fire first?"
"Shanks's greatest feat, as of this recording that is known, is dueling with Mihawk, the greatest swordsman."
"This is truly a duel of the titans."
"The image of two men marshaling their courage to face one another in a duel of honor captivates the imagination."
"I too have enjoyed our duel; the experience has been most educational."
"Yu-Gi-Oh GX's graduation duel is, in my opinion, the greatest duel ending in a draw we have ever seen in all of Yu-Gi-Oh."
"The final move that Feraud actually wins the fight by... is brilliant."
"Whilst it might seem like I'm saying lots of disparaging things about this duel in 'The Duelists', actually, 'The Duelist' is a great film."
"I'm going to give Vader the slight edge over Malgus when it comes to the two potentially dueling."
"The girl expressed her hope that the young man would give his all at the duel."
"Never in his life would he regret that he managed to duel with the ruler."
"In what classic western does the main villain use a pocket watch to provoke his opponent to kill him before the music finishes?"
"For the first time in my life, I felt truly alive with that duel where a single mistake could cost your life."
"It is the best one-on-one fight that has been written in the story to this point."
"Two power pitching veterans of the mound, Roger Clemens for the Yankees, Kurt Schilling with the Red Sox, they go head-to-head."
"This duel just tells a really great story."
"It's believed that this is what led to the duel where Burr killed Hamilton."
"They held nothing back and attacked each other with the intent to kill, as they knew the other expected nothing less."
"Technoblade, once an above average SkyWars player, was now battling in front of nearly 100 people in what would be the biggest duel in gaming history."
"There is more between these two than just 'I am here to win an honorable duel to avenge my father.'"
"What mattered now was resolving the duel."
"Ready to duel, Briggs? Are you ready to duel?"
"The atmosphere crackles with excitement and the outcome of this duel could shape the fate of Thousand Blades Academy in the Big Five Holy Festival."
"The fierce confrontation between these two skilled swordsmen unfolds, leaving the outcome of the match hanging in the balance."
"If you want a big fight feel, it's got to be one-on-one."
"Duels are so cool. It was the culmination of a bitter rivalry that developed between men who had become high-profile politicians in post-colonial America."
"Choreography-wise, the Mustafar duel is probably one of the best fights."
"A duel between three people is called a truel."
"The backstory was definitely there for this to be a really good, more lighthearted duel."
"Prepare yourselves as these interdimensional duelists clash."
"The duel really serves as a coming-of-age moment for Yugi."
"The duel with crazy high stakes and an awesome conclusion to Battle City."
"The emotion throughout this duel is magnificent."
"A duel between three people is actually called a truel."
"Snagrod tried to cut Kantor in half with a double backhanded swipe, but Kantor was quicker."
"I warn you, boy, the duel with me might prove fatal."
"The duel two days ago was unforgettable."
"In the last one, we played one of the closest duels I've ever played in my life."
"Are you here to play Duel Monsters or go fish?"
"When the duel came, Princess Monarina won."
"Dirty Dan is the most notorious gunslinger in the town of Tampos, and he has challenged you to a duel."
"It was an honor to duel against you."
"When for the first time in history a Supreme Court justice and a United States Senator met in a duel to the death on the so-called Field of Honor, and one of them proved that a gun is not a gentleman."
"This duel wraps up the journey of Yuma really, really well and, in my opinion, it is the greatest duel that Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal has to offer."
"Are you challenging me to a pool noodle sword duel?" "Yeah, I am. Are you up for it?"
"We are literally in the stretch of the story where we're going to see Mihawk versus Zoro."
"It reminds me of Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn vs Darth Maul."