
Cultural Unity Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"When culture finds that sweet spot of all of us getting along, all of us having a sense of humor, all of us working together, that's called unity."
"Music created by South Korean artists reaches so many people around the world, transcending languages and cultural barriers. We believe music is always an amazing and wonderful unifier of all things."
"The Irish are probably the most stubborn people of all time and built a massive sense of cultural unity around fighting the English."
"Memes speak to so many people, and it's like you know we're not as divided as we think we are."
"Universal language across races and cultures, music unifies people."
"This shared experience transcends borders, cultures, and generations, reminding us of the unity and awe that the natural world can inspire."
"We need to keep re-emphasizing that and I always come back to our Britishness."
"Let us pray and hope we believe and I'll say this to the Muslim viewers and you know I've been saying this for a very long time based on Jewish tradition the Arabs and the Jews will reunite based on a passage in Genesis."
"Black love has to be at the tip top of the agenda. If black people come first, then the all-black national convention is for you."
"Putin believed that Russians and Ukrainians were single people United by history."
"It changes everything. It suddenly brings Judeo-Christianity in line with all ancient cultures and ancient civilizations when we know there is a father of the beginnings, a source for all creation."
"Moral framework is what unites a people. I mean I think if no culture you have no country."
"A united population, Czechs and Slovakians, natural friends, lovers, right?"
"Mandela won the hearts of millions of white rugby fans."
"Do you think that might be something that's applicable in culture more broadly that we should look for the areas where we agree with one another rather than focusing on the disagreement?"
"The Unicorn is a symbol that we can all connect with. It's not specific to the UK. It stands as an energetic right across this planet and beyond."
"This has been so pleasant, and there's Americans and Canadians, some of them British, never was just side by side loving the spectacle."
"Woodstock... mythological in its impact... you could feel the unity."
"Language may be the most important thing there is for cultural unity even more than religion."
"Pakistan transcends ethnicities; it's an idea, it's a mandate."
"The Thai military and monarchy for centuries have unified Thai people and protected the country from foreign conquests..."
"It just needs to reflect the community that it's trying to unify..."
"We definitely need our African-American brothers and sisters. We want you to come over to the continent."
"The union of afro Dominican and afro black American cultures is a celebration of shared history and commonalities."
"The original culture needs to stop fighting with each other... we need your knowledge."
"Pumpkin pie - the one food that crosses borders."
"Food always has a way of uniting people man even back that far. Food and music, two things can solve a lot of problems bro."
"Books can create a shared cultural foundation that is not fragile, easily changed, or erased."
"Everyone, we have to transcend this idea of separation, that's so part of our Western culture."
"A song of Union, of breaking down barriers," the Bard sings.
"Ganesha is revered by people of all native religions of India."
"Africa unite! Oh wow, as we're moving right out of Babylon and we're going to our forefathers' land. Peace, love, honor, respect with elbow Boom. Come Africa, I give you one too now you camera, I love it. Africa unite!"
"Turks and Azerbaijanis: one blood always have been always will be."
"All these people over the last 5000 years on every continent around the world have all been talking about the same damn thing."
"The Kumbh Mela is an open invitation to the world to witness social harmony prevalent in Hinduism."
"Once at war with each other cowboys and Indians are now allies in the effort to preserve their ranching Heritage."
"When Hagia Sophia is returned to that Orthodox Christian world, they will then become closest in love and affection for this Ummah."
"It's every single person out there almost every single adult out there understands at least the core premise of this."
"Everyone Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, American, Chinese, Japanese, and everywhere else all like to play games and we all like to have fun together."
"Latin has been a source of unity... one of those elements in the church that actually is not ideological."
"People need to look at it like it's just a Detroit thing people don't need to put us in different categories we are Detroit."
"Quidditch: bringing both wizards and muggles together in enjoyment."
"Food can really bring people together, be it a restaurant, take away, street food, or home-cooked food. It's just amazing."
"At the end of the day, you guys all love dumplings. Israelis, Arabs, Muslims, Jews - we're all human beings, and we all love dumplings."
"Religion is the binding glue of the country - Indonesia's diverse culture united under Islam."
"The power of music, laughter, and art unite Sailors from different backgrounds and ranks."
"Any sane politician should say anybody is welcome to the West. You're Muslim, welcome, my brother and sister."
"People had an Oktoberfest in Germany singing like I think it was Sweet Caroline or one of those like classic American songs in English and just so much Unity it was awesome."
"This was not simply a culture that had finally Unified; this was a culture that was ecstatic with its identity and its government."
"We're made up of the English, the Scots, the Welsh, the Northern Irish, together they all have their own distinct cultures but bring it all together, that's British culture."
"It's simply incredible how art can unite people from all over the world."
"It's time now for all Sanatanis to start thinking as a Sanatana not as a Brahmana as a Vaishya or a Kshatriya or Sudra those days are gone..."
"Portugal and Brazil together forever, United as one."
"People of every race religion ethnicity can be fully and equally American."
"Anime has the potential to bring people together to unite various cultures and communities under a single fandom."
"Music... can transcend language, cultural barriers, and digital noise to bring us all closer together."
"India celebrates the commonality of major differences, a lineage of belonging rather than blood."
"People need a shared mythology, otherwise they fight."
"Destabilizing the United States would be very difficult because at the end of the day, the US is a strong unifying culture."
"The Common Thread is style, and that is the international language."
"Junkanoo does something the camaraderie of it. It really is the one thing that I think holds the country together."
"Honestly, even the staunchest anti-Albanian, you know, Serb or Montenegrin or Bosnian, when they listen to Dua Lipa, the Yugoslavia starts re-emerging in our hearts and souls."
"Let us then rethink Africa according to African ideals, let us reconfigure Africa on the basis of our own cultural unity."
"A new Jesus revolution has begun, and it's a love train moving across every land, every culture, every color, everywhere."
"We will unite ourselves through the land, and the connection to the land will be part of our identity."
"He'll be remembered for erasing those regional imaginary lines we had and made it one big Indian film industry."
"They had this love between Nigeria and Ghana in my class and it was just so good."
"What has been called the cultural unity of the Chinese people dominates life both in Peking and Taiwan and among Chinese people on the other side of the Earth."
"Music crosses all language barriers, different political barriers, it just crosses everything."
"I think that was one of the highlights for every Dane and Jew alike."
"For people divided by culture to coexist peacefully needs... a lot of the right kind of personal and institutional effort."
"There are no sides, no teams, no rivalries here – only men united by views of great culture."
"Creating divides will not really help K-pop move forward."
"Food is beautiful, no matter what culture you're from, what cuisine you're making or tasting or drinking; everyone loves food, it brings everyone together."
"Turning his back on western ways, Tenskwatawa spread the message of strength through unity among the First Nations."
"Hip-hop culture is for all people."
"There is a sense of almost solidarity and that softening of that division between East and West."
"East and West are not two different things."
"Even though we don't speak the same language, we speak the same language for food."
"Let's unite to free them from anguish, scarcity, and fear, making this Passover a testament to hope and freedom."
"Métis is like a living bridge between two cultures."
"England and America... constitute in a sense a single cultural community."
"Hip-hop has united more cultures than any music and any force in the history of the planet."
"The dancing, hey everyone loves dancing, and I think that we can all agree that black people in America also loved it."
"An Irish language act that will unite us with Scotland, with the Isle of Man, with other parts of the UK."
"It's a new song for the Arabs, for everyone."
"Africa and the Arabian Peninsula should be seen as one contiguous cultural bloc with the Red Sea as an afro Arabian Lake, not a continental divide."
"I am the life force of collective aspirations and the aesthetic union of many cultures."
"The happy glyph itself represents the unity beautification of upper and lower Kemet."
"African culture binds us together; African culture is the universe's culture; African culture is Nature's culture."
"...the grammar, the language of Christian art spread itself from Syria to Spain, creating a common experience, a common experience that was not an identical experience but unity in a variety."
"This institution is more than a laboratory; using the universal language of research and discovery, the European Organization for Nuclear Research brings people and countries together, demonstrating that our quest for knowledge knows no boundaries."
"East and West are manifestly offsprings of the same root; they should be regarded as sisters or Siamese twins, dangerously and tragically separated and incomplete without the other."
"Super Mario, to 10 all over the world, that's universal, that brings cultures together."
"It's a Small World, the classic Disney boat ride, all about different countries and celebrating our differences but also coming together as one."
"Medicine is almost the only area in life that there are no barriers between cultures, nations, languages."