
Community Success Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Thank you all so much. It really means a lot to me that this series has taken off."
"Atlanta is a city full of pride. Takes pride in seeing everybody do good."
"We made it, ninjas. We made it. I got it to 90. We did it, bro. We did it."
"It is personal action, doing the right thing taken by our citizens, that is why we are winning this battle against COVID."
"Jewish community's success story is an inspiration."
"When we have things on our own, black people create and maintain the greatness of it."
"The thing that people tend to overlook is just how successful a self-governing community of homeless people can actually be."
"When one person thrives everyone thrives a little bit more."
"Celebrate your success in the success of others."
"Our desire is to ensure that people wherever they live in our fantastic country have enormous pride in the place they call home and every opportunity to succeed."
"And I don't think you get tired of doing it creating success not just for yourself but for others that's a priority."
"I want the community, the project, and myself to win. I want everybody's interests to be aligned."
"Your success can't be more important than the success of the entire community."
"When our communities are successful and flourishing and learning and solving problems, that is real success."
"A win for me is a win for the Israelite community, a win for the black community."
"We showed that here. We beat this damn virus. And if we're smart, we'll continue to beat it."
"Every ounce every pound of food that we're able to produce the more successful we are going to be as a community as a family."
"Are members actually making money? Yes, we are."
"This is a historic day, a very valuable win for we the people."
"You guys are definitely destined for prosperity."
"That's a big win for this community and for the planet."
"This seems to be the decade of shared success."
"We will win this, and I encourage people to just keep visualizing what it would be like in your daily life if everybody was thriving."
"Part of that repair also has to be remembrance, right? So as I'm reading... what people don't know, we talk Black Wall Street Tulsa, Oklahoma, but there were a lot of Black thriving communities why? Because Black people built the country."
"Ladies and gentlemen, we finally did it. It finally happened."
"A success shared creates more success for more people and in return everyone benefits including you."
"Success story, love, and happiness on the colony."
"Mayor Adam says these numbers are of course something to celebrate and be proud of but he says the work is certainly not done not until he says every single New Yorker is able to take advantage of these opportunities."
"The success of one author is ultimately a success for all authors."
"A major win for the entire crypto community."
"Perseverance is an important word as far as this is concerned, because this was built due to racism; it was built to actually just destroy black people being successful. We persevered and we're still successful."
"The goal, brothers and sisters, is to win, not just look like we're winning."
"We did it, everybody! The big wallet legacy lives on."
"I recommend finding what works for you and sticking to it."
"Our entire nation wins when citizens with a record succeed."
"We can do both Chicago and we can all thrive together."
"I feel like it's kind of a win for the whole YouTube community."
"The rise of American Hindus as an immigrant community in this country and their success as an immigrant community in this country, there's an envy."
"Our country is soaring, our communities are thriving, our economy is booming, perhaps like never before."
"People are loving this shopping mall. We've done a good job all of us."
"This stream went exceedingly well and quite frankly I think this is going to be the turning point in which Destiny 2 is saved."
"As a community when we win and when somebody succeeds we all win we all succeed you know somebody else's success their growth everything that's a success for everybody."
"The success isn't always in the numbers; it's about the community that's here."
"It's such a blessing when you know that everyone is trying to do the best they can so that everyone succeeds."
"It's like living happily ever after because Habitat is a vital, successful, and very desirable community."
"This was a good week for our people."
"Blender is completely open source which is a huge factor as to why it is so successful today."
"The community has already triumphed and exudes its own light, its own reason."
"The community by and large was successful in business and market gardening and fishing."
"It's about being innovative and about people who can being charitable to allow other people to succeed."
"We are trying to illustrate in a very concrete way that we as people can succeed in our own community."
"Not one person can become successful alone; it takes a village."
"When you win, we win; when I win, you win."
"YouTube has been a source of success to many of us in this village."
"My success is attributed to the success of my community."
"It gives me great pleasure to cut this sod today, and I wish to say how heartily I wish every success to the Linton and Barnstaple Railway."