
Anime Critique Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The Chimera Ant arc is probably one of if not the best arc in the series."
"Moral of the story: Evangelion just wasn't that good of a show, guys, come on."
"If I rank your anime low, please hear me. That doesn't mean it's a bad anime. It's just not the anime for me."
"Rurouni Kenshin is without a doubt one of the all-time greats."
"Bleach isn't trash. At worst, it is a painfully average Shonen, but in its best moments, it is an incredible piece of storytelling."
"There's no anime that can be both compelling action-packed and well-directed like Attack on Titan."
"Where it shines is in its execution, setting up a seemingly harmless Magical Girl plotline with Moe characters and then brutally tearing your preconceptions faster than you can say 'The End of Evangelion'."
"A good defense is the best offense, the anime has pretty decent fights."
"Re:Zero represents the logical extreme of otaku obsession and entitlement."
"It's Shonen, it's stupid, it's gorgeous, and it knows it."
"I think Burn the Witch is better than Black Clover."
"I adore the whole show besides uzaki herself who is honest and energetic uzaki senpai is a seriously good guy who does not try to take advantage of her."
"For all of the breathtaking heights that Naruto reached, it had its fair share of low points, but the way Naruto failed its female characters to me is the series's lowest point."
"Creatively, visually, stylistically, Hoecake Island was some of the best this series has to offer."
"We're not just here trying to make this video because we hate Dragon Ball, we obviously love it."
"It's as over the top as you'd expect from the trigger pedigree but what really gets me here isn't the animation it's not the flashing lights and the shouting it's the message behind it."
"Your anime should have been here, and I obviously don't know what I'm talking about. So please be sure to leave a million comments telling me about that one anime I missed."
"If generic is the worst thing that one can say about My Hero Academia, then we are starting out in a pretty good place."
"Sunny Boy has been the single most interesting piece of anime I've seen in the past six months."
"Ichigo versus Ulquiorra round two is nearly perfection in my opinion."
"Dead Leaves is the cocaine comics of anime films and you either get that or you don't."
"This is Doctor Trash Love or how I learned to stop worrying and enjoy bad anime."
"There are scenes where I hate Sanji but there are far more scenes where I love him."
"In a way, Vegeta is more successful in this arc because he has shown something that Goku was lacking for quite some time: humility."
"If there's one thing that bleach has always done right it's undoubtedly the antagonist."
"My Hero Academia is very much character-driven above everything else."
"Sonny boy is a demanding anime but if you give it the time it deserves, it's a rewarding experience."
"Yuki had the self-indulgence that her fellow special grades had the self-indulgence of the strongest but in her case it was simply paradoxical and this trait of Yuki is what I liked most about her."
"And honestly, that's why Black Clover's rivalry, in my opinion, is one of the dopest that you're gonna get, and especially contemporary, but let alone in general shown in manga."
"The answer to what actually was the anime of the decade might surprise you: it's Demon Slayer."
"I heavily stress the importance of new anime series not having an appealing effect on me just to illustrate how good Chainsaw Man really is."
"K-On! is my number one favorite anime of all time. It's super dense with things to love, and everything about the show is fantastic."
"Power scaling in One Piece is not only incredibly controversial but also close to impossible."
"Everything about the Greed Island arc is perfect but I believe that it certainly holds up as an excellent story arc."
"I think we can come to the conclusion from this video that OOP in some ways kind of was wasted potential especially if we consider Dragon Ball GT."
"It's one of the most well thought-out openings in anime."
"Rakugo Shinju is without question the best written, best directed, best acted, and best overall anime that I've seen this year."
"That's a snot straight a tear that is a straight a tear right there Bardot father of Goku was perfect in the fact that it was a very bleak story it was very interesting and you got it after the fact."
"The only purpose to watching bad anime is roasting it with your friends."
"Black Clover continues to take elements from so many other series but once you realized that it just doesn't give a [ __ ]."
"Higurashi doesn't resort to... lazy, shallow writing."
"Natsuki Subaru is human, he's not a faultless hero, he's not some suave and dashing charmer, he's not an anime character."
"I'm not even like a fan of the Gundam Seed Astray lines."
"Honorable mention is Death Tōji and Maki's Heavenly Restriction. I'd put Heavenly Restriction probably top. I'd put Heavenly Restriction over, like, most of these curse techniques."
"It adds a more choppy look to the animation, but it's what nearly all other anime has been animated in."
"Edge Runners is good but I think some of the claims that it's a masterpiece perfect or anime of the year are a little overblown."
"Naruto is definitely very flawed in a lot of aspects, but overall, I still like it."
"I think for like overall final thoughts, Bakuten Shoot does what it does very well, doesn't feel like an ad, and it focuses on really good story work."
"This fight to me is Demon Slayer at its best."
"Season 3 to me is the best Attack on Titan we've seen so far."
"I do not watch One Piece movies because to me, it's basically fan fiction."
"I'll always love Naruto, even though it's flawed towards the end, it's still a great story."