
Human Responsibility Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"It's never been more important for us to understand the effects of biodiversity loss. Of how it is that we ourselves are responsible for it. Only if we do that will we have any hope of averting disaster."
"Poor dumb animals. The humans did this to themselves, but what did the animals do to deserve this? Nothing."
"Humans have the responsibility to take care of animals... if humanity is living rightly and in right relationship with each other, I think that flows into... taking care of the earth and its creation, and that includes animals."
"It's better for us as humans to be better for our planet."
"God says I've given you mankind authority in this earth. You run the show here."
"Humans have a responsibility to be wise in our use of technology."
"Positive Angelic human ETS are in fact very involved in saving our planet but as I have said before we ultimately have to save ourselves."
"Hunger must be understood as a human-made problem."
"The fault though is not in the stars, it's in us."
"We are the children of Earth and we alone can transform this planet."
"Don't forget free [__]! I mean, so there was a variety that's, I mean, just those couple of references right there that you know what we was capable of."
"Man's role in this world is crucial; he's literally the only source of Morality."
"The story told by the Quran is that God has offered free will to humanity. We accepted that choice, and now we have to live up to what we have accepted."
"The world was created to be holy and we are the ones who are supposed to make it holy."
"Straws don't kill dolphins, it's people throwing them in the ocean. They're the ones killing the dolphins."
"Plastics aren't the problem, humans are the problem."
"Humans are appointed as the Pinnacle of creation with Divine Authority and responsibility."
"Everything on Earth, there's a set of laws to govern it and we are the ones who supposed to follow the practice the law intending as caretakers of the Earth."
"Humans are supposed to be the century the guardians of Mother Earth and the strong are basically are to be the defenders of the weak."
"It's never the dog; it's the human behind the dog."
"We do have responsibility and are responsible for actions and have a choice, but God is also sovereign and all-powerful over everything."
"There's nothing supernatural involved in this; we are left alone with our own responsibility to think." - Christopher Hitchens
"We speak for Earth. Our obligation to survive and flourish is owed not just to ourselves but also to that cosmos ancient and vast from which we spring."
"It's important to remember that the natural world is not just a resource for human consumption but a delicate ecosystem."
"They silenced him and they killed him. Human beings did it, not God. God didn't need it, human beings needed it."
"Humans are responsible for looking after nature."
"If we are actually alone it would seem to me that our responsibility is even greater because if the universe has no other consciousness in it other than ours it seems like we owe it to the universe to keep ourselves going."
"It's not God's fault this is a fallen world; it's actually our fault that there's so much death and sin and suffering."
"Technology is neutral. It's what we as people choose to do with it. So with intent and Human by Design and optimism, I think that's how you get to the right spots."
"The problems the world faces are all problems that we humans are causing, and because we're causing them, we can also choose to stop causing them."
"Since the belief has ceased that a god guides the fate of the world on a large scale, people themselves have to set goals that encompass the whole earth. Herein lies the tremendous task."
"Humans are uniquely capable of understanding the world around us in a way that no other animal can, so I feel like we have a responsibility, we have a duty to all of the animals that came before us to understand them, to just acknowledge that they existed."
"If you humans are going to save your mortal butts, you've got to learn to protect yourselves and your planet."
"The providence of God does not relieve us of our human responsibility; it doesn't call for inactivity, it calls for activity."
"The future of us humans and indeed the future of the Earth system doesn't sit with scientists like myself; it sits with a really deep analysis of who we are, what's important to us, and how we can go forward in the future."
"God sovereignly saves, but we have to sovereignly choose."
"The sea abides but it doesn't care, it is up to us the people of the earth to explore the new sea."
"We bred dogs to rely on humans; it's our responsibility to fix this in a humane way."
"Man was to dress and to keep the garden."
"Animals are God's gift to us; animals and their welfare are humanity's responsibility."
"Just so sad to think that our marine life is suffering because of us humans."
"...human beings are responsible for their actions and therefore human beings are responsible."
"Humanity -- human species -- has no right to destroy and despoil, regardless."
"We just have to be responsible as human beings and kind to each other."
"He will not do what He gave us power and authority to do."