
Series Appreciation Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"The Chimera Ant arc is probably one of if not the best arc in the series."
"I'm glad he's made the series as it may help some people understand themselves."
"Fire Emblem Awakening was a love letter to the Fire Emblem franchise in more ways than one."
"This version of Aaron is by far my most favored in the series."
"With all of this in mind, I was ready to consider Mario Kart 8 my favourite game in the series."
"The storytelling in Psycho-Pass is some of the best in anime."
"Falcon in the Winter Soldier is my favorite MCU thing in years. Vulnerable and human. Loved it."
"Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is the best Assassin's Creed game."
"You guys are always a wonderful part of this whole series."
"As a diehard fan of the series, I thought they really cracked the code with the gameplay."
"Max Payne's absence from the current realm of Triple A games is sad, but when one evaluates what the series managed to accomplish while it was alive, it's hard not to be appreciative of how it went out."
"The love you guys continue to show the series is just absolutely unreal, and I can't thank you guys enough."
"Honestly, the best thing that Mandalorian did for me in my fandom was tell everyone that Star Wars expanded stuff, like the Clone Wars, is not invalid anymore."
"I seriously had a lot of fun with the series."
"This show is entertaining, well done, the writing solid, it's good."
"Do not let the name fool you, it's an amazing series full of awesomeness and creativity."
"In the words of Alyssa herself, this show is mega."
"I love this series and hope it never stops. Keep up the good work, guys!"
"Loki season 2 was great, the ending gave me literal chills."
"Fans and critics of the series have come to consider it the best out of the franchise."
"Best series is one that previous years I could 100% understand why there wouldn't be."
"The levels, the flow, the ambience - that's where the Kingsfield series shines."
"Santana is one of the few saving graces of the later seasons."
"This series is something exceedingly special."
"It's a spectacular scene and is probably one of my favorite things to come out of Heroes. And hats off to Suji for not correcting everything, very much appreciated."
"Either way, it's just been a phenomenal series to be a part of."
"Metroid is probably my favorite series of all time."
"People just need to watch the series for themselves to enjoy the wondrous accomplishment that was The Last Airbender."
"Season 7 is aged like the finest of wines and is personally my favorite season of The Simpsons."
"Arcane was and is a supremely amazing animated series."
"The Rocinante might be the most well-done ship I've ever seen in any science fiction show ever."
"The joy of this series is largely not in just the little details, but the even tinier still signs as it were of understanding and accommodation."
"I'm very excited to learn more and I gotta say that the series looks incredible."
"Hunter x Hunter deserves all the acclaim it's been getting."
"The Kanto series, wow, the Kanto series where everything began. Man, I cannot get enough of this series."
"The Black and White series, you heard me right. I'm not afraid of going against the popular opinion in this community. The Black and White series is incredible and I absolutely love it."
"The Diamond and Pearl series, man, the Diamond and Pearl series. This series was when I really became a Pokémon stan when I was younger and, no matter what seasons follow it, something about the Diamond and Pearl series just feels so special to me."
"I think this show having such fleshed out lore is great."
"The main thing I loved about that series were the creature designs."
"When I see these scenes I feel a real emotional stirring and that's stirring that feeling is the real power of Kingdom Hearts that the series can still wheel for this day."
"They really did the damn thing with WandaVision."
"There's never been a better time to be a fan of the series."
"The trail series is wonderful and I think it's the best in the genre currently running today."
"Stand with me in awe of this incredibly well-written series."
"I think Wednesday is the show that made me a fan."
"You guys are incredible at supporting this series."
"Mad Men is as close at it gets to being the ideal character examination."
"Metroid Dread understands what makes the Metroid series so excellent."
"Well, I'll probably be the thousandth person to tell you but the show rules. It's great. I've watched the whole thing and Jonah, you've talked about how you're a big Fallout 3 guy."
"As more time goes by, the aftertaste of this meaningful series blossoms into a truly satisfying flavor."
"Journeys take advantage of returning characters, one of the biggest selling points of this series."
"I loved it. I loved it. I've watched all 10 hours three times. I loved it for no other reason than I thought it was very good Star Trek."
"One of the reasons I love the Legend of Zelda is the many mysteries that surround the series and its lore."
"Tower of God benefits from re-watching for a deeper understanding."
"I am perfectly okay with Fleabag having only two seasons and you should too."
"The classic Mega Man series as a whole is something I could recommend to any fan of platformers and action games."
"So what was this show that stole my heart? What was this magical series that left me devastated when it was taken away?"
"The team clearly understands what makes the series so great."
"Harry Potter is one of the best fantasy series ever written."
"I forgive all of Netflix's cringe just because of how good Arcane is."
"My admiration for the series, which was already high by the way, has only increased."
"Avatar isn't a cartoon at this point, it's a religion."
"Mario Party Superstars looks lovely, and as a celebration of the entire series, it’s clear a lot of love and attention was put into the experience."
"The fact that the One Punch Man anime exists at all is something of a small miracle."
"Thank you, David, for doing this Seeing Green series, your responses to HELOCs versus cash out refis is golden."
"This entire game is one big love letter to the series."
"I honestly really like this series and their take on the Spider-Man mythos."
"Thank you so very much for the support on the series."
"Just everything about the series is awesome."
"Thank you so much for following this series. I really, really appreciate all the enthusiasm."
"You guys have been absolutely crushing the support recently on this series and I cannot thank you guys enough for it."
"The Digital Devil Saga duology was probably the best Megami Tensei experience I've had in a long time."
"I just want to say like just so much you thank you for all the support that this series gets."
"Star Fox is a very special series... it is a strong start to one of my favorite franchises..."
"This has become one of my favorite shows that we've that we did."
"Love that show, but really, '92? So that was 27 years ago, holy crap!"
"Syndicate really is a great game if you're a fan of some of the other Assassin's Creed games like Assassin's Creed 2 or Assassin's Creed 4."
"The original Pokemon anime series deserves respect for what it started and respect for the impact it's had on every series that followed."
"BoJack Horseman is one of the most important television series of all time, period."
"The Bad Batch has really pulled me into Star Wars."
"It's impressive, the arc that Going Merry was given on a reread... all this for a ship, God, I love One Piece."
"I just loved this limited series so much." - Leanne Aguilera
"We just want to thank everybody who has given us all the support on this series."
"The love the fans have for this fantastic series has seemingly limitless heart and soul."
"Thank you guys so much for supporting this series."
"I've been really digging the Cuaro BBC series."
"I love this series and I think it's just a great thing for people of all ages, old generations, all backgrounds."
"This was one of the best Rick and Morty premieres we've gotten in a while."
"The slow-paced, detailed nature with the occasional buildup to an epic action scene is peak Game of Thrones enjoyment for me."
"Those who unfairly criticized the shield hero both the character and the series have been repudiated by the wider anime community."
"The Mandalorian feels like Star Wars, old Star Wars."
"This is one of the best Metroids I've experienced since zero mission in 2004."
"Star Ocean has always been one of my favorite series."
"Uncharted: one of my favorite series of games ever made."
"Thank you guys so much for the incredible support on this series."
"Jojo is one of those series that always gets respect. Let's just be happy for what we get because it is not bad by any means."
"Succession's unreal. One of the best shows I've seen ever."
"Thank you guys so much for all the support on this new series, I really appreciate it."
"I'm honestly impressed to see the series doing as well as it is still to this day."
"What's your favorite season of American Horror Story... every season is good guys."
"As much as I might not have liked the final season or whatever, Game of Thrones is still one of the greatest TV shows ever made."
"This is the way." - 21% of people said they're loving everything about this season so far.
"This series has changed my entire life and that's not an exaggeration."
"To see that a lot of people were showing support for the series, it really, really means a lot."
"That's my favorite memory, 'cause I just remember like, man, this series affects so many people."
"This is my favorite fantasy romance series. They each get better and better and better and it's just good freaking fun."
"Thanks for watching guys, I hope you've enjoyed the series so far."
"There's so much to love about this show and I'm happy that even after this series was deemed overhyped by a lot of people over the years, a lot of people are coming back around saying wait this series actually is just really great."
"Charlie is probably my favorite character from the series."
"If you enjoy this series, please help me and Sam out by hitting that like button and subscribing if you're new."
"I think it's a great series, yes."
"Erased gets a bad rap and I'm tired of all the slander. Erased is a great series and you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't read or watch it."
"And then there were the fans who are perhaps the real heroes of a series that proved once again that there's no place like home."
"I'm really impressed, like I feel like the more I watch of this series The more impressed I get."
"This book, this series is so important to me, the story is so awesome."
"I think that this series has nothing derivative about it, that's what I really appreciated."
"I love their story, I love this series."
"It's a series that I absolutely love."
"Please don't ever stop this series."
"I loved that first season or two; I thought it was brilliant."
"Thank you all so, so much for your constant love and support on this series."
"We want to make sure that we treat the series with the respect that it deserves."
"I think it is a fantastic series."
"I want to thank you all really quickly so much for the support and the love on this series I've done."
"It's a really wonderful series and I'm glad that we have it in English."
"Thank you so much for joining me once again in this series."
"This series is so great, it captures so much of Superman history, comics history, movie history."
"Such a great show, there's so much to like about this series."
"This entire series is so freaking good, I love it."
"Thank you so much for just being here with us and being so engaged in this series."
"I love this series. This one is so cute."
"I love Breaking Bad, a very well self-contained series that never really lulled or never had a lull."
"I adore the Nevernight trilogy by him."
"The 2003 series of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was great for so many different reasons."
"We only had one artist drawing all of our pictures and we used the same picture so we use the same characters... they just love the series."
"I'm just so excited to talk about these. I love both of these series so much."
"As always, thank you for watching this series. Your support still means so much to me."
"I love the series, I love this series."
"I'm absolutely loving Ted Lasso; it's so freaking cute."
"You can like the old show and the new show. There is nothing wrong with you for any of those things."
"It changes; it's ever-changing, which is another thing I love about the series."
"Thanks so much for following us along in this series, guys. We really appreciate it."
"It's just been amazing so far, the first three seasons have been an absolute blast."
"The painting style of the box art here for the series is always very nice."
"Gordon runs dry, I think, is one of the most underrated stories of the entire new series."
"It's an infinite amount of wonderful things about this series."
"I was quickly reminded why this series is just absolutely so absurd and why I love it so so much."
"Thank you so much for the support on the new series."
"When Mandalorian season 1 came out, it was the first thing in a long time that all of us as Star Wars fans went, 'We love this!'"
"It is the most incredibly fascinating story and I think this series is amazing."
"It really has become such a special series to me."