
Motivational Message Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"And don't forget, I love every single one of you all around the world. Do with me now: peace, love, and a high five."
"Okay, you're working out because you have a desk job and you don't actually move your body that much. The time for nihilism, self-pity, and excuses is over."
"If you're willing to do the work, you can have anything."
"Finding hope amidst challenges—a message for all."
"Keep being awesome and enjoy the big picture."
"Love you guys and I'll see you in the next video, make sure you keep that chin up, work hard, and believe in yourselves, and as always, have a bye five."
"Stay powerful and we'll see you again real soon."
"From today, your life will never be the same."
"Thank you so much for watching and remember until next time you cannot do all the good that the world needs but the world needs all the good that you can do."
"Zootopia has a very encouraging message: define yourself despite how the world may see you."
"No more financial issues to whoever this message is for, trust me."
"You just gotta stay positive and that's all I wanna get by."
"The power of just judgments in our life!" - Celebrating divine justice as a transformative force.
"If you're still here, you're upright, you're breathing... it ain't too late."
"The Revelation astonishes the surrounding players as high-level NPCs are exceedingly rare."
"Your hard work will be rewarded soon. Love it."
"Go after your dreams. The universe is giving you a big yes."
"It's not about beating the mission, it's about sending a message."
"I just want y'all to know, if y'all ever are like, 'Ah, I don't feel like I'm doing enough in my life,' just know that you have, well, officially together made me a more positive to myself person."
"To all the girls watching believe in yourself to everyone else things are changing and it starts with you."
"It's not impossible, you can do it. That's the moral of the whole movie."
"Don't quit before the finish line, spirit wants you to win."
"We are here for you. You don't have to keep living the same way. Life does get better, life can be better."
"YouTube has completely transformed my life, and hopefully it can transform yours too. If a broke high schooler can do it, I truly believe that anyone can."
"You don't realize how much you're progressing until you look back."
"Some folks like to say that it all started with a dream, but you'll want to know what makes this place really special: You."
"If you're having a bad day, it's going to get better, I promise."
"Thank you to all of the listeners, take care of yourselves and keep the faith."
"Wake up, it's time to wake up because it's so much better."
"Blue team marching in unity Bound by purpose strong and free through trial will persist in our hearts The Blue Team exists under the sky where dreams take flight."
"Gratitude, positivity, thankfulness. I want you to have something positive to take away from this workout."
"From all of us here, I'd like to wish you happy painting, god bless."
"2024 is your year. Focus on yourself, and everything will come to you when you're ready."
"We just have to garner it and demonstrate it and all will be well."
"Your life matters, your goals matter, what you do matters."
"It's all about perseverance and passion and hard work, it is very motivating."
"Well, thank you so much for watching and I will be sharing that Vlog... I hope that this was encouraging."
"I'm making this video to let you know... Now's the time to lock in with God."
"You'll have instant success, and from all of us here, I'd like to wish you happy painting, god bless, and I'll see you next time."
"You're not meant to have an average life. Serve the world by being you."
"Hit the bell, be well, and be the change you want to see."
"Don't let the world forget who you are leave a positive mark on this [ __ ] earth seriously I hate to see you die with my ex - grandpa 30 likes it's not cool all right guys."
"The closest thing to a villain in Gurren Lagann is the idea that you can't achieve the seemingly impossible."
"Have an amazing week! I'm sending you lots of love."
"Awaken to your Soul's potential, this is about stepping into your light now."
"Your strengths keep shining, Leo, you were born with a very special light."
"You're here to make your own dreams come true."
"If I can prevent just one person from doing what I did, then that's worth it."
"I hope and wish you all the success in the world."
"Discouragement will not stop me. The enemy will not win."
"If Hodan was here today, she'd say, 'Don't be sad because I did what I wanted to do.'"
"The machine was coming for you and you punched back and that's why you're going to get all the accolades you enjoy it you deserve it and and have a good weekend thank you you too."
"Hope you enjoyed that video, because we've got a country to save."
"Do something that makes you happy today," concluded the video, urging positivity despite the tragic story.
"You are worthy of everything that you have coming for you."
"Stay positive, dream big, we will see you again soon."
"This is the journey finale, guys. Let's see if we can end the season the way we wanted to and remind ourselves why we love this game so much."
"The star represents hope, you have hope for the future."
"Be determined to reach your goals, blessings are on the way."
"We're winning my friends and I'll see you in the next one."
"Okay guys, it's morning, and use your iPad straight right now anyways, just do it."
"It just shows how really anybody can do this."
"I hope it inspires you to create something of your own."
"One day somebody is going to believe in you."
"The benefits you get from it are pretty amazing in terms of your happiness levels, your mood."
"Nothing's impossible Ferg, I know you're watching this right now."
"There's something beautiful on the horizon, so don't despair, don't give up. That's the common thread here."
"In case no one has told you today, allow me: you have a purpose, you have a unique destiny."
"I had a great day because I made it a great day... make it a great day and I will see you Sunday for the first-ever live stream on this channel."
"You need to engineer your success, this is your time, this is your year, this is your life."
"I literally just want people to look at me and learn something from my story."
"This is definitely a month of dreams for you."
"The moment your name went live, there was no other choice. Keep the faith, Patriot, you were never alone."
"Your portion will always make you rise to the top, no matter where you are."
"Believe in the power of you, believe in the power of the universe."
"Because you are the star and you deserve the best."
"I spread unconditional love." - "Comment below: 'I spread unconditional love.'"
"I think it's quite apt for the time we're in. New York is that Kendrick Lamar song: 'We gonna be alright.' We gonna be alright."
"Expand, spread your wings and soar, share your message and shine your light, show the world what you're made of."
"You're on the verge of a miracle. All of your dreams and aspirations are within your grasp. There's nothing you cannot have or achieve."
"If it's possible for me, it's possible for you."
"For anybody who's going through like a really tough time and life kind of sucks, there is always hope."
"This is a message that there's more out there, and there's not just a little bit more there's a lot more."
"Luck favors the brave. Fortune favors the brave. 2019 is your year."
"There's a remnant rising up that's saying, 'Enough is enough.'"
"None of these photos are gonna set the world on fire in terms of quality but I did them myself and the message I want you to get is that you can actually do this yourself."
"My biggest takeaway to give to you guys is just go for it."
"There's purpose for everything... and I hope you guys all know that you're worth it."
"I hope that this inspired any of you guys to go and organize your space in a way that makes you feel more happy."
"Hope this motivated anyone that just wants to reset for the new year."
"Anything is possible, and if there's anything that you take away from this video, let it be that you can achieve anything that you desire."
"Your situation isn't permanent. It's all temporary."
"The star is hope and optimism for the future."
"Keep doing what you're doing, we definitely need you."
"Stay happy stay safe stay healthy but most of all you know what I'm gonna say stay positive please."
"Looking at her amazing physical form many of us should be ashamed because there are no excuses for her."
"I'm all about sending that positive message."
"I just hope that people from the hood, from the block, from the struggle where I'm from see it and understand I'm not trying to tell you to be like me, I'm just telling you that it's possible."
"I want you all to know that God is real and I want you all to know that there is a purpose and a plan for you."
"I'm here to tell you to whoever this message is for that is gonna happen."
"They do, they are out there, and I just want them to have that true appreciation."
"Hope you enjoyed the read, extremely powerful, my friend. Hope you got something out of it. Almost Robin lied, see you soon, Aries. Get two tickets. Bye for now."
"You are being sharpened like a sword. Do you understand that you are being built like a freaking statue for discernment, for specialized skill sets, for your own success here in 2022?"
"Maybe this is the video that you needed to hear, maybe you've just been half-asking it, just box-checking it, paying it lip service."
"We kept trying, we kept pushing forward, we kept going for it. And when you keep trying, ladies and gentlemen, you get results."
"It's not easy to do live shows, to do the videos he's doing and all that, but God is giving him strength and grace and it's because you're supporting him."
"You have made the difference in a lot of people's lives and your message continues on."
"Awaken to your amazing self-worth and potential."
"The world's a bad place, go make it better."
"It's a blessing to be alive, guys."
"He always had a message at the end of his concerts, telling people they could accomplish their goals, they could do whatever they want, just work hard."
"So until next time, follow your dream and keep on catching."
"We are burying ourselves... show the good."
"I have a message for anybody who seems to take life for granted."
"It's not the critic who counts; this video is for those of you who actually want to get started on your journey."
"Love you guys, you make Mondays great."
"You have value, you have purpose, there's a reason for your life."
"I hope that you enjoyed today's video, and I also hope that you found it motivating and inspirational."
"Please believe that what you want is so possible, even in the darkest spaces you will prevail."
"Shine bright like a diamond because you are a diamond in the rough, you are a rolling stone."
"This is what I love, this is what I live for."
"Look for the Red Ribbon. The journey shall be rewarded."
"Be yourself, travel more, work hard, feel more."
"Their lyrics are always so upbeat and so positive, and the music is very catchy and happy."
"That discipline and determination should be rewarded, not frowned upon because it sends a message to never give up."
"The message was clear: don't give up."
"I guess that I am bringing a message of inspiration, of courage."
"Let us carry forward the lessons learned from his life and career."