
Religious Understanding Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Not 100 in the United States hate the Roman Catholic Church, but millions hate what they mistakenly think the Roman Catholic Church is."
"I'm a big fan of eyes wide open faith, like the kind where we know the facts and we understand the story of how all of this happened."
"Let us listen to the series with a different intention, to know the Prophet's profile better, to love him more."
"Islam purely simply means submission and surrender to God."
"There's very little that we know about Islam, and I don't even understand the Quran because I don't speak or read the language."
"There are many valuable spiritual insights contained in each major religion throughout history."
"Prophecy does you no good unless you understand the word of god."
"Let's make a distinction between Islam as a doctrine and Muslims as fellow human beings who are incredibly diverse."
"Whether you're a Christian or a Muslim, tonight may be a great time for us listening and learning from each other, asking some questions, hopefully learning something new, and I also hope making some new friends."
"Don't judge the Quran too quickly, but rather be patient and seek knowledge with humility, with sincerity, and be conscious."
"The simplest Christian understands the gospel in a way that John the Baptist did not."
"Reading the Quran doesn't require knowing Arabic, but understanding is better."
"Mere Christianity has probably done more for mutual understanding among different Christians than any other book ever written."
"Part of gratitude is to understand the plan of Allah."
"The purpose of prayer is not to notify God of a need; our Heavenly Father knows what we need before we ask."
"We need highly intelligent leaders for tomorrow, leaders that understand their religion and leaders that understand the world around them."
"I think within a 10-year span, even within a decade, we can reach a point where the average Muslim teenager has a pretty good knowledge of the Quran and a very clear understanding of their Deen."
"We do need to learn about religion differently. It's not just about learning the rights and the rules, it's more about understanding what is the meaning and the benefits."
"The Quran contains signs for people who reflect, emphasizing the importance of reflection and understanding."
"The world needs to understand the Bible to find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus."
"God reveals to you the revelation, then it should be clear within that message how you as a believer are going to attain salvation."
"The Sahaba program is essential to re-establishing the correct understanding of Islam."
"Comparative theology sheds light on common ground."
"We have a problem if 70% of our own people don't understand the meaning of the Eucharist."
"Put your preconceived notions aside... I wouldn't even invite somebody to read the Quran to accept Islam, read the Quran neutrally and get a first unbiased impression."
"If you feel shame to bring someone to God, then you must not understand Him."
"Giving us a better and more informed understanding of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism."
"It's a good time for the first time all year the gospel kind of makes more sense."
"It is so easy to read, so clear, and I understand Catholicism so much better just by having this book."
"When we ignore who these men were and what they understood, we can sometimes completely misunderstand what they were writing."
"You can't really understand prophecy without Christ, he is the reason we can have a Brotherhood."
"If you understand the cross, you will be transformed."
"We pray Allah opens our hearts and minds and helps us see and understand this in the most correct and pristine way."
"You are more obligated to understand the Quran."
"The variety of translations is profitable for the finding out of the sense of the Scriptures."
"We have to distinguish between Jewish and Zionism, Jewish is a religion which is one of the books that we as Muslims believe in and Zionism is a political faction which belongs to animals that are inhumane."
"If you want to know what a Mormon believes or what a Buddhist or a Hindu believes, don't ask a Baptist, because many outsiders would rather give you the wrong answer than to admit that they don't know."
"Jesus doesn't save us from God, he reveals God to us."
"I genuinely feel like people, for their own sake, need to understand what Islam is."
"Kumbha Mela is a rare opportunity to glimpse into the soul of India, to comprehend Sanatana Dharma."
"Christianity is not a religion, Christianity is Christ having come down and reached out to us."
"Understanding religious experience as a human process is to me far more resonant and a more beautiful approach because it's real."
"Truth is not just some list of ideas that the Church has pounded on people, it's knowing a person."
"The valid interpretation is not at odds with the scientific understanding."
"Deliverance is not an event. It's a discipleship process."
"I don't think it is I think that Angela and Ari are genuine about their faith both of them use a lot of Christian Insider lingo and especially Angela demonstrate that they have at least more than a surface level understanding of the Bible."
"If we don't understand the types of mechanisms of meaning that religion is involved in then at some point we're just talking past each other."
"Even in times of epidemics, there's wisdom and mercy from Allah."
"The Quran is not just information, it's a mindset."
"When that many people believe something, it's a good idea to learn what they believe."
"So I personally believe that Muhammad was sincerely convinced that he was a prophet."
"God is not a cosmic killjoy; he wants you to enjoy his creation within the right boundaries."
"Even the Christ knew the big picture. He knew the ultimate, the ultimate end of all of us who are in him."
"Recognizing the Father in heaven as the one true God is crucial for salvation."
"Muslim women love being asked about their faith and not told about their faith."
"Salvation is a person, not a prayer or an experience."
"I want to take the time to understand other religions and perspectives to the best of my ability because they matter too."
"Trying to understand your life as a Christian without reference to the demonic is like trying to understand the Lord of the Rings without reference to Sauron."
"The most important thing for anyone to understand is who the Lord Jesus Christ is."
"Acknowledge that God knows exactly what He's doing."
"Imbue ourselves with the understanding of God's truth."
"I don't hate religious people or bash anyone's beliefs."
"My question to you tonight is have you ever understood the Gospel?"
"Having the book of scriptures is of no use unless you have understanding."
"When we come back, there's something that so few believers understand that is totally hindering the blessings of God and the destiny of God in your life."
"Foundational understanding: Jesus is the Messiah."
"Islam is so unique, it's believing in your heart understanding it's part of your nature, but also agrees with the mind."
"God is Joy, love, peace, and much forgiving, most people don't know that I didn't know that I thought he was like the most evil guy."
"I feel comfortable in the Hindu world because I understand who the gods are."
"The only answer must lie where it has always been: in the increase of religious understanding."
"Even the Layman Muslim should try and learn Arabic because it will make him understand his religion much better."
"We need to uplift...don't weaponize religion as you're killing with it."
"If somebody has understanding of this Deen, Allah wanted good for them. So who are you to want bad for them?"
"Every time we understand the words of Our Lord, we are getting closer to Allah."
"Believers will probably never be of one mind because these are concepts that we all find hard to grasp."
"The fear of Yahuwah is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding."
"If we don't know Jesus Christ as gentle and lowly, we don't know him at all."
"I've learned to be a little bit more tolerant with the people that are still pretty religious."
"The Quran calls us to begin our dialogue with other people on the basis of commonality and then get to the differences."
"SubhanAllah, what an amazing phrase: I know your religion better than you."
"Orthodoxy is still a hidden treasure in the sense that enormous numbers of people still have no idea what Orthodoxy really stands for."
"America needs to understand Islam because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problems."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls start to clear that picture up for us and give us a better insight into what happened from the Old Testament to the New Testament."
"In different dispensations, depending on the right group of people, the right time period, then we know which verse applies to us and which verse does not apply to us."
"I think understanding all religions is important because there's a lot of wisdom in each and every one."
"...the prophets teach us a way to approach reality which is not monolithic and does not simply accept that kind of distant cold god-giving out orders is the only form of religious understanding..."
"What actually is going on when we try to grasp the meaning and the reality of somebody else's religion or try and convey it to others?"
"Help us to understand what it means to live always in the will of God."
"Whomever Allah wishes to give good, He blesses them with understanding of Deen."
"I finally understand what it means not just to be a Christian but to have a personal relationship with an awesome God."
"We need to be people of the book so we can understand the difference."
"I'm here to discuss the issue of Christianity and Christian theology versus Muslim theology for the benefit of everyone around."
"You have to compare their teachings, and they will see that Islam presents a much more favorable, understandable, lovable concept of God than any other religion."
"We want to invite our Muslim friends to have an opportunity and a chance to be able to examine the things that were shared with them."
"Understand what the Jewish faith is first to appreciate what the fulfillment is."