
Mystery Solving Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"I solved the case. I solved it all. And now it's finally time to earn my place because Hugh done it figured out who done it."
"I think the historical record shows that the power of science to explain what was previously mysterious is enormous."
"Solving the mystery of its location requires Clues from what transpired during the flight."
"Think about the universe from ancient times till now. The best human minds have been struggling to solve its mysteries."
"Guys, we are solving something here. Oh my, like we, we're solving something here. Damn dude, the Scooby gang should like take notes from us, this is great."
"While much of the world's secrets remain hidden in plain sight, it's comforting to note that at least some of its mysteries get solved when all the puzzle pieces are put together."
"If mystery, then aliens – that's a human way to think about it."
"This airplane wreckage might be the C-54, we could potentially be solving a mystery."
"Drone detects submerged body solving a 20-year-old mystery."
"Ciconia is quite possibly solvable from the start; not just the central mystery of who the spies are, but arguably everything, from the main theme to the gameboard conditions to how the story will end."
"Who is the intruder? What are the alternates? Why is there an early 2000s amateur ghost hunting crew mixed up with all of this?"
"Every single answer to every single mystery resides not in MacGuffins but in the rules of the universe itself—quantum physics, the laws of motion and acceleration, time and space, gravity, propulsion, sound waves, electromagnetism."
"This is a mystery we should all work together in order to solve this mystery."
"Time loop games are in my opinion best when they give the player the keys to the kingdom and ask them to solve the mystery themselves."
"Only one single instance needs to be real in order to successfully prove the paranormal mystery."
"Following all of these mysterious clues to the end of the line, only to start another in-depth treasure hunt through time, it's so well put together."
"A shipwreck filled with lost gold is solving a mystery from the 16th century."
"This is not a mystery that's gonna be solved overnight."
"It's rewarding when mysteries subvert our line of thinking."
"Join me for these intriguing new cases. Perhaps you may be able to help solve a mystery."
"The tune somehow is the key to the mystery. It must be the tune."
"The whole purpose of publishing this story is... to solve the mystery."
"In my opinion, I think that not only is there an alien code, but that whoever is behind this code is leaving further clues to help us solve it."
"What's new Scooby Doo? So come along, it's mystery time. You can help us solve the crime."
"The truth is no longer out there, it's finally here."
"Foreigns lose a lot of their creepiness once they've finally been solved. There's something about the unknown that can be much scarier than any actual answer."
"What kind of person would do this and to what end? It was no longer a mystery whether she was lying, the real mystery was why."
"Aries are sure to take it upon themselves to try to solve a whodunit before the answer is revealed."
"You can't explain a mystery with another mystery."
"First we need to determine if Mew was actually there or not."
"The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle may finally be close to being solved."
"How can I walk out of an alley it didn't go into? Once you've ruled out the impossible, then whatever is left, however improbable, must be the truth."
"Here's my answer: the one who killed Sakura, Sakura herself."
"We did it! We can consider this another mystery solved." - Abdallah
"Those people aren't going to die with no one knowing what really happened to them... that thing will be exposed to the world."
"The advanced forensic technology of the FBI... solved the mystery."
"This mystery is now half solved, fifty percent. We solved it."
"It's a human experience. It's going to continue going on, and somebody's got to look at it. It's a challenge. And it's a mystery that has got to be solved."
"Let's believe that Q and R know what they're doing, they know the timeline and he wants us to hunt him and find him. Where's Waldo?"
"As long as there is any potential normal explanation for these things, it has to take precedence."
"Solving the puzzle of why the person has died."
"This is just one of the puzzles that faced The Mummy investigation team."
"That's the game, it's about dissecting and deciphering the clues and the mystery of the last 200 years."
"Let's hope we can solve the mystery for them."
"And with that DNA sample, law enforcement might just be able to end this 40-year-old mystery."
"The letter left at the hotel was the key to solving the mystery."
"The investigators found the answer to the mystery of the helicopter crash."
"Thank you, now that one crisis is over, it's time we start working on that mystery in the mountains."
"After that horrific discovery, finding the answers to my questions became a real obsession."
"I think I saw a past victim writing a passcode in the rulebook."
"Something's going on here... and I need to find out what it is."
"Remove the impossible and whatever's left, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
"Investigators discuss the findings of CeCe Moore's research. Would the mystery of baby boy Doe's identity finally be solved?"
"Using God to explain the origin of the universe is attempting to solve a mystery with a bigger mystery."
"There must be a logical explanation for all this."
"Nancy Drews! Nancy Drews, pull out your magnifying glass."
"Inscriptions can also solve Mysteries that previously had puzzled archaeologists."
"Now as their members are taken out one by one the sparrows and umbrellas put their differences to the side and try to get to the bottom of what's going on."
"Unlocking the town's secrets and the origins of her adopted daughter along the way."
"If Shuichi wasn't here, then we never would have solved this mystery."
"Trust me, we're gonna hunt down this mystery and solve this Easter Egg."
"I genuinely believe that this is a mystery that has an answer buried somewhere deep." - Alex Hollings
"Perhaps someone in our audience tonight can help unlock the secrets of their past."
"I actually managed to guess the killer pretty early."
"The sooner we find out what's going on, the sooner we get out of here." - Unknown
"I'm gonna solve the riddles, I'm gonna be the greatest detective alive."
"Truckers are the foot soldiers who are really carrying us to victory."
"Who had shot the man and why, unraveling the mystery demanded all the ingenuity forensic experts could muster."
"Tonight is the defining moment of whether we find out we can stop the doll maker or not."
"After three days of hard work, we've now got only one mystery outstanding."
"I have conclusive evidence and a conclusive witness. Need any more hints?"
"One good case here: the boy in the Box. Why was he identified? Well, he was identified because a completely random person took a DNA test."
"We did create a solid link between the lost piece of the Bonnie Claire puzzle and what was probably a mysterious unidentified ruin."
"So they believe that this was, like, the only way that they would ever get to figure out what happened during those lost hours."
"You want to find the killer, figure out their yearning."
"Sometimes the only way to solve a mystery is to jump down the rabbit hole."
"Video game burial site: the truth behind a long-running gaming mystery."
"Perhaps someone somewhere has that one vital clue that can solve a mystery."
"The killer arranged those monokuma panels to create the domino effect. It was a carefully planned setup."
"We're not alone, even if it's a mystery that can't be solved alone. As long as everyone cooperates and works together."
"Anyway, we have a murderer on the loose, let's go and try to track them down."
"This fact alone proves my dedication to conducting a very serious investigation into 2006's greatest Unsolved Mystery in the case of the mystery musical."
"I still have a case to solve, and by God was I gonna solve it. I just needed a prayer, a little luck."
"Before they revealed his identity, two of the ciphers were already solved."
"Every detective's favorite part of the mystery."
"Things are not always what they seem, and sometimes the key to solving a mystery lies waiting in a place you never would have thought to look."
"I was hoping you'd say that," Wilson said with a grin. "Who was the masked attacker? What clue gave him away?"
"You don't solve a smaller mystery by creating a bigger one."
"Oh, it's Scooby-Doo, bro, right, dog who catches ghosts and solves crimes, and they work in the mystery van, got it, nice, we did it!"
"Follow the rules, compile the correct Clues, and discover the hidden key."
"I find these mysteries exciting and I hope that this year we're going to start breaking through some of the cement that this planet has been in."
"And if along the way we solve some deep-seated lore mysteries, great! More power to us."
"Michael Arthur Carpenter, former Canadian tennis player. It's time for the Dynamo boys to solve another mystery. We are not playing volleyball league, we're solving all the mysteries in our country."
"Can you make an adaptation that is a more character-centric one but also services the mystery solving absolutely? Numerous adaptations have done that and do it well."
"The answer to this mystery can be explained by looking back through the site's history."
"With every passing day, it seems we have more information and are closer to solving the mystery."
"The fact that there's just two of them adds to the whole mystery-solving atmosphere."
"An enthusiastic young attorney with a taste for mystery-solving, Justice, and beautiful men."
"...maybe I do have what it takes to solve this mystery and move on with my life..."
"The midship detective agency is an interactive game that takes guests all around the ships to solve a mystery."
"What you are doing is solving a mystery."
"With a bit of teamwork the super special secret step Squad can solve any mystery."
"In this vlog, I will be attempting to solve my very first Agatha Christie murder mystery in just 24 hours."
"You're hoping to solve four mysteries all at once," Mr. Jensen remarked.
"Nothing felt quite so satisfying as solving a mystery."
"Together, they solved the mystery and made new friends."
"All I want is these two bickering and solving mysteries together like grumpy old men but less ice-fishing more tea."
"How do you solve a mystery with Google Maps?"
"Time has a habit of solving murder mysteries."
"He shows up in 2016 as this sort of wearing an Indiana Jones jacket and hat describing himself as this kind of feckless adventurer who kind of wanders around the globe trying to solve Mysteries."
"My hope is that by the end of my videos you guys will not only know exactly what's happening but we will be able to solve the mystery together."
"Time is how players are going to solve the mystery."
"We will eventually get Victorio Peak open so that the mystery of what's inside the peak can be solved."
"That has given a lot of people hope that an ordinary person might one day be able to solve Zodiac's unsolved ciphers."
"Mr. Goon, the village policeman, had done his best to solve them too, but somehow the Five Find-Outers always got a little ahead of him."
"Oh, we must go on," said Bets. "After all, we are the Find-Outers."
"We'll still be the Five Find-Outers and dog, because you simply never know when another mystery will come along for us to solve."
"The one piece of information could be all we need now to solve a decades-old mystery."
"My word, Earn, I'm beginning to feel excited. I'm seeing daylight; the mystery is dissolving."
"The show is very much one of those cop dramas; Lucifer teams up with a cop, and they solve mysteries together."
"I'm the first person in 90 years to invest this much into this area, and I'm poised to unlock the mystery once and for all."
"If you're talking to the right person and use the right ability, you are guaranteed to get any core clues to the mystery."
"Despite the result not being overly positive, it does give pointers that the team is definitely on the right track to unveiling the island's mystery."
"Undoubtedly, this week had brought the team even closer to unveiling the island's mystery."
"I have complete faith that the two of us will uncover the murderer, as we usually do."
"I wanted to solve the book theft mystery because I know it hurts to have something you treasure ripped from you."
"She would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling kids and their dog."
"I will find out who did this, what happened, and why. I will end this all once and for all."
"The detective seeks a solution to a mystery or mysteries through a process of retracing and recovering the past."
"We like solving mysteries and we like doing puzzles."
"Dipper and Mabel uncover a journal that provides clues and insights into the town's strange occurrences."
"Maybe together we can find some new clues because the mystery is still unsolved."
"The quest is for natural explanations, not for science fiction."
"I cannot promise that we will wind up solving your flag mystery, but I can promise that the mysteries we solve will be the interesting ones."
"Wouldn't it be lovely if we could all live together and have lovely meals like this and solve mysteries for the rest of our lives?"
"This was an incredibly fun mystery to get to the bottom of, and it wound up going back much further than we ever thought."
"Luckily, I know everything there is to know about solving mysteries."
"There's no mystery so opaque that I cannot see through it, for I am the magic eye detective."
"Come on gang, we've got a mystery to solve."
"Lining up those designs seems to be the biggest mystery, but I'm definitely going to help you with that today."
"There's no mystery without a solution, Fatty, cheer up, we'll find it."
"Knowledge builds on knowledge; one mystery solved gives clues to understanding several more."
"We'll explore the mysteries, the evidence, and the science behind one of the most treacherous, dangerous, and puzzling triangle regions on the planet."
"We were able to solve a very important mystery without changing any laws of physics."
"Every single plot hole is like covered, and it sort of explains why Velma did that."
"I've always wanted to try my hand at unravelling a murder mystery," said Anthony.
"It is fascinating to see how much info can come out from seemingly dead-ended mysteries with time."
"So, Assistant, you did a great job following the clues and solving the mystery of the dinosaur in your box fort, right? Thanks."
"The key to most mysteries is in the mundane."
"Individually, small pieces of the mystery make sense, but when you take a step wider... that's when things start to fall apart."
"This is step one of unraveling this mystery. This is a task that will take many years, if not decades, to fully complete."
"Sherlock Holmes had a brilliant mind and was able to find the answers to the strangest mysteries."
"Everybody all together solved a mystery."
"Everybody all together solved a mystery, you can solve one too."
"You and me, we're gonna solve a Busytown mystery."
"No matter how you slice it, Huckle and his team are the best there is when it comes to solving mysteries."