
Peacebuilding Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Peace depends on struggle and sacrifice, on compromise, and on a sense of common humanity."
"Let's end the war first, create peace, and then leave the reunification and the roadmap for the next generation."
"It takes days to transform objects of death into desired objects."
"Information and knowledge can stop the larger war by enabling transparent, accountable conversations."
"Aang has helped to set up an international government to help the four nations stay at peace with each other."
"Conversations stop violence; conversations start countries; they build bridges."
"You want both sides there and you want them talking to each other and knocking heads but not be killing each other."
"Yet, traveling here, I feel there's a growing realization that neither side is going away, violence is not the answer, and everyone will be better off when dignity, security, and economic justice are provided to all."
"I would rather connect with people, build bridges, make friends, and have peace."
"It's impossible to build lasting peace without Russia's participation."
"He's amazing... has befriended over it I think 20 KKK members or even I think it's more."
"Bringing countries together above their conflicts requires great minds and great hearts."
"If you want to stop the war, you have to send diplomats instead of weapons."
"He formed alliances with other tribes for the greater good... promoting peace and harmony."
"Sierra Leone's significant role in ending its War should be recognized as a valuable case study applicable to various contexts."
"The secret to peace is us. It's us who act as a surrounding community around any conflict, who can play a constructive role."
"Ending violence violently may only perpetuate the violence."
"We're making history here today, showing that a Muslim from Palestine and an Orthodox Jew can sit together."
"Nobody can force you to heal, but you can make the decision to build peace and healing."
"Enhanced sense of awareness: Arriving at understanding Budokan spirit."
"It's creating a world where you don't rely on tanks to protect you."
"The emphasis needs to be on peace and peace building."
"Barbecue may not be the road to world peace but it's a start."
"I believe we could convince residents of the donbas to return to Ukrainian statehood and everything would start to heal"
"Building peace is a conscious, bold, and even radical act; it's humanity's greatest responsibility."
"Peace can only be established through nonviolence."
"You win by bringing everybody together and you win by ending the bloodshed and moving towards reconstruction."
"The true test of the coalition's unity lay not in the heat of battle but in the challenges of peace."
"A framework for peace emerged, designed to address root causes of conflict."
"I love my current job. It's a job that's needed, something that absolutely can't go away. I want to continue to grow with my colleagues and become a force that brings peace to the world."
"...ending a war isn't easy but preventing one from happening in the first place is even harder."
"When there's a meeting of minds of likeminded people who want coexistence on both sides, I think there's hope for the future."
"He played an indispensable role in bringing the republican movement away from violence to peaceful and democratic means and to building a better Northern Ireland."
"To change the frame from hostility to hospitality, from terrorism to tourism. And in that sense, the Abraham path is a game changer."
"My hope is that one day we will see Hutus and Tutsis sitting around the table, talking, bringing the whole truth to the table, practicing equal justice towards a sustainable peace."
"They create a foundation upon which it will be possible to build a dynamic peace."
"Professor Chomsky also taught me to pursue what I believed in with passion, in this case speaking out with a diplomatically dissenting voice about the need to create the future, the prospect for future peace by working tirelessly with youth."
"The most joyous and deeply satisfying thing any of us can do is to commit our lives to the cause of love and peace building."
"Through your efforts... we now see a significant decline in their numbers and that you have helped to pave the way for development, to foster, and for communities to live in peace."
"Most of my work from the 1970s forward has been in the area of peace building and especially in arenas that involved conciliation conflict response in a variety of ways."
"I consider myself to be a reflective peacebuilding, that is, that I try to take the time to think about what the practice and the experiences and the unending challenges are actually suggesting."
"Peace and democracy are never the things done; they are always in the process of becoming."
"Our commitment to multilateralism and readiness to partner with states large and small in the quest for peace and prosperity for all."
"The true measure of our victory will not be in the glory of conquest, but in the peace and prosperity we build together."
"The south needs to position itself in such a way not to ignite what is happening but to become a source of unity and peace building."
"Peace is made through dialogue and finding the possible and necessary spaces."
"Each has chosen to be a peace builder in their own community."
"We have gone through a very difficult run, we have learnt very serious lessons, and we have dedicated ourselves to ensuring security in our country as well as contributing to peace building within our region and within our continent."
"What we need, what the people of Northern Ireland need, is support—moral support and physical and financial support—to allow us to make the transition from war to peace."
"We are here to help the Afghan people regain their lands, their lives from the Taliban, and to do that we must show them that the only way forward is the path of tolerance, understanding, and compromise."
"We believe without addressing root causes of conflict, we cannot sustain peace."
"How do we bridge gaps, how do we bring peace?"
"Waging war is very costly, it costs resources, financial, blood, sweat, cost lives, but waging peace is even more challenging."
"Passion in itself is neither against or for peace, but you can use it for peace if you so wish."
"Do we not defeat our enemies by making them our friends?"
"The non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women's rights to full participation in peace-building work."
"Peace building is the action to identify and support structures which will tend to strengthen and solidify peace in order to avoid a relapse into conflict."
"The peace will be possible if we create a confederation of states committed to maintain peace."
"Building sustainable peace requires inclusivity, collective investment, determination, diligence, and patience."