
Moral Actions Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Don't care about political opinion, I don't care what people's opinion of me online is... I want to be able to look back and say I did what was right."
"For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil."
"How about the good guys have the balls to say something?"
"When you do good, there is good that you will reap."
"You shouldn't take advantage of somebody like that because I'd understand if I was trying to duck child support and I was trying to get over, but I'm a soldier coming back off of deployment."
"Ultimately, the actions we take in the face of suffering matter more than the intellectual beliefs we hold."
"We have the ability to show more compassion."
"Sometimes you just do things because it's the right thing to do."
"Heroism and righteousness knows no age only actions."
"There's not a good person and a bad person. There's good actions and bad actions."
"I think anybody out there who puts their life on the line and stands up for what they believe in deserves to live a comfortable life."
"I think the Christ-like thing to do there would be to do what Christ did: to sit down with the people that you perceive to be sinners."
"You cannot kick them when they're down, you cannot step on them."
"Acts of sacrifice and decency without regard to what's in it for you, that also creates ripple effects."
"Brave is doing the right thing in the face of being afraid."
"He will rather have regard for everyone forgive everyone help everyone as far as he can and all his actions will bear the stamp of justice and loving kindness."
"It's not who I am inside that defines me, but my actions."
"Giving a child for adoption is a great karma. It is a good deed."
"Doing good things for others is what gets you into heaven."
"You don't have to be a good person at heart if you're doing good things. Your actions speak louder than what you are as a person."
"Actions are supposed to line up with love. That's why I don't do things that I know are going to hurt God, I don't do them because I don't want to hurt Him, because I love Him."
"The world would be a better place if more people would figure out morality by considering the consequences of their actions."
"I'm fine with somebody doing a good thing even if they have bad motivations, but I'd rather build a world where people do good things because they're good."
"I will embrace anybody who does the right thing upon the recognition that they misunderstood the thing and have taken time to update."
"Who's gonna be that person that defends and stands up essentially like the Good Samaritan... are you gonna be that person that nobody expects?"
"Trying to save your fellow human beings, it's a pretty good way."
"Do it because over the years like those things come back around and maybe not immediately but like they will come back around and people will realize that."
"There are a lot of heroes too, and they're heroes because they did the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing."
"Good done from the heart in the spiritual world attracts heavenly company, while evil done from the heart brings us into closer proximity to hell."
"It's never the wrong time to do the right thing."
"Each act of kindness you do, no matter how big or small, matters."
"God's Judgment of your life will be based solely on your actions, not compared to anyone else's life. It is happening right now."
"Performing good deeds is like adding detergent to dirty water, purifying our minds."
"Start to actually look at yourself as a human with some sort of value because doing good is good."
"Every action we engage in, day-to-day moral or immoral, has innumerable consequences."
"With or without religion, you'll have good people doing good things and bad people doing bad things."
"If you want a good person to do a bad thing, that requires religion."
"Courage is ultimately about what you risk it for."
"Didn't even say thank you for getting him out of jail. But we were good neighbors, and we did the right thing. That's what matters."
"There's a difference between having a right to doing something and doing the right thing."
"There's a difference between having the right to do something and it being the right thing to do."
"Good deeds deserve rewards regardless of faction."
"Every day, the biggest thing you can do is a small act of kindness, decency, or love."
"Sacrifice for the betterment of our fellow man is rare and magnificent again it's the highest form of Human Action."
"Whatever you did for one of the least important of these followers of mine, you did it for me."
"We do the things that we do because we're commanded to do them and we walk it."
"The more closely a moral action conforms to God's nature, the better it is."
"Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them, for they will eat the fruits of their doings."
"It's not you're a good person, it's the deeds you do."
"Well, now there's a man who ain't afraid to do what's right."
"Follow the sin with a good deed, it will wipe it out."
"When you do good, good things ought to happen."
"Sometimes we're gonna do things that are righteous."
"We do not do good deeds to prove that we are the elect; we do good deeds because we are the elect."
"Choose life today, act justly, love mercy, walk humbly."
"This isn't about proving yourself. It's about doing what's right."
"If I do good, I feel good. If I do bad, I feel bad."
"It's one thing if a thief apologizes after they've gotten caught; it's another thing if a thief voluntarily returns the thing he stole and admits that he had done wrong of his own volition."
"We have demonstrated in our words, in our actions, that yes, I did not do this, I did not kill, rape, murder, cheat, lie, torture, oppress."
"Doing the right thing is about considering others, that's the essence of it."
"When you do good, your positive Karma account goes up."
"Do the things that are right in the little way, and the heap of little things done right may become the mountain of salvation."
"You want to talk about doing the right thing with stuff where you know you pay forward with people."
"Whose life we care about is evidenced by what we do and how we treat the individuals that you wouldn't expect us to care about."
"Allah does not look at your outward appearance or the strength of your bodies but he looks at your hearts and your deeds."
"By the fruits, you shall know them, Christ said. And you can't hide; your actions are always going to come from what you are aligned with inside."
"Ah, chin up, kid. You were trying to do the right thing. You're 12, bro. You'll be forgiven probably in a day."
"You can't love somebody and commit adultery; you can't love somebody and murder them; you can't love somebody and steal from them."
"For the good to follow me, I have to do the good thing."
"How many good things you did in your life?"
"I feel like when you do good, good will come to you."
"Many atheists do many good things."