
Societal Protection Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"The state no longer has the legitimacy of being the thing that defends us from the barbarians, whether those are corporate barbarians or barbarians outside of our sovereignty."
"There is an emasculation of young males that happens all throughout the world, and being able to become an environment where you re-energize that into the young mind is protecting the future of family, protecting the future of protectors, which are men in society."
"Humans need psychological stability; societies had to protect their psychic defenses as they protect their physical borders."
"We have a system in which truly bad luck, that is to say misfortune that does not arise from bad decision-making, can ruin you. That's very bad from the point of meritocracy."
"They have a disease called monster, and they should never be allowed out unless of course, you've got a cure for monster."
"We need to do so much more to ensure that the most vulnerable in our society are protected."
"You're breeding reactionary forces politically. This is just about actually public safety. This is about protecting people."
"No work of art has ever done social harm, though a great deal of social harm has been done by those who have sought to protect society against works of art which they regarded as dangerous."
"Yeah, no innocent person of any conceivable background should be killed by a cop."
"We've got to have a multi-layered defense against it, and at any given point we can maybe raise some things and lower others but we're gonna have to go incredibly cautiously."
"How many more police officers and how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them?"
"Masks are probably the single most important non-pharmaceutical intervention that we have as societies reopen."
"There's got to be some sort of regulations in order to protect us. If not, I just don't see how we survive."
"We have to figure out how to build better things and inoculate ourselves, vaccinate ourselves in the true sense of the vaccine from their bad ideas."
"An argument for Catholicism... it will protect you from the errors of passing fashions."
"Morals protect. The reason for morals is it protects all of us."
"Keep church and state separate to protect the religious and the non-religious."
"The best way I've been able to categorize myself... I'm a liberal in my compassion for the vulnerable, I'm a Libertarian in my love of freedom, and I'm a conservative in the sense that I think you need civilization to protect both of those things."
"A constitutional republic protects minorities. It has been what has helped grant more protections to marginalized groups than anything else."
"We do these things because it's the best way to protect life and liberty and property."
"Nothing's more important than keeping our community safe."
"We will survive the re-appearance of the Daevite Empire. Regardless of what happens on March 20th, normalcy will be protected."
"Protecting the most vulnerable should always be the priority."
"Steven McDaniel is a psychopath who cowardly allowed darkness and evil to consume him. He should never be permitted to prowl the streets of this world again." - Karen Giddings
"We want a society that protects the vulnerable and honors sex and marriage in a healthy way."
"The real value of freedom is that it provides diversity, and diversity is the real protection of freedom."
"Regulation around anything which is a danger to the public is necessary."
"It's amazing how those dudes who started this country hundreds of years ago they figured out some just key patterns of behavior that human beings follow into and they decided to try to protect them."
"A system cannot fail those it was never meant to protect."
"The one silver lining here is that the cops' ability to cover this up is as incompetent as their ability to protect the lives of school children."
"As a government, as a society, we have a responsibility to act to prevent more tragedies."
"I'm glad that they aired on the side of security."
"You were the one who made me realize my folly... picking up where she left off as a true defender of the people."
"What are you supposed to do when the people that are supposed to keep us safe are also predators?"
"Let's stiffen our spine when it comes to this. Do you know what, Billy? They don't want their sons and daughters to go to war."
"Prisons are for the purpose of isolating the criminal and the antisocial person from society to protect society from them."
"It's all connected and we gotta protect our basic civil rights."
"There are no children out here saying you're being too harsh on that person that harmed me."
"The more ethically trained you are and the more we tighten up our social fabric to prevent our most vulnerable from being exploited the less money luxury sex and power will be able to bypass our moral Gatekeepers."
"She's protected by the environment, the institutions protect her, the court system protects her, the police are gonna protect her against a black man."
"Even tyrants are getting all the protection. Well, I say it's time we protect what is right and good."
"The world is a safer place without Cheyenne walking freely in the streets because people with that cold level of brutality within their nature will always be a danger."
"People who have taken a society protect that society, but when they don't have it, they unconsciously want to destroy it."
"The concept of government is designed to protect those who could store, not all the people."
"No one can stop evil for people that want to do evil."
"The system is broken if someone steals from you, and the people supposed to protect us are killing us."
"Knowledge protects us from so many societal issues, right?"
"The presence of the Church of Jesus Christ is the restraining force that refuses to allow the man of lawlessness to be revealed."
"Don't surrender potential future generations to the enemy."
"She is able to destroy all our plots to destroy societies, all our techniques to destroy the Church."
"Neoliberalism has been a kind of evolving set of conversations about how to protect democracy against the threats of democracy."
"That's why we like watching videos of them getting caught."
"By bringing in mandatory whole life orders for the heinous criminals who commit the most horrific types of murder, we will make sure they never walk free."
"How salutary will be the interference of some temperate and respectable body of citizens, in order to check the misguided career and to suspend the blow mediated by the people against themselves, until reason, justice, and truth can regain their authority over the public mind?"
"Protect society, the commonwealth, and the infrastructure."
"It's helping the society by first removing the criminals, by preventing moral injustice where people take justice into their own hands because justice has not been served."
"The law has only the right to forbid such actions that are injurious to society."
"Liberty can be realized only within an established state, ready to prevent a gangster from killing and robbing his weaker fellows."
"We stand against extremism; we stand against the targeting of groups in our society."
"If we do not protect ourselves, hostile parties will find it a simple matter to turn different groups against one another and cause disorder in our society."