
Destructive Power Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The resulting explosion dwarfs that of a regular Tailed Beast Ball and can destroy multiple planetoid-like objects in one blast."
"Hurricanes are massively destructive and messy. They can rip off rooftops of houses like it's nothing and pick up an eight-wheeler right off the ground as if it were made out of feathers."
"Kali comes and destroys the chattering brain, telling you all."
"Tsunami: the destructive, terrifying, and unstoppable giant waves."
"Boros, surviving a normal punch from Saitama, unleashing incredible speed and power in his meteoric burst form, with a finishing move capable of blowing up a planet's surface."
"The Marquis of Death was capable of destroying whole worlds within seconds."
"Black Bolt's biggest power is also his biggest weakness; he can't turn off his destructive vocal cords."
"Bambietta's explode: crimson wings, bat-like shape, devastating power."
"This new undead destruction ability is super cool, like it shoots these little bones out everywhere and they do a ton of damage."
"It's terrifying how one individual is capable of damage of such magnitude."
"Ninetales can serve as a powerful weapon, capable of burning out a small island nation in the Pacific Ocean."
"Hurricane Irma: a terrifying force of nature."
"He's also possessed the Anti-Life Equation, which destroys all life. It's what he used to almost defeat DC's heroes during the Final Crisis story."
"Sly sees the Panda King bury an entire village in an avalanche he caused with his powerful fireworks."
"It would be like stepping in an oven only hotter the blue Sun would instantly burn all the tissues in your body to ashes and maybe even your bones."
"Am I just gonna blow up the world? Thank you, asshole."
"If the devil created a weapon system, the devil would create the AC-130 Gunship."
"Nothing made by Humanity comes close to the destructive power of nuclear weapons."
"Now I become death, the destroyer of worlds."
"Yusuke is set on defeating a powered up Sensui and they start clashing once more, obliterating everything in their path."
"Zero hand which is probably the most destructive force of raw ore emission that we've seen in series."
"The frenzied flame: born of the collective suffering of this world, manifested not only as a powerful concept but an actual power that threatens to swallow the world."
"Armed with bombs or torpedoes, the TDR-1 could unleash destruction."
"The destructive power of this shop is immense."
"Pluton is a battleship that annihilates the land."
"If we accelerated some kind of mass up to a sizable fraction of the speed of light, wouldn't even hit a warhead just the kinetic energy of the motion of that object itself would have incredible destructive power."
"Thor's hammer Mjolnir never misses its target when thrown and destroys everything it hits."
"Gigantomax Caparaja has the potential power to level an entire mountain."
"Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." - Oppenheimer
"Don't be too proud of this technological Terror you've constructed; the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force."
"The God of War still is artillery, and if you're adding to that the aerial bombs dropped by the Russian VKS, these guided glide bombs that are causing immense amount of damage."
"Shiva is impartial and total in his destructive potential."
"Whoa, incredible! I've never felt such destructive power like this before."
"The fire born of the sky... incinerated not but human flesh."
"Additionally, Morrow's body has transformed into a colossal bomb capable of obliterating the entire galaxy."
"Reaper's ultimate ability is death blossom, which is defined on Urban Dictionary as to fire indiscriminately and kill everything in all directions."
"Whitebeard's quake quake fruit that is a fruit that Sangoku himself even came out and said has the capacity to destroy the world"
"Nothing could stand against it as it killed and killed and killed, anything that challenged it died."
"Every single time, if there's war, the most powerful weapons of war are definitely used."
"Bill could totally destroy two to three of our moons or a small planet, maybe half the size of Earth."
"The destructive power of an atomic bomb is something that's almost difficult to even comprehend, an explosion that can destroy an entire city."
"We call it the Valkyrie and it's basically like a magical spear rocket launcher that destroys absolutely everything."
"For all the tools which exist for the modernist artists, it would be fair to say the terminators remain the sledgehammer of the Imperium."
"This thing will punch a hole through anything you care to smash into."
"I can summon melted beams with my eyeballs and it causes people to melt in death fire."
"It's a shocking reminder of how destructive weapons of war have become."
"Your tongue is a small thing, but what enormous damage it can do. It's like a tiny spark. It can set a great forest on fire." - James 3:5
"Destroying an entire Village sized area in one attack has only been seen by a handful of people."
"Shigaraki goes ham, decaying everything on sight."
"In the right hands, this weapon has singlehandedly brought entire civilizations crashing down."
"I have become the destroyer of worlds." - Oppenheimer
"Darth Bane clearly applies his abilities in a more overtly destructive fashion than mace windu and is most probably the stronger of the pair in terms of raw ability."
"So, for that, they just so happen to have a handy dandy cue bomb at their ready, and the thing is powerful enough to blow the entire [ __ ] planet up."
"This one was responsible for ending it, dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 and really changing the world in the process. It's not the rarest plane here, but it is an absolute beast."
"The Sharlin class war cruiser is capable of laying waste to a city in hours."
"Even though fiends are much weaker than their original devil forms, Aki's destructive power and speed as the gun fiend is made very evident by the damage he caused to the surrounding area with his bullets."
"There are these spiritual powers who gave to man knowledge he wasn't ready for that's been destructive."
"That's why they declared him as a weapon of mass freaking destruction."
"Megamind has a giant satellite death beam that can annihilate a city."
"Blackbeard has the power to level islands; he is an overwhelming threat that could very well be the final villain of the series."
"Black Bolt... a single whisper from this guy could level an entire city."
"It looks so peaceful," Jim said, "yet it's the biggest, most destructive weapon ever built."
"Anger is a beast that hardens with time and transforms into a mighty flame that engulfs everything in this world."
"The destructive power of its nuclear payload was enormous, making it a fierce weapon for the USSR."