
Portfolio Management Quotes

There are 298 quotes

"Diversification... is a strategy that mixes a wide variety of investments within a portfolio."
"When it comes to actually selecting your investments, don't limit yourself and do look abroad because that's really one of the best ways that we can go out and build a well diversified portfolio."
"Nearly half of [millennials] had at least 25% of their portfolio in cryptocurrency."
"When you don't put all your eggs in one basket, what you're benefiting from are these cross products that can either be small or negative, and will ultimately reduce the fluctuations of your portfolio."
"Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing other than add to your portfolio during these painful times."
"I've managed a $20 billion portfolio in my previous life and I've decided to just step back from banking and make sure that I can share my data-driven macro approach, portfolio strategy ideas, and much more with you guys."
"Don't let your short-term punts become members of your long-term portfolio because then you will get a portfolio full of coins and when the market comes down, and it will come down, it's going to come down very hard."
"So before we answer how, let's see why. Why do we do it? Why do we want to have a portfolio, right?"
"83% of millennial millionaires own crypto, with over half holding 50 or more of their portfolio in crypto."
"Your portfolio should reflect your view. If it doesn't, change your portfolio. You change your portfolio by having your watchlist up-to-date."
"Buy quality. I want you to write in chat what are the four companies that you're going to tie your portfolio to and hold on to Forever."
"Only invest in a few NFT projects at a time."
"Technology ETFs like VGT will always play an important part in our portfolios."
"The Holy Grail of investing: a portfolio of 8 to 12 uncorrelated investments."
"If you've got more than 30, 40, 50 percent of your portfolio in gold... you're a distressed seller not a distressed buyer."
"Being diversified is essential in any portfolio."
"By investing in just these three index funds we are able to keep our portfolio very simple we can rebalance our portfolio very easily and we can also automate our investments because they're index funds."
"Your portfolio is built for all kinds of markets."
"I've got a big, big, big position in Etsy, it's one of my largest."
"Most people I talk to who are just sort of regular investors, 40% of every dollar in their portfolio is probably in those seven stocks or even fewer."
"I sold out of one position in my portfolio... this was a $21,000 trade."
"In my portfolio, I'm looking for strong growth profiles... that's one that I'd rather swap out for some company on my watch list."
"I am building portfolios in a way that no other asset managers are building them."
"Do more of what's working in your portfolio."
"If you're going to go put 70% of your portfolio into a small cap coin like this and only 30% in the safer coins, you know you are gonna get wiped."
"Lots of good creative here but have no idea on how to evaluate it, so just consider that when revamping your portfolio."
"If I own Apple and Microsoft and I own QQQ, what that allows me to do is in that portfolio of the Nasdaq 100, you're going to get some of the laggards."
"I could leave this portfolio for 10 years and come back, it would have managed itself."
"The highest yielding stock might not be the best for your portfolio. In fact, you could actually lose money if the stock price falls or if they cut that dividend."
"A lot of the stocks on our list might not pay the highest monthly dividends but they produce a great return and grow your portfolio."
"Every single one of the portfolios that I've built for my VIP Community is in profits and massive profits."
"Plan your portfolio allocation strategically for maximum returns."
"A portfolio is a thesis of a whole lot of narratives that come together, and buying coins in all those narratives... I don't see a portfolio, I just see five good coins sitting in a collection."
"I think the much better strategy is simply having a portfolio that's well prepared for any eventuality."
"I like Silica, but it wouldn't be one of my top 10 big positions."
"I'll be liquidating probably ninety percent of my altcoin portfolio... then I'll be flipping that directly into Bitcoin or Ethereum."
"For the people out there that own zero do me a favor and at least get one to five percent of your portfolio in Bitcoin and then worry about the other 95 of your portfolio please."
"I think we can allocate a small portion of your portfolio into this and we can minimize your risk."
"Thankfully, I've got a lot of Cardano in my portfolio."
"Listen to Kathy Wood. She's really become like a rock star with her portfolio management skills."
"It's not a big deal if you have a portfolio full of really good companies."
"I highly recommend not putting all of your money into one or two stocks."
"I think bitcoin is kind of the epitome of that type of investment but again you don't need to go put a big part of your portfolio in doing just one to five percent I think it's where most people are sitting today."
"You have to decide what's best for your portfolio."
"You want a portfolio that you can happily put money into and not worry about what's going to happen."
"Our portfolio's growth today is negligible, it's really negligible but there are people out there that are changing their lives off of moves that we told them to make."
"Indexing is more passive investing, you don't have to actively manage your portfolio."
"I'm revealing my 30,000 growth stock portfolio. Let's do it!"
"The day has come. I am finally revealing my 30,000 growth stock portfolio."
"The goal with investing is to one day live off our investment portfolio."
"If it actually held the kind of CAGR that it has, then by year 30 even if I was not dripping the portfolio would be making 671 grand a year."
"This is why you need to have Bitcoin in your portfolio."
"Your portfolio should be designed with a specific strategy to accomplish specific goals"
"Investors need to build their portfolio based on their needs"
"Every investor needs to build a portfolio and to develop a strategy that they're comfortable with"
"Have a table strategy. ETFs are the legs, and the singular positions are the dishes on the table."
"It's time to seriously consider including some crypto in your portfolio."
"I started this portfolio with $50,000. I withdrew $400,000. It's actually $4.3 million."
"There's only so many assets they can buy that actually have a real rate of return and so naturally what do you do is if I can't buy bonds well there goes 40 of the traditional portfolio so what do I do with that money do I put it in stocks."
"15% into Bitcoin, no Ethereum because Ethereum is too slow."
"Everyone should hold Bitcoin in their crypto portfolio."
"I sold out of about 5 stocks... and then I opened three brand new positions."
"Do not let emotions dictate what you need to be doing in the market. You need to be taking care of your portfolio like it is the utmost of importance."
"Take a small part of your portfolio and just keep buying Bitcoin."
"Your goal is just to stay within about 10 percent of your ideal portfolio diversification."
"ARK is my winner if you're using it as part of an overall portfolio construction tool, you're giving it a 10% weighting, a 15% weight, depending on your risk tolerance."
"It's very important to have a well diversified portfolio."
"The strongest returns of my entire portfolio came from the Investments that I enjoyed the most."
"Bitcoin is 80% of my portfolio with some ETH."
"The portfolio is up 146 which is pretty staggering."
"Investors have taken notice as institutions and individuals adopt Bitcoin into their portfolios."
"Index funds outperform 92 to 95 of professional portfolio managers over a 15-year period."
"You may want to start positioning your portfolio for a rebound."
"If you're gonna be long and hodling, it's good to have a portion of your portfolio in cash."
"Your portfolio is your product. Constantly update it with the best of the best."
"These investments are highly speculative but that's why you should be allocating a small percent of your portfolio to this because we could see a hundred to even a thousand acts on a lot of these projects."
"Everything in the portfolio should outperform Bitcoin."
"If the investment no longer fits into your overall thesis... sell it and move on."
"You guys have to be having if you bought on the dips, we put around seventy to sixty-five percent of our portfolios in the market."
"The 60/40 portfolio is completely exploding in their face. It's the everything lose portfolio."
"There's an opportunity here in 2021 and you could take advantage of it both in the short term in the midterm but even if you missed that again don't get that fomo there is still big opportunities to build your portfolio around these events."
"Every stock in the portfolio plays a role... diversification is key."
"I was looking... I sold avalanche at 48, and I waited two days and I took that money put into solana at 136.1 in my retirement portfolio."
"I've made the decision to allocate 8% of my entire portfolio into a 50-50 split between bitcoin and ethereum."
"My job is to mitigate those risks and put together a portfolio of solid gold companies."
"In a combination, the diversified portfolio and the diversified individual tends to always outperform."
"These are solid dividend-paying stocks that will not only put cash in your pocket but also grow your portfolio."
"The long-term strategy of buying solid companies, holding them for many years, and borrowing against your portfolio to use that money tax-free is exactly what I am doing."
"I want to open a $100,000 portfolio and show you how I would invest it from scratch."
"Your portfolio should be more about the work you want to get and less about the work you've already done."
"This is a stock that has been hitting a home run for everyone and heating up everyone's portfolios and making their pockets super full of money."
"Understand how bonds work to determine their role in your portfolio."
"It's insane for me not to have a reasonable piece of my portfolio in that world."
"If you invested one percent of your portfolio in Solana when it was just a few dollars and that did 100x to 200, then if you only put in one percent, you're actually doubling your portfolio even though you only allocated one percent."
"Just a tiny waiting does give you that chance to double your portfolio or triple it or 10x it."
"Allocating one to ten percent of your portfolio to smaller riskier bets is one of the best ways to position your portfolio for success in the next run. If they go to zero you don't lose much but if they 100x you start to make life-changing money."
"This will be a one million dollar, seven-figure portfolio."
"The dollar vigilante portfolios are killing it."
"This second portfolio right here has a little bit more risk than the first portfolio."
"Keep updating your portfolio often just like your social media accounts and keep pushing, always do that, and you should eventually have a career that you absolutely love."
"The possibilities are endless with what you could do with your portfolio."
"A diversified portfolio can shield you from selling assets at the worst times and opens up opportunities for dynamic investment strategies."
"Having risk management will help you to start seeing change in your portfolio."
"Alts are just on fire right now, on fire. You guys know what I'm talking about. Those of you guys that are diversified, you've been following the 50-25-25 rule, you know that your portfolio is exploding."
"If you know what you're doing, use this opportunity as the great reset to upgrade your portfolio."
"The key to risking the portfolios here are individual stock selection and diversification."
"You gotta have a buying strategy and a switching strategy and an old and a stable coin investment strategy and increase your token farming strategy all at once."
"The first point is to understand what you're holding in your portfolio."
"A fully invested stock and bond portfolio is not at all the place to be."
"A big part of my own portfolio is just made up of those forever stocks that I'll hold until the day I die."
"Diversify your portfolio. You don't want to have that one stock in your portfolio be the thing that absolutely crushes you."
"Keep cash in your portfolio for optionality."
"The 60/40 allocation that you are taught is the most reasonable kind of conservative approach to a diversified portfolio is basically dead now."
"It's about time. Put between two and five percent of your portfolio into crypto."
"You can invest five to 10 percent of your allocation of portfolio in this company."
"Consider taking profits and balancing your portfolio. Evaluate upside versus downside, tax implications, and alternative investments."
"When you're allocating your portfolio look to where the developers are it does help."
"You need to have some silver in your portfolio."
"This is what my portfolio's top holdings look like going into 2021."
"Definitely going to consider adding to my portfolio given this robust return."
"So I think there's a bull case for 2023 and a bear case and depending on which one you Veer towards you should tilt your portfolio accordingly."
"My goal is to accumulate this type of company in a single portfolio and to do it as best as possible."
"Investors now factor ESG considerations when crafting their portfolios."
"Diversification is key, in your equity spreads, your portfolio, your focus, and attention."
"Increasing our main portfolio: Ethereum and Bitcoin."
"SingularityNET AGI spinoff SingularityDAO will leverage AI at multiple levels, including management of dynamic portfolios and predictive market making."
"It's about building a portfolio you can live with."
"Putting together a portfolio focused on capital appreciation."
"What would I do? Put 20% of my money in cash, keep at least 40% in index funds, and then consider allocating the rest into value stocks like Facebook, Netflix, and Amazon."
"Building the ultimate crypto portfolio is no easy task."
"I'm beating the S&P 500 without needing Tesla in my portfolio."
"You make adjustments as part of the overall management of the portfolio."
"You gotta think a lot harder about portfolio construction."
"I'm looking at right now for my income portfolios to add as long as it stays attractively valued like it is right now."
"To be diversified, a portfolio must combine multiple ingredients that have low correlation with each other. That's the salsa effect."
"Your investment portfolio does not need to be complicated."
"Utrust... I'm actually steadily increasing my holdings of Utrust at this point in time."
"So this would be primarily cash equivalents so I you know I've been using what I consider I call a three pillar portfolio which is kind of a different framework than the 60 40."
"The Burr strategy can change your whole trajectory on your portfolio."
"The way the portfolio is going to be built is like this: we have 30 tokens in our investment targets, we're going to do what they call a stack ranking... we jettison the lower 20."
"Just take the pieces of it, cherry-pick it, and then use it to build a stronger portfolio for yourself."
"I needed just for the balancing of the portfolio that I preach you guys on a daily basis."
"Bitcoin is absolutely a staple in our portfolios."
"I'm actually a huge advocate for gold... everybody should own it in their portfolio."
"Build portfolios using methodologies like token metrics and the crypto power index."
"Portfolio management includes identifying, prioritizing, authorizing, managing, and controlling projects, programs, and other related work to achieve strategic business objectives."
"Portfolio management is the centralized management of one or more portfolios to achieve strategic business objectives."
"The structure of your portfolio, the structure of your income, and how you decide to set that up."
"It's not just enough to know how much can you pull out of your portfolio each year. It's also very important to know which account should you be pulling from first in retirement."
"I love the fact that the fastest growing business in their portfolio is that it's growing twice as fast as everything else with twice as high a margin."
"The more they covary--they move together--the less they cancel out. So, the higher the covariance is, generally, the higher--you can see from here--the higher the σ² of the portfolio."
"Making consistent contributions to your portfolio and also reinvesting dividends back into your portfolio play a major role in turning your dividend portfolio into a dividend Kingdom."
"Lean portfolio management focuses on aligning strategy, funding, and execution."
"The right way to approach this is to base your portfolio and fit your portfolio within the context of other income sources you might have."
"Frequently intervening and looking at your portfolio in a trade can lead to emotional decision making."
"But you can rely on the core of your portfolio to drag your returns up over the long term."
"Start thinking about what can I do in my current portfolio to get these 20, 30, 40, 50% ROIs."
"The bucket strategy with separate cash and a percentage allocation for stocks and bonds makes sense."
"You don't need to maximize the performance of each trade, you need to maximize the performance of your portfolio as a whole."
"Consider how your portfolio can be perfectly balanced as all things should be."
"He has no projections into the future of what the earnings or cash flows of any of his portfolio companies are going to be."
"There's no right answer for how many companies should be in your portfolio, only the right answer for you."
"Hopefully, you guys are able to learn from my mistake on the situation and take steps to make sure that you can avoid this type of situation in your own portfolio."
"So what did I do with the proceeds? Well, I got most more clip I Got 5 000 in Nvidia so I did get the Nvidia yield Max but a little bit more in the Tesla one as well and in hygw a little bit of sprinkling there."
"The ultimate goal is for our portfolio to generate income for us and then use that income to buy more shares."
"It's not their job to like trick you or like trip you up or get you to say something stupid about your portfolio."
"I would not suggest actively trading with any more than 10% of your portfolio mostly just invest for the long term is the way to go."
"We put less than one percent in the global funds in any single name."
"The question is whether portfolios are structured for that 3% or higher secular inflation. I would argue they’re not and I would I argue that presents tremendous investment opportunities."
"We're trying to do larger and larger deals so we can spend more and more time with portfolio companies."
"If someone out there watching this is just starting to actively manage their portfolio... stopping the bleeding, that's so important."
"Holding less positions allows you to execute better and manage risk."
"If the new investment is either zero correlated or negatively correlated with your current portfolio, that's going to help in terms of dampening your fluctuations."
"The more you can be disciplined about not straying away from your system, I think the more results you're going to achieve in the long run in your portfolio."
"Pay very close attention. It is littered with Alpha. I hope at least you can learn a few things from this and maybe apply them to your own portfolio."
"You have to be able to learn to diversify your entire portfolio, not just crypto, all the money you have stocks, oh my good idea there but this is more reliable exactly."
"Options really thrive in certain environments and could benefit your portfolio."
"Building and maintaining your factor portfolio with single stocks is a lot of work but it may be worthwhile because you'll learn a great deal."
"So as long as you survive, point number one, and point number two, keep your allocation, positioning, portfolio, whatever, in a state where when asymmetric black swan crazy [ __ ] happens, you can be there to take advantage of it. That's really all it takes."
"If you had held this portfolio over the last year without doing anything else, the income generated would have grown by over 10%, 10 and a half% in the last year just from doing nothing."
"Even if you have nine losing trades in a row, you have most of your portfolio intact, ready to trade again."
"...the goal of building a long-term portfolio is building long-term positions at attractive prices."
"If you don't ever rebalance... your stocks will take over more and more of the portfolio."
"The real power of those funds is their ability to let you declutter your portfolio."
"...so here's the most exciting thing for me about Safe portfolio. It wants you to decentralize portfolio decisions to the trains. But that is exactly an agile mindset and it is absolutely what Safe wants you to grow into doing."
"Once we have a clear understanding of the strategic themes, the next step is to really define the portfolio domain and its associated business case."
"I was always clear-eyed enough to recognize my mistakes and to realize that even though I picked some winners... I was always aware of the drag the losers represented on my portfolio."
"Can this be a long-term portfolio holding? This isn't something you gotta monitor, it's more of a set it and forget it type thing."
"The thing that can make the most difference you know in changing your portfolio is not like twisting the dials and changing the asset allocation."
"...if you have only four or five stocks in your portfolio... you want higher R squ stocks."
"Our equally weighted portfolio, our weights are going to be 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, and then I'm going to put in here equals the sum of those and it has to be equal to one."
"The core of your portfolio and the decisions that you make here will have a bigger impact on your financial future than which stocks you own."
"This year has been fantastic for this portfolio."
"I was able to add some high-quality companies at really good valuations to my portfolio in 2023."
"You can't go wrong with the three-fund portfolio, but some added diversity, as long as it's kept in check, can be a nice addition."
"So I just released version 5.0 of my free dividend portfolio tracking spreadsheet."
"I hope you recognize how powerful this new portfolio feature is going to be."
"If a guy is marketing and selling you too hard, he's probably not a great portfolio manager."
"Starbucks is now my number one dividend stock position in my portfolio."
"If you have multiple interests, I recommend separating them or creating multiple portfolios that focus on those."