
Self-care Importance Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Skincare is really important to me because, as a mom especially, this is the time that I get for myself."
"Self-care is not an act of selfishness; it is an act of consciousness."
"Self-care is bad? Your head explodes because you're taking care of yourself as a human being. That's awful."
"Self-care is so important especially when you're going through it like I'm not going through it right now I'm just living like literally my dreams."
"You matter. In order for you to be happy, you have to have self-happiness."
"Self-care is so important. It allows you to keep going, allows you to keep you on that grind."
"I think there's a lot of value in self-care not just for yourself but for your family for your friends for your co-workers."
"Self-care is really important... you have to create boundaries."
"Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and take time for self-care."
"If you forget the self-care, you're robbing Peter to pay Paul."
"You can't care about other people more than you care about yourself. And that's what got me where I'm at."
"Self-care is crucial. Start with small achievable goals."
"Being a working mom, I really now know the importance of doing self-care so that you can be the best version of yourself for your busy day, for yourself, for your loved ones."
"There's an energy here of healing, okay, and self-care."
"Most of us really need to pay attention to what it means to have a human body and to take care of it."
"Prioritize exercise and me time. Going for an hour's ride isn't a luxury, it might be a need."
"I now feel like I have nowhere to go but up."
"You matter, your happiness matters, your health, your love, your energy."
"Take care of yourself. Mental health, physical health, it's important."
"Schedule in time that can... replenish... consider that as important as the tasks you're doing."
"Emily Blunt is a clear testament to the fact that beauty does not solely come from physical appearance but also from attitude, confidence, and self-care."
"Self-care is about being responsive to yourself, giving yourself a break when you're having a tough day, nourishing yourself, and simply being aware of what you need."
"Make time for self-care to stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit."
"More self-care is needed, and the sixth house can be about your health."
"Self-care and self-love, it's mental health."
"I became closed off, you know. You have to do some of the self-care and all that stuff first. A lot of people don't do that. I'm a huge proponent of self-care."
"Focus on your happiness, it's really important for you to start to create some things in your life that give you a sense of joy."
"You have to take care of yourself so you're able to be a better person for everybody else around you."
"Prioritize your own self-care; it's not selfishness but consciousness. Guard your autonomy, hold your own position, but don't hold onto it in a way that leads to bearing a grudge."
"There's a real need to pour into yourself; slow down, sleep more."
"Prioritize self-care, it's an act of consciousness."
"Practice self-care, because otherwise you will not respect yourself."
"Instead of always overworking yourself, putting pressure on yourself to work hard and achieve, actually schedule time in your schedule for self-care, to recharge, to just have a day where you rest."
"Self-care is about the state of mind. Make it a habit. You deserve to work towards feeling better."
"I am an avid believer that self-care is so important to your overall sanity."
"That's what happens if you don't take care of yourself dammit this nonsense right interval 81 we go."
"Self-love is the first thing you need and that only you deserve you more than anyone else."
"My favorite thing about self-care is the idea that you can't help someone else put their oxygen mask on until you've put your own on."
"Not giving into fears, better self-care is going to be really important as well."
"Planning time for self-love is an act of self-love."
"Self-care at its core is necessary to Healing trauma."
"I'm so excited and happy to like move in with you."
"Self-care and that is not optional, it's essential."
"Your body can heal... when you give your body what it needs."
"Self-care is really important Taurus, it's really important."
"Practice self-care; take care of your body and mind."
"You've got to take care of you first and foremost. If you are not solid and stable, it diminishes your capacity to help others."
"You may need to first take some rest... spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally."
"Will Smith is still a bankable movie star." - John Campea
"Take a moment to rest, recoup, and recharge. Self-care is crucial."
"We tend to forget that this up here needs a cleanup every once in a while too."
"That's called self-care and continue to live and take care of yourself."
"Extra self-care, extra self-love is so needed."
"I always take time for myself because I want to honor myself."
"Giving oneself permission to take time for self-care is important."
"Self-care is so freaking important."
"Self-care is important, especially being a mother and if you're a wife."
"It's very easy to get knocked off of your self-care and forget that you are also very much so worth it and you also deserve to be taken care of and pampered as well."
"It can be really easy to let self-care go out of the window."
"I am the queen or king of self-care. When I take care of me, the rest of the world follows suit."
"Self-care has to be so important. You have to know how to get into a space, be still, and get inside of your mind."
"Isn't this just life, you know what I mean? Like, you need to find moments to take care of yourself in between the chaotic bits of life."
"Sometimes the more important thing is not the exams and the academics, but it's looking after yourself."
"You inspire people to really take self-care very seriously."
"I have to take care of myself if I'm gonna be able to take care of this team in any way."