
Employee Treatment Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Game companies are not your friends. Most of them treat their own employees, who they insultingly call their families, like total fucking shit."
"It's Christmas, oh-ho-ho, ladies, a time for giving, and Blizzard have decided to give their employees a year's worth of money to leave."
"This is a true leader right here, someone who stands for both the integrity of the work that they're doing and the right treatment of employees who don't deserve to get shafted because of corporate quotas."
"UPS has the right opportunity right now to be the model of how corporations should treat their people."
"Why don't we just try treating the people better?"
"You don't have to thank companies, especially the ones that just took away your livelihood after telling you they care about you for so long."
"You get what you pay for, and if you pay people dog [ __ ] wages and treat them like [ __ ] garbage, well that's what you're gonna get."
"You can't be all about curing cancer and treating your employees like shit."
"Tao Blevins and Steve Butts were scumbag bosses who abused their employees."
"Treat your employees well and the results are amazing."
"They could have paid the severance packages out of their own significant wealth if they wanted to."
"The whole point of corporate cringe is to make sure employees are being treated right, being treated fairly, and not forcing anyone to do anything at work that they don't really want to do."
"They post record profits and then lay off super loyal employees."
"You don't have to ruin your employees lives to make the stupid nonsense."
"The interview was literally how much [expletive] can you take from us?"
"Don't treat your employees like crap and they probably won't delete the google drive before you gotta go present a bunch of stuff."
"Do you really think that working your best people to the bone is the right move?"
"Shout outs to all my business owners, man. Treat your people right and know who you're hiring, bro. Just be careful out there."
"You can say it's business as much as you like. There's doing business and then there is sacking 72 people. That is appalling."
"It's not worth this abuse. It's not. Baby girl, if anything is broken, it's coming out of your paycheck. Understood?"
"In an employer-driven Market, they can get away with treating you poorly because they think you need them more than they need you."
"Nobody is getting out of this easily... You're gonna see the businesses that treated their employees well and the businesses that treated their employees like shit."
"Treat our people right, even in business - we value our people."
"For as long as these massive corporations have been operating, they've nearly always treated their low-level employees like worker ants in an anthill."
"I find that to be so disrespectful... Do I want to work for people that clearly don't even give a [ __ ] if I'm alive or dead?"
"A good company treats people well, it treats its customers well and it treats its workers well."
"Just treat people well, they're much more likely to put their heart into their work."
"If you just treat people well, they're much more likely to put their heart into their work."
"I will never understand treating employees badly, especially when they're doing such a good job."
"Especially if you treat your employees well."
"I think treating employees right is really really important."
"Treat your employees well, treat them with respect and Trust because the dividends that that pays out in the long run are incredible."
"Just treat your employees better, they'll do better work and stick around."
"When I've done other reviews for companies on this channel you'll notice that we talk about the employee engagement because the way that you're treated is based on the way that the company treats the employee."
"The treatment of employees in this industry became kind of a hot topic."
"So if you're a manager, maybe treat your people better."
"They treated their employees like people and not like numbers."
"I just can't picture the Fox company treating its employees in such a fashion."
"I mean, if you're going to do scummy, unethical, shady business and screw over your employees on top of that, I think it's only a matter of time before the whole operation gets shut down."
"I love a company that treats their employees right."
"If you honor, respect, care for, protect, and reward your employees regardless of title or position, in turn, they will treat each other in a civil manner, in a warm, caring, and hospitable way."
"One of the great features of a product or a company is treating people well."
"The whole market is changing in how they treat people in terms of life and work balance."
"It's incredible what ends up happening when companies treat their employees well."
"Paying your employees well and treating them well leads to more productivity, less turnover cost, and that means bigger profits for the company."
"If you treat an employee like crap, they will not want to give you their all."