
Gaming Immersion Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"This is a simulated city with over a thousand AI citizens with lives, jobs, and relationships."
"This is easily one of the most immersive games I've played in the last few years."
"There's a level of immersion lost when the game becomes a canvas for advertisements."
"The witcher feels like a world that exists, that you just happen to be in. Skyrim feels like a video game world built for you to play in and explore."
"Video games are interactive. You are the character. The story, if there is one, may be guided by a structured plot and may have multiple endings or maybe not, but it still feels like your story."
"Immersions the name of the game's strong narrative elements cutscenes characters world building etc."
"Cyberpunk 2077's narrative gameplay storytelling and immersion are just better in Night City."
"If you are looking for a world that contains all of it and you get to influence how it all unfolds, then you're probably in the right place."
"Immersion comes from relevant tasks and no fourth wall breaks for tutorials."
"If I was playing GTA and my house was in the game, walking around my own house, taking virtual dumps in my grandma's house, I'd find that strange."
"Finally, a rich white guy who married a rich white lady can be President. Slow clap, America. Well done."
"I think it makes it easier to get more invested in your Sims."
"And more than anything, honestly, the DualSense controller offering new forms of immersion in gameplay is the most exciting aspect of this generation for me."
"Valve compensates with their unparalleled regard for protagonist immersion, taking advantage of gaming's intrinsic strengths."
"It just makes the world feel more alive, right? It adds noise, it adds some movement. It just makes the world feel more alive."
"I am so blown away by this game's immersion, it's like entering into a different world."
"I wanted to Pace myself because I could already feel it, I was losing myself to this game."
"Every building you see in this game, at least the interesting ones, are buildings that you're able to go into."
"Artyom connects with the world perfectly with those things he touch and cast shadows onto them."
"Having so many different dialogue choices that are reflective of my own character is exactly what I want from games like this."
"Star Wars squadrons... one of the most immersive and authentic Star Wars games ever made."
"You want to feel like you are breathing fire and flying through the air and ripping people apart."
"It's a great touch that makes both planes feel connected and adds extra immersion in many unexpected ways."
"When you distill the concept of 'video game' into an essence and shoot it straight into your veins, this is what it feels like."
"People have been looking for a modern-day CRPG that could draw them in and immerse them like this game has."
"The haptic feedback really adds that extra layer of immersion."
"Let's get some full immersion going right, let's really enjoy this early game of Minecraft this time when we're close to the ground immersing ourselves in our brand new season 10 server is going to be magnificent."
"Just watching Elites and Marines stand side by side and fight on the side of a Scarab was so cool."
"It kind of makes you feel like you are playing in a medieval world."
"The music of each environment also adapts to fit the player's experience with loads of dynamic changes in the soundtrack."
"Let's get to a brand new game. My goodness, my mind is blown. Absolutely blown."
"I play games because I feel like I can get immersed in a world that has been crafted by people who really care."
"It's truly the most immersive Call of Duty experience I've ever played."
"By far the most effective tool this game has is its sound design."
"The DualSense controller has adaptive triggers which can tighten or resist based on what's happening in-game."
"Ray tracing brings new heights to the immersion."
"It would increase the immersion of the game because it actually would demonstrate the avatar the characters with competence with skill that they're not doing these wide brutish swings."
"I have not been this thoroughly engrossed in a game in years."
"The dynamic soundtrack... makes everything in Metal Gear Rising hit so much harder."
"I love mega Latios and mega Latias, flying on these things is just... the best."
"Deaths in Escape from Tarkov are heart and soul crushing, but that's what makes it so immersive."
"Role-playing itself is an amazing experience."
"It really does sort of feel like you're your own gym leader and that just seems awesome to me."
"Time flies when you play this game, it makes you feel like a real detective."
"I especially love how the attack indicators are removed because it feels like a whole new experience."
"Being able to react as your character in each situation and make choices that shape the game is amazing."
"The much-touted immersion showed in a player's ability to pilot a TIE fighter."
"Shadow of Mordor doesn't waste any time getting into the game."
"Every time I jumped into that world and started playing, I just adored it."
"It gives the player a sense of body, a sense of actually existing within the world."
"Every time we put someone actually in the game there were 'oh I get it now.'"
"If I'm questing with a friend and they're at my party, it makes it feel more immersed."
"Voice acting in the game would help immerse the players more in the story and care about the characters more."
"Video games have the ability to immerse players in their worlds like no other medium."
"It's a game that you'll want to get immersed in with a good sound system or headphones."
"If I don't get a compelling story that really pulls me in with the world and the characters and the level design and the interactions, I get bored."
"3D audio reaches a higher level of realism. I occasionally get fooled and even think a sound is coming from the real world when it's actually coming from the game."
"Anakin Skywalker, General Skywalker in Phase one, he literally is like the bowling alley where you put the rails up and you're almost guaranteed to always hit the pins."
"It felt like you were actually a detective putting the pieces of the puzzle together."
"On fire like flaming arrows but without the extra damage."
"Lonely Travel...the only level that really feels like you are traveling."
"I spent hours at a time playing games and the whole time I was immersed with the sound."
"I always feel like Mario games really get you into it."
"In the Spider-Man 2 game, you're a super powerful being swinging around the city."