
Game Enjoyment Quotes

There are 254 quotes

"Our three companies are all working hard to deliver a fun experience for those of you who already enjoy the Pokémon Trading Card Game, as well as those who've never played before."
"Let's recap: deck builders are very complicated... but a good rule of thumb for trying to understand why we enjoy a particular deck builder more than the others can be found in that trifecta of identity, synergy, and strategy."
"I love that you get the purity of the true kickoff return plus the player safety. Everybody wins."
"Games of strategy and planning are made fun when the player is able to plot a path to victory."
"It's sad that people are missing out on Last Epoch. It doesn't have to be better than PoE, it just has to be fun."
"Nemesis perfectly complements every element that makes playing Survival horror so enjoyable."
"Honestly, nothing gets you more hype than watching a clutch. A good dodgeball can send an MCC off on the highest note. It's so good."
"If you're into vampires, then you should enjoy playing this one."
"Exploring hollownest was a joy, and going through a new area always felt like a fresh Adventure."
"Sea of Thieves is extra special for me because I'm playing with my wife."
"Overall, I found Pokémon Scarlet and Violet to be incredibly enjoyable." - Rating the game at 7.2 out of 10.
"Halo Infinite feels like something that I can just chill with and just play again without having to try hard."
"Ultimately, as long as we're keeping social groups somewhat healthy, we want people to play the game in the way that makes them happiest."
"If you fall into either of those two categories, you will love this game."
"More Civ in space is fine by me, saving space, fine by you?"
"I love it. The single-player is just balls to the walls great."
"If it hadn't been so over-the-top and serious about itself while being over-the-top, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much."
"I think it's all about like having fun together right and having 12 players on each side of the uh of the match it just it just creates this space."
"This was so much fun, we'll definitely play this again."
"I actually think that fun and balance are many times the same thing."
"I think overall it's good for the game... it makes it more fun... people watching the game."
"I've been advocating for this since day one: some of y'all need to slow the [ __ ] down."
"Legit like I've been waiting I've had this art made since like last Wednesday just patiently waiting to start this shit; love this game well out already I love this game."
"The more seriously you take the game, the less enjoyable it's probably going to be."
"The richness of the progression that was in D2, I feel that richness in D4."
"And this is why openings like the Benoni and the Grunfeld are so much fun."
"It's not about winning, it's all about having fun."
"It's just lit, it's awesome, it's like this just lit."
"The stuff you're doing in your game is probably really fun, so long as your players are having fun, so make sure you're having fun too."
"The core of Diablo 4... it's a lot of fun I really enjoyed playing through it."
"Feels good to feel good about wow, doesn't it?"
"A relatively simple game but very enjoyable."
"Is it time for a real Reckoning around this issue?"
"Some of the most fun that you will ever have playing chess is when you orchestrate a nice attack on your opponent's king and end up finishing off the game with a really nice checkmate."
"It's been a cracking game, really enjoyed this game."
"At the core of this game is something very fun."
"When monarch gets involved in a game of commander, universally that game is more fun than it would have been."
"The best things we talked about today contribute to a more fun group experience."
"The truth is that this is very exciting to get to see these players on the field."
"I've found the match three battling to be very compelling in and of itself."
"It plays really well, I would consider myself a decent Defender fan."
"We really want to promote that offensive part of the game."
"I don't have any complaints I'm probably gonna keep playing this when it's out wish listed very cool great stuff I'm impressed."
"But it's about establishing him as a hero and the game does succeed on that it also has some of the most fun Spider-Man suits I think are available in a Spider-Man game."
"This game is fantastic, by the way... love it!"
"I found this game immensely fun, and very tough to put down."
"Ignoring the grind, the core mechanics of Warframe are what make it fun."
"It was so great to see a game and not worry about the puck going in for no reason."
"It's not perfect by any means but it's definitely enjoyable"
"Cyberpunk once you are no longer battling goofy bugs or performance issues... became something truly great."
"Moments like this add massive charm to the original Fallout games and finding them is always a treat."
"Seeing Destiny for what it is has allowed me to enjoy it a lot more."
"Once you've got yourself a level 60, this game is a ton easier and a ton more fun."
"A joy to play and perhaps the best way to enjoy Resident Evil 2 today."
"I still kind of squeezed 50 hours out of it while doing this review."
"It doesn't make it any lesser of an experience."
"If there's one thing I love... it's the sight of blood... Diablo 4, I actually think I like this game."
"It's a unique deck. If you want a very different take on control, I feel like this is a semi-competitive option, at least for the format, and it's really unique and really fun."
"Oh yes, nice! Oh, this is so great, we have already been playing games with this table."
"When everybody is just trying to get an instant win, the game is no longer competitive, and, y’know, it stops being fun."
"I think overall choo choo Charles was very fun...I wish there were more games out there like it."
"Watching that Firestorm honestly was so satisfying."
"This is probably one of the most enjoyable and easiest online experiences I have ever had."
"Using these three options properly can actually have a major impact and improve role-playing at the table, improve the fun that the people at the table are having, and help you run a satisfying adventure."
"Deckbuilding isn't just about power, it's about passion and personality too."
"This scratches the games I liked on Super Nintendo goldeneyes literally N64."
"I think the game's been going right the right way recently. The game is really fun to play."
"The ability to create your own assist is so much more fun when you cast and then run in with a sword."
"I think we're just very cool and funny so we make this game bearable."
"It's a really somatic game I have enjoyed the game a lot it doesn't hit the table as much as it as it really should in my opinion but I've really enjoyed this game highly thematic V commandos."
"Working a pizza place... easiest instant classic of my life."
"Natural disaster survival... instant classic."
"Short creepy stories... instant classic for me."
"Catalog Avatar Creator... it's going an instant classic for me."
"I really like the class. He's just really fun to play."
"I think it's very, very fun and I think it's a cool take on the roguelite FTL Isaac's sort of thing."
"Thank you guys for making it this far into the video. I hope you enjoyed watching this look back as much as I've enjoyed playing it."
"Ultimately, I want DICE to take a view where they understand that everybody needs to enjoy Battlefield."
"You've got to make chess fun and practical. Those two things, right? They need to be fun and practical."
"I think just giving feedback on what's fun is what really matters the most, you know what I mean?"
"No Man's Sky: If you go into it today without the expectation that it'll blow your mind, you'll find a relaxing space exploration game."
"Just a great game that's a lot of fun." - Jet Set Radio Future
"Oh my goodness, I love this game, I absolutely love this game."
"I can still say hand on heart that this game is fun even though it's not perfect at all."
"That was lucky, getting around that. This thing is crazy, I love Rampardos."
"I find it so hard to like anything these days and yet sha-poopie keep turns out to be a lot of fun."
"There's a lot of stuff for players to enjoy if they opt into it, and if that's their intention."
"The theme is what carries me there, you know, it lets me enjoy the full game."
"If they accomplish their goal of reducing damage spikes in combat, it would slow down the pace of the game and make it more enjoyable."
"Cutting down that blue tree... Oh, it felt so good. I loved it so."
"Fun is expressive. A lot of these topics are going to overlap a little bit here because Commander's one of the strongest suits of Commander is the fact that you can deeply express yourself through the game."
"An awesome economic focus campaign, I love that."
"Don't play what is strong necessarily unless you like the class and think it's fun."
"Tankian poker really ruins the game because when you take a long time for mundane decisions then it ruins the experience for the other players."
"If you enjoyed the previous game you will enjoy this one for sure."
"Harvest VR is quite a bit of fun and there's more and more going on there all the time."
"Differences among items should be the fun and interesting parts."
"People enjoy the game. That's fun, right? It's why we continue to put so much effort into updating it after it's been out for so long."
"When we update the game very regularly, people will play if they enjoy it."
"Experiencing the OG Dragon Ball storyline in DBZ Kakarot."
"I thoroughly enjoyed the design of not only the characters but also the new Pokemon."
"Graphics and sound aren't everything as long as the game is fun to play, I couldn't care less if the game went back to 8-bit."
"Wow, this game is epic, guys! I like this game a whole lot!"
"Playing the game in two to four player co-op is where it really shines."
"Finally, we have fast travel! I have been waiting for this for so long."
"My favorite thing about this game is that so often."
"Still fantastic game yeah still my top 100 this year yeah."
"The grind is minimal, I wouldn't even call it grind."
"If a Sonic game isn’t perfect, that’s fine by me, but if my takeaway was cool and fun moments that make me forget the bad parts…that’s a win."
"It felt really vindicating to love the new Sonic game."
"Kingdom Hearts 3 is so pure and joyful even in no context you'll get at least something out of it, I promise."
"I'm in this so far, actually like the butterfly effects and I like all the relationship stuff that's going on."
"The addition of modding and the friendly community surrounding it have given a lot to the game and my enjoyment of it."
"Play what you like. I'm here for you and I want everybody to enjoy Magic."
"Overall, if you're a player that likes to make a lot of towers or castles to defend yourself from raiding while you boom, the Teutons are definitely a civilization you'll enjoy."
"Don't let that ruin your entire experience because there's so much more about Pokemon than just one or two Pokemon that you might be missing."
"Death is never so soul-crushing to make you play in boring safe ways."
"We doing all this for like two thousand Hong Kong bro, and it's like, I'm not gonna lie, you can get a lot more by doing a lot less."
"I enjoy this a lot, it's never good fun, cheeky little push."
"These mini games are fantastic, the characters are great, they've got super cool outfits."
"Borderlands 2 is a game just built to play with friends."
"Ape Escape is a wonderful game that will have you wanting to play it again and again."
"Best game in the tournament so far. We'll not have a bad word about it."
"This is actually very enjoyable. It is scratching that classic survival horror itch for me."
"Regardless of the outcome, I enjoyed this game."
"And I love games where you’re menaced by a big enemy."
"Is it a perfect wrestling game? Absolutely not... but overall I'm having a good time and it's really fun and it's really exciting to have a brand new wrestling game."
"This deck is really fun. I'm not sure if it's super super competitive but it's competitive enough and it is really unique and fun to play."
"Let me know in the comments down below if you want to see more Motor Town, I've certainly been enjoying it."
"I like both modern and the classic Paper Mario."
"We're not trying to destroy their game, we're just trying to make it enjoyable."
"I'm really enjoying the character development and strategic battles; they're amazing."
"It sucks you in immediately, you forget how fun the game is."
"I love this game, I love hanging out with Chelsea."
"Do you ever watch a game and just think this is the greatest sport?"
"With a focus on crafting, melee combat, and parkour, Dying Light is a delight to play."
"The bosses are kick-ass and many of them are pretty damn funny."
"For the first time in a really long time, I genuinely think a lot of people are going to fully enjoy this Halo campaign."
"Battlegrounds is just more pure, you could just go in, have some good old-fashioned fun."
"It just makes the three star even more fun because that gets like looked and danced around a little bit it's awesome well done."
"The game was incredibly fun to play, the freaking sound design is some of the best I've ever heard."
"Just as a fan of the game, you gotta love watching Lamar Jackson play."
"Football must be played with emotion otherwise will be boring."
"I honestly really did truly enjoy this game."
"Every car feels distinct from the last while still remaining overall nice to drive."
"I love football so much, this game is so good."
"Black Ops 4 isn't my favorite zombies game but it's definitely a zombies game that I really enjoy and I will come back to."
"When I play a survivor, I really enjoy chase."
"Water Kirby celebrating is the best part of this video game."
"It's just such a good game, you know, and I've taught it to I can't even tell you how many people and it always goes over well."
"Striders are Striders, they're awesome. I mean if I'm being honest the Strider is one of my favorite Minecraft mobs already, they're really really cool."
"It's much more fun to play with friends in real life." - Jim
"Keep the game fresh and fun by rotating game modes and the strategies that you use."
"It's more rewarding and fun than just about any game I've played in a very, very long time."
"At its core, this is a simple beat em up and the combat carries you through."
"Airplane combat... Actual dogfights now, I enjoy flying in a Battlefield game again."
"This is my favorite game of this I played in a long time."
"For most of us it's just a game fun is key not playing some legend just because they are deemed better on some tier lists."
"Actively focusing makes the game so much more fun and you're a better player."
"I love the Sims, I think it's such a fun game."
"Thanks for playing. Not gonna lie, I actually enjoyed it."
"It just makes the world so much deeper, so much more enjoyable."
"This is definitely one of those games that's carried by its gameplay."
"Play who you like, that's really what matters in this game."
"It does not disappoint. It is a whole load of fun."
"It diminishes the team's work in my eye when I'm playing a game. A big part of my enjoyment comes from appreciating smart design and balancing decisions."
"In summary, I'm very much enjoying Tokyo Xanadu. It's a fresh setting with a great cast of characters and it offers something different to both new and old Falcon fans."
"After the Empire, I love the idea of building your own castle and having you know defending it from other people that's fun you know there's a big game that you publish Stronghold which is that's really big."
"This game is just really brutal and awesome, I love it."
"Regardless of whether or not we personally enjoy FIFA 22 or not, I think that these make positive changes for the game."
"My favorite part of the game so far has been the exploration in the open areas."
"I genuinely really enjoy the game. I just want to play it and have fun and share that with people."
"There's something about the sandbox in GTA that makes playing with friends just insanely fun."
"Thanks for tuning in. I hope you had fun absolutely beautiful and violent chess today."
"The game is a lot more fun than people tend to give it credit for."
"It's a Fallout themed tactics game in the end, I think what is there is perfectly enjoyable."
"So much fun, this is Guess the Game, such a good one."
"It's good though, at least I'm still finding new fish anyway."
"No game is perfect, but at the end of the day, flesh and blood is fun to play."
"I don't know what just happened. I love this game so much."
"Maybe the whole game isn't perfect, but if you try it out and you get used to it, I think you'll realize that it is a rather enjoyable game."
"With all our opponents vanquished, we can now proceed to play a normal game of Bedwars."
"Do remember to enjoy Dungeon and Dragons and don't forget to have so much fun playing with all of your friends."
"Once you reach some of the main quest points and kind of get a better sense for the structure of the world... the exploration becomes fun." - Zachary
"Final verdict is that this is a really fun one to play with."
"It's a little bit silly, you know, that's one of the things I absolutely love about Sims."
"Once you learn the basics, the game becomes super fun and you just want to play more and more of it."
"This game is great, it's super satisfying and replayable."
"This is so fun and the structure of it just seemed to work."
"I actually like this concept a lot... made every duel a little more unpredictable..."
"Yo, this game is actually so sick. Wow, it's actually difficult."
"This game's a blast I'm loving it I'm so much fun."
"Legends is not a cup of tea, it is my giant jug giant jagged teeth because it embraces how stupid it can be."
"Great, this is legit, this is fun and we're moving through it quickly."
"Honestly, it's one of the most effective stories I've ever come across in a role-playing game."
"It's going to be overall positive experience."
"It's so much fun it's beautiful it's wild the dynamic weather the race tracks all just feed into just this package that really is so much fun to play codes masters have knocked it out of the park with this one."
"It's almost like if you just shift your perspective to learning compared to winning you'll enjoy the game."
"It just kept being gorgeous and it kept being fun throughout the entire game."
"But ultimately they did deliver on a lot of the promises that they made at Bethesda and the RPG elements are good and I'm having a lot of fun with it and that's all that really matters to me man is that I'm having fun with it."