
American Economy Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"The average American is going to need one to two million dollars to retire comfortably."
"Seventy-six percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck."
"Americans have more opportunities, more options... It means more Americans have the dignity that comes with a good job."
"Most Americans can't afford a $300 emergency without going into debt."
"You put $1,000 in the hands of the average American who's just trying to make ends meet, and it's maximal impact."
"Seventy percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck."
"40% of Americans couldn't respond to a $400 emergency...sometimes the conversations we have...miss the forest for the trees."
"A recent survey from the Federal Reserve found that more Americans feel financially comfortable than any time since the survey began in 2013."
"Credit card debt for the American consumer is now back to an all-time high and it's increasing at the fastest rate really on record."
"I want to make America the most attractive place in the world for entrepreneurs, for small business, for big business, to invest and grow in America."
"Most Americans don't have $500... That's why his company is doing great. That's horrifying."
"Poverty in America is a concept that shouldn't be a thing. We are the richest nation in the world."
"The American economy is booming because we have a president who believed in less taxes, less regulation, unleashing American energy, and free and fair trade."
"The best is yet to come, we're literally just getting started in exploring the full potential of the American economy."
"America is built on the entrepreneur. If it wasn't for them, you wouldn't have a job today."
"I'm not worried about the quarter. I mean, for myself, I'm not worried about anything. But for the length and breadth of American wage earners and savers and for the strength of the US economy, I'm plenty worried."
"I want the American worker and the American, our American citizens to be able to get jobs."
"Let's get focused on the people, let's get focused on this American economy, and let's get focused on getting past COVID."
"More than 62% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck."
"World War II ended the depression and transformed America’s economy."
"BlackRock has been using their proxy voting to hobble U.S. companies, causing Americans to be burdened at a time when we can least afford it."
"This seems like a game-changer for American industry."
"America's share of global wealth is shrinking."
"Siemens Mobility makes metro cars, streetcars, light rail vehicles, passenger coaches and locomotives and has been manufacturing in the United States since 1984."
"We are going to see an auto sector grow on American soil where there will be more American jobs to be had."
"America would be better in a bitcoin standard world."
"The bottom line is, we have to get this done. This is how we recover and rebound and build a better economy than we ever have had in American history."
"Manufacturing and people who make things are the backbone of the American economy."
"The American economy is by far the largest in the world."
"The job growth that we have seen over the last three months, 9.3 million, is the single greatest period of job creation in American history."
"Americans are pulling cash from retirement savings to pay bills."
"We will enact fair trade deals that create American jobs and grow American wages."
"Business small business is the backbone of the American economy."
"There are a lot of companies coming up, and there's a need for manufacturing engineering in the U.S."
"61% of Americans are experiencing severe financial hardship due to high inflation."
"Only 44% of Americans can cover an unplanned emergency expense of one thousand dollars with 35% saying they need to borrow that money to get by."
"When you invest in funds like these, now what you're doing is you are essentially betting on the growth of the American economy. You're not trying to get rich overnight, you are just betting on the slow and steady growth of the economy."
"We are now enjoying the highest raises in human history in American history."
"In the United States today, we have the most unequal distribution of wealth and income since the 1920s."
"In America, wealth is built not through your salary but through equity."
"We're going to be a country that makes stuff, invents things, exports to the world. That's good for American jobs."
"It is so easy to start and run a business here in America."
"The majority of Americans cannot deal with a $400 emergency."
"The American people can remain confident in the soundness in the resilience of our financial system."
"We've married capitalism in America so closely together."
"But what I've come to learn is it's not just me. These days 35% of the American workforce, that's 55 million people, work as freelancers or contractors."
"Whatever happens here is dictated to by the big guys, specifically America."
"I just read a report that America is now in more credit card debt than ever before."
"This is an extraordinary period for America's economy."
"The dynamism of the American economy."
"In many ways, he shaped the American economy more than any other entrepreneur had before him."
"The fight against Black Monday is a struggle to find a new approach within the American economy that reconciles human needs and corporate needs."
"If you believe in the American economy... then the stock market should also follow that same path pattern."
"The American economy is by far the strongest in the world."
"Never bet against the American Consumer."
"The American economy is much larger, it's twice as large as it was three decades ago."
"We must also make American companies more competitive, so they can create more jobs and boost wages for American workers."
"A Capitalism for the People is, in my view, perhaps the best book on the current American economy, what's wrong with it, and what should be done."
"The simplest solution to most of America's problems is to create more entrepreneurs and do everything you can to get them to be more successful to invent the future."